1. #29881
    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    "Friendly and allied" and "hosting nukes" are two vastly different conditions.

    Hosting nukes makes you a legitimate target for "preventive" first strike and retaliatory nuclear attacks. Most nations would have a hard time convincing their own populations that that would be a good idea. The nuclear weapons hosted in Germany, Japan and Turkey are relics of the Cold War in the sense that those were the "front lines" and "points of contact" between the West and the Communist block at that time, so having nukes there reduced the possibility of becoming the front lines of a shooting war.
    About as secret as the fact that Israel has nukes.

    Nobody formally admits to anything, but if you read between the lines of publicly available information on budget allocations, equipment purchases, what facilities are built and maintained, what versions of certain jets, planes etc a country has or buys or builds an expert on the matter can tell you down to the most minute detail what nukes a country has or houses.

    It's the kind of "secret" that's public knowledge with plausible deniability (in order to not have to sign up for international non proliferation treaties etc) where you actually kinda sorta want people (especially possible enemies) to know you have nukes as a deterrent.

  2. #29882
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    Again, it's about the potential, not whether its happening right now. I am well aware of the difference. Also, I'm now wondering how secret the nukes in the Netherlands were.
    The US nukes housed in the Netherlands is one of the most public 'secrets' that exists
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  3. #29883
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    The US nukes housed in the Netherlands is one of the most public 'secrets' that exists
    That's what I thought, so I was a bit surprised they weren't mentioned in the same breath with Germany, Japan and Turkey.

  4. #29884
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    That's what I thought, so I was a bit surprised they weren't mentioned in the same breath with Germany, Japan and Turkey.
    There are a number of other NATO countries that also share nukes with the US, namely Belgium and Italy.

    The distinction for Germany and Turkey is that the nukes are actually part of those countries national defense strategies, meanwhile the nukes in Italy, Belgium, Netherlands are more part of NATO's broader defense strategy.

    The nukes in Japan are a bit more complicated as they are part of the US guarantee for Japanese security that is essentially written into the Japanese constitution which broadly prohibits Japan from developing serious offensive or expeditionary capabilities (tho this is becoming less and less the case).

    Germany, Japan, Turkey are also discussed more often because people don't really understand how strategic nuclear weapons and maps in general work. The average Russian looks at a map and thinks it's easier to deliver a nuke from Rammstein or Turkey to Moscow than from a nuclear silo in Iowa. Same for Japan, just replace Russia with China and Iowa with Montana.

  5. #29885
    Interesting, soon the Dutch Army has to awnser to the german army.. It keeps merging there units more and more with germany's army...

    Does that mean that the Netherlands will be a part of Germany soon? :kappa:

  6. #29886
    Quote Originally Posted by Fuiking View Post
    Interesting, soon the Dutch Army has to awnser to the german army.. It keeps merging there units more and more with germany's army...

    Does that mean that the Netherlands will be a part of Germany soon? :kappa:
    Holy roman empire is returning!

  7. #29887
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fuiking View Post
    Interesting, soon the Dutch Army has to awnser to the german army.. It keeps merging there units more and more with germany's army...

    Does that mean that the Netherlands will be a part of Germany soon? :kappa:
    No, it means Germany will soon be the thirteenth province of the Greater Netherlands.

    And I just realised how tacky that sounds in this thread. Oops.

  8. #29888
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    No, it means Germany will soon be the thirteenth province of the Greater Netherlands.

    And I just realised how tacky that sounds in this thread. Oops.
    we invaded no one then tho :kappa:

  9. #29889
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fuiking View Post
    we invaded no one then tho :kappa:
    True, also for funsies, we Dutch did have plans for annexations of German territory after WWII:


    Nothing came of it of course. I believe we in the end annexed 70 square meters. or something silly like that.

  10. #29890
    Well that didn't take long for muscovy to start becoming a Chinese vassal - students at the Moscow institute of physics and technology now have to learn Chinese in order to graduate, while European languages are to
    be scrapped.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Russia is now saying Finland and Sweden are a legitimate target for retaliatory measures, including military ones, if they join NATO.


    This after long saying it didn't matter.

  11. #29891
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Well that didn't take long for muscovy to start becoming a Chinese vassal - students at the Moscow institute of physics and technology now have to learn Chinese in order to graduate, while European languages are to
    be scrapped.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Russia is now saying Finland and Sweden are a legitimate target for retaliatory measures, including military ones, if they join NATO.


    This after long saying it didn't matter.
    I imagine everyone's reaction is a yawn followed by "fuck around and find out".
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  12. #29892
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    What are they gonna do, roleplay yet more invasions of Gotland on state TV?

  13. #29893
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Well that didn't take long for muscovy to start becoming a Chinese vassal - students at the Moscow institute of physics and technology now have to learn Chinese in order to graduate, while European languages are to
    be scrapped.

    I mean, I need to learn Swedish to graduate university here in Finland, because I count as a Finnish speaker, so I'm *slightly* sympathetic. XD (also English but eh, I can speak that reasonably well...)

    Russia is now saying Finland and Sweden are a legitimate target for retaliatory measures, including military ones, if they join NATO.


    This after long saying it didn't matter.
    russia lies, what else is new? Not as if they can do much in the case of Finland, Niinistö signals that he thinks Turkey will ratify on Thursday.

    While nobody says anything without kremlin approval (probably) I do want to point out that this is a statement from the russian ambassador, NOT by a spokesperson of the Kremlin or by putin. (according to the article)
    Last edited by Iphie; 2023-03-29 at 03:41 PM.

  14. #29894
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    I mean, I need to learn Swedish to graduate university here in Finland, because I count as a Finnish speaker, so I'm *slightly* sympathetic. XD (also English but eh, I can speak that reasonably well...)

    russia lies, what else is new? Not as if they can do much in the case of Finland, Niinistö signals that he thinks Turkey will ratify on Thursday.

    While nobody says anything without kremlin approval (probably) I do want to point out that this is a statement from the russian ambassador, NOT by a spokesperson of the Kremlin or by putin. (according to the article)
    An ambassador is a direct spokesperson for their government. So while its not a direct communication from the Kremlin its basically the next best thing.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  15. #29895
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    I imagine everyone's reaction is a yawn followed by "fuck around and find out".
    I know several people who's reaction is cautiously optimistic and hopeful erection.

  16. #29896
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorsameth View Post
    An ambassador is a direct spokesperson for their government. So while its not a direct communication from the Kremlin its basically the next best thing.
    Tell that to the Polish ambassador to France. Yes an ambassador is supposed to be that but that doesn't mean they don't sometimes say stupid things not in line with the official party line.

  17. #29897
    So, imagine you're a Russian who isn't completely and totally brain dead. You actually might even like Putin, and even think that this "special military operation" was a good idea at the start.

    But here you are.

    13 months in. You're mostly cut off from the West, your economy is sketch as fuck, energy sales are not dead but are being sold under cost of production, NATO has expanded, it is clear that nobody in Europe gives a single flying fuck about the constant nuclear and military saber rattling coming out of the Kremlin and nobody gives a fuck about appeasing you anymore, hundreds of thousands of your most skilled and educated laborers have left the country.

    In exchange, you got...some empty land in eastern Ukraine that has been pretty much glassed from orbit by this point, a massive economic sink, tens of thousands of your countrymen dead, hundreds of thousands injured or mobilized.

    Like wtf.

  18. #29898
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    So, imagine you're a Russian who isn't completely and totally brain dead. You actually might even like Putin, and even think that this "special military operation" was a good idea at the start.

    But here you are.

    13 months in. You're mostly cut off from the West, your economy is sketch as fuck, energy sales are not dead but are being sold under cost of production, NATO has expanded, it is clear that nobody in Europe gives a single flying fuck about the constant nuclear and military saber rattling coming out of the Kremlin and nobody gives a fuck about appeasing you anymore, hundreds of thousands of your most skilled and educated laborers have left the country.

    In exchange, you got...some empty land in eastern Ukraine that has been pretty much glassed from orbit by this point, a massive economic sink, tens of thousands of your countrymen dead, hundreds of thousands injured or mobilized.

    Like wtf.
    Ye well, reality check is a bitch and Russia not so stronk after all. I feel zero sympathy for them.
    Last edited by Makabreska; 2023-03-29 at 05:37 PM.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  19. #29899
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fuiking View Post
    Interesting, soon the Dutch Army has to awnser to the german army.. It keeps merging there units more and more with germany's army...

    Does that mean that the Netherlands will be a part of Germany soon? :kappa:
    The German professor at the college I attended referenced something similar "You'd think by now French would be a dialect of German."
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  20. #29900
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