1. #31601
    Quote Originally Posted by Cynical Asshole View Post
    Yeah...kinda hard to sell war to your own people when they are not directly affected.

    Spending public money to assist Ukraine is one thing, sending soldiers to die is a whole different thing and it won't be seen favorably by the voters. Once those body bags start arriving, and the mothers and wives start appearing crying on TV, the favorability of the current party in power will drop like a rock in a pond.

    I mean Bush Jr. had to demolish two tall towers with people still inside them in order to motivate people to support his aggressive oil drilling in another country.
    It's not a hard sell at all when there is already large scale voluntary support. Furthermore there are some key Eastern European countries that I'd bet my nuts for that they'd partake, primarily Poland who have already in the past said it might be necessary for them to send troops if situation worsens.
    Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.

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  2. #31602
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Truth be told, I'm a bit baffled that the current signs point towards Ukraine trying to push towards Luhanks and Donetsk. I would have imagined their next step was to cut the land bridge to Crimea.
    Could be that they think the rest of the Donbas would be harder to recapture if done after Russia no longer holds a wider front along the corridor down to Crimea, and wants to get that done first, but what’s going on so far seems to be mostly probing attacks still.

  3. #31603
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    In a way it is cutting the land bridge... just more ambitious than expected.
    Quote Originally Posted by zealo View Post
    Could be that they think the rest of the Donbas would be harder to recapture if done after Russia no longer holds a wider front along the corridor down to Crimea, and wants to get that done first, but what’s going on so far seems to be mostly probing attacks still.
    Could be, but I might just have been too jumpy. There are now some reports of Russians abandoning defensive positions north of Melitopol.

  4. #31604
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Truth be told, I'm a bit baffled that the current signs point towards Ukraine trying to push towards Luhanks and Donetsk. I would have imagined their next step was to cut the land bridge to Crimea.
    That would be obvious so best not to.

  5. #31605
    After Storm Shadow missiles absolutely decimated a Russian military base today, the Kremlin threatened the UK again. UK's response is to only escalate the aid Ukraine receives.

    Ukraine is believed to have retaliated against the occupiers by targeting the Luhanskteplovoz, which is currently being used as a repair base for Russian equipment.

    The former locomotive works was reportedly looted by Russian forces in 2015 before being transformed into a military post. It is now in ruins.

  6. #31606
    The Lightbringer D Luniz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Truth be told, I'm a bit baffled that the current signs point towards Ukraine trying to push towards Luhanks and Donetsk. I would have imagined their next step was to cut the land bridge to Crimea.
    between the flooding, and the canal that carries fresh water to Crimea shut off again (orcs -2 INT penalty) Crimea is back to being a logistical sink. Cause if the bridge is choked with water tankers, that's NOT military supplies being moved. Its in Ukraine's favor to lock off the other routes now.
    "Law and Order", lots of places have had that, Russia, North Korea, Saddam's Iraq.
    Laws can be made to enforce order of cruelty and brutality.
    Equality and Justice, that is how you have peace and a society that benefits all.

  7. #31607
    Russia, and more specifically Putin, are being charged with ecocide in Ukraine at the moment (LIVE). It's being stated the damage they caused with Kakhovka is "unfathomable"

  8. #31608
    Herald of the Titans enigma77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    Russia, and more specifically Putin, are being charged with ecocide in Ukraine at the moment (LIVE). It's being stated the damage they caused with Kakhovka is "unfathomable"
    I'm sure that will give him pause.

  9. #31609
    Quote Originally Posted by enigma77 View Post
    I'm sure that will give him pause.
    Do you not see what's wrong with the sarcastic reply you just gave? It's basically just an admittance to the fact Putin will just not give a shit because nothing will likely happen in response. And he knows it. That's why he keeps doing this.

    So will the West just decide enough is enough ? Because as evident from the article cited last page, NATO is losing its patience.

  10. #31610
    Herald of the Titans enigma77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    Do you not see what's wrong with the sarcastic reply you just gave? It's basically just an admittance to the fact Putin will just not give a shit because nothing will likely happen in response. And he knows it. That's why he keeps doing this.

    So will the West just decide enough is enough ? Because as evident from the article cited last page, NATO is losing its patience.
    The West will keep supplying Ukraine until Russia is pushed back to Russia. Russia will not launch a nuclear strike because doing so is suicide and the Russian kleptocrats do not want to go up in smoke. There will be much saber rattling and angst.

    Maybe there will be some kind of civil war inside Russia.

    The worst case scenario is a stalemate.

  11. #31611
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    So will the West just decide enough is enough ? Because as evident from the article cited last page, NATO is losing its patience.
    We'll decide when our population is willing to lose cities and die for NATO's eastern expansion. (Which i don't see it happening anytime soon - at least for the majority of countries).

  12. #31612
    Those Russian Freedom Legion guys? They are reportedly still holding a patch of Belgorod including some villages and taking POWs, and russia is unable to get rid of them after more than a week.

  13. #31613
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Those Russian Freedom Legion guys? They are reportedly still holding a patch of Belgorod including some villages and taking POWs, and russia is unable to get rid of them after more than a week.
    Imagine if the Chechens decided to give it a go again.

  14. #31614
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Imagine if the Chechens decided to give it a go again.
    Wouldn't that be a shame.

  15. #31615
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Wouldn't that be a shame.
    Given the crazy level of violence, it would be a shame. Just saying, at least that front is seemingly secure. I am guessing it is highly unlikely for them to be upset given that the present situation affords the psychopaths in control there a decent standard of living compared to what they had before.

  16. #31616
    Anyone following the counter offensive? I am reading about heavy battles / loses from both sides. Poor souls, this war needs to end already ffs.

  17. #31617
    Russia could withdraw and it's all over. Easy. The other option is to kill them.

    Right now the only info comes from russian sources - Ukraine are maintaining very tight opsec, just like at Kharkiv and Kherson. On both those occasions, russia reported inflicting heavy losses before collapsing and running. All we know is that Ukraine is pushing the russians back.

  18. #31618
    Over 9000! zealo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    Anyone following the counter offensive? I am reading about heavy battles / loses from both sides. Poor souls, this war needs to end already ffs.
    Only way this needs to end is Russia pulling back behind where the 1991 border was.

    Anything less than that is just kicking the can down the road when it has already escalated into a full blown war.

  19. #31619
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    Poor souls, this war needs to end already ffs.
    I don't feel bad for the Russian "poor souls" that are looking to genocide another people just so their leader can feel like a man in the last few years of his life again. I feel bad for the actual poor souls, the Ukrainians, who are trying to survive another day and push back the Russian Nazis. The war can end when either Russia pulls back or, a bit more likely, Putin is dead.

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  20. #31620
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    Anyone following the counter offensive? I am reading about heavy battles / loses from both sides. Poor souls, this war needs to end already ffs.
    The Russians are free to withdraw whenever they want if they don't want to die.

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