This has GOT to be not real...
Joint Nordic airdefence? Joint Nordic airdefence!
It's not really worth listing every country since it seems to just be the norm lately, but by the day, more places are having arrest-on-sight mandates on Putin,
Austria outright says they'll send Putin to the Hague.
Ah, so yet another international alliance being struck up against Russia. Boy, if one of Russia's goals in Ukraine was to threaten other countries from bandying up with "the west" lest they face Russian aggression... they sure as shit failed, what with the heightened defense cooperation of the EU, the expansion of NATO to include countries that border directly on Russia, and now an increased allegiance between the abovementioned nations. Knowing now, more than ever, that Russia will have the capacity to do exactly jack shit all to them.
And to think, none of this would have happened if Russia hadn't stepped out of line. People would have been perfectly content to let Putin run his little dictatorship, abuse his people, and line the pockets of his oligarchs all while buying Russian gas and Russian resources and overall doing business in Russia. Nothing has united "the west" more in solidarity and singularity of purpose in a good long time than Russia's little ill-advised tempt at recapturing the "glory" of the USSR- an already failed nation.
How's this fitting into strong man Putin's master plan, @YUPPIE?
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Fantastic, the Tiger did fulfilled its task and detached the enemy from the objective. No enemy within half a mile to a mile, the infantery can walk up to the objective and take it without resistance.
True. But remember Tiger units in mid war did have a very high readines becsue of "high priority" in the logistic hierarchy. Late war then the logistic did go to hell, the readines level did go to hell to.
I doubt a long range escort fighter was particularly effective as a fighter bomber, and dedecated fighter bomber was NOT effective at taking out hard target like a tank. But they was very effective in taking out or stress out the infantery and logistic train that did suport the tank.
It is amazing isn't it? I mean putin wanted to be a Peter the Great, but instead turned into a failed Hitler and united NATO/The West like never before. This new joint airdefence has a respectable amount of planes with a good mix of F-35's, F-16's and Swedish fighters (no slouches at all.), I'm not counting the F-18's as they'll be decommisioned...or sent to Ukraine.
Catherine doesn’t carry the honorific of The Great without reason in how influential she were for Russia, she were instrumental in the Russian capture of what is now southern Ukraine as well as the partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth.
Putin could only wish he had such success at this time.
Last edited by DarkTZeratul; 2023-03-26 at 07:57 PM.
Heard theories that Russia is very desperate in Ukraine. Especially with Bakhmut and tanks on the way. That is why Iran attacking with drones in Syria this week. Their hope is that escalations will sway the US politically in the region.
so, what did Hitler succeed in besides causing death and ruination? He famously lost the game (world domination/new order), after all.
Putin seems to have lost the game as well, but he has doubtlessly caused death and ruination on a wide scale. He seems pretty identical to Hitler. What separates Putin from other dictators since Hitler to me is his aspirations for world domination rather than being content with lording over his little fiefdom. While Xi Jinping has caused destruction, he's yet to strike out globally the way Putin has.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
I really do wonder...Where do you get these insanely stupid takes?
Yes, Putin is bad and genocidal and dictatorial etc, but what sets Hitler apart from pretty much any dictator in modern history was the ideology of Nazism. The insane racial hierarchies, the industrialized wholesale mass murder of people as a strategic objective. Most other genocides are byproducts of other broader objectives, with the Nazis and Hitler the mass murder was the objective.
Putin's objective is the subjugation of Ukraine or parts of it and the elimination of Ukrainian national identity in favor of the adoption of a Russian one. In the process he's willing to murder an indefinite number of people to achieve said objective. Hitler just wanted to murder all Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Jews, Gypsies etc because they simply existed, that was the objective.
Can you please, please STOP FUCKING FANTASIZING ABOUT PUTIN, GENOCIDE AND NUCLEAR WAR? Everyone here is exhausted by your weird fetishes.
- - - Updated - - -
Sway in what way?
Get more US troops involved? Why would Iran want that, why would Iran want more US troops messing with the interests and bombing their shit? Get the US to leave the region and free up more assets to send to Ukraine? Why would Russia want that?
That makes exactly zero sense for anyone involved. The logical leap you have to make to connect Bakhmut to Syria is not a leap...It's lightspeed jump into a different solar system.
A succesful military campaign at first for one, his awful politics aside he actually did want what he thought was best for Germany and his domestic politics had merits: universal healthcare, discouraging smoking, and so on, it doesn't make him a good person but it's heaps and bounds better than the shithole putin is making of russia.