1. #3181
    Quote Originally Posted by alkyd View Post
    He did show interest after all.

    That was Putin in 2000 before all the colored revolutions started around Russia.
    That doesn't mean much if he didn't go forward and push for it. "It'd be cool if" does not an official policy make.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  2. #3182
    The Lightbringer uuuhname's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyuna View Post
    Remember the part when Putin invaded Ukraine when Trump was in office?

    Oh wait..

    Let's go Brandon.
    really, pathetic to pretend as if the Orange man would do anything besides cheer Putin on. like, he's doing it right now.

  3. #3183
    Quote Originally Posted by Reyuna View Post
    Let's go Brandon.
    Who's Brandon and what to they have to do with Putin ordering the invasion of Ukraine?

  4. #3184
    Quote Originally Posted by zealo View Post

    This thread could also probably do with a name change - Whether Russia will attack Ukraine is no longer a hypothetical.

    Was meaning to once I cleaned up a bit.

  5. #3185
    Pandaren Monk wunksta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyuna View Post
    Remember the part when Putin invaded Ukraine when Trump was in office?

    Donald Trump said Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin won’t make a military move into Ukraine – even though Putin already has done just that, seizing the country’s Crimean Peninsula.

    “He’s not going into Ukraine, OK, just so you understand. He’s not going to go into Ukraine, all right? You can mark it down. You can put it down. You can take it anywhere you want,” Trump said in an interview on Sunday with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on “This Week.”

    “Well, he’s already there, isn’t he?” Stephanopoulos responded, in a reference to Crimea, which Putin took from Ukraine in early 2014.

    Trump said: “OK – well, he’s there in a certain way. But I’m not there.

    In the 24 hours after Russian ships opened fire on and seized three Ukrainian vessels near Crimea, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a spokesman for British Prime Minister Theresa May, the foreign ministers of Germany, the UK and Canada, European members of the Security Council, including France, Sweden, Poland, the Netherlands and the UK, as well as several US lawmakers expressed grave concern and called for a de-escalation.

    During that time, the President and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo remained silent on the serious escalation in tensions between the two countries. After Trump spoke to reporters, a day and a half after the confrontation, Pompeo released a statement expressing “deep concern,” condemning Russia and calling for restraint from “both parties.”

  6. #3186
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    Was meaning to once I cleaned up a bit.
    As a suggestion; maybe edit the OP with a note about the change, and a link to where the current invasion started? So new people opening the thread see the immediate redirect to current stuff, rather than the months of hypothetisizing over dozens of pages?

    Obviously not a major issue, but could help pre-empt some confusions, if you've got a moment.

  7. #3187
    The Patient
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slant View Post
    Try talking to Americans instead of about them. What they really want is for everyone to just stop being retarded.
    The problem with this quote is the problem concerning everything right now, that is we all have a differing definition of what the word "retarded" means. To some Russia invading is that word, to others the "Woke" crowd is that word. As an American even me self censoring that word "Retarded" is prove that over 10 to 15 years the culture you live in changes you, since even 10 years ago I would have flung that word around with out care, and more importantly without fear of consequence because these days even if true you get fucked.

    We all have differing versions of what words mean these days, and the less impressionable of the under 35 to 40 year old crowd think their the new definition of words they have been taught are reality when it is not because those definitions have taken human nature out of the equation and replaced it with what we all want humans to be, sadly we are not there yet and given that we have tried to suppress our animal nature for 80 odd years, this is what we get, a new war that will show the entire world that the leaders countries that did not forget that we are animals and will pounce upon weakness and remind the rest of the world that all animals fight. Be it over territory, resources, or at the basest level the woman/man we want to fuck, animals take what they want if they think they can and a good portion of the world has tried to move past that a bit too soon because half the world does not agree yet.

    This is why the world after 80 years is now going through this, and trust me the current battle is just that, a battle not the war that will come. This battle is just the opening act to the war that is now starting.

    We now get to see, according to Darwin, who is going to be right for the next century.

  8. #3188
    Quote Originally Posted by Endus View Post
    As a suggestion; maybe edit the OP with a note about the change, and a link to where the current invasion started? So new people opening the thread see the immediate redirect to current stuff, rather than the months of hypothetisizing over dozens of pages?

    Obviously not a major issue, but could help pre-empt some confusions, if you've got a moment.
    Good point, thank you.

  9. #3189
    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    Good point, thank you.
    Angemon saves the title.

  10. #3190
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    That was before Russia invaded...
    Yes that is the whole point. They started the process to join NATO and then Russia invaded. It was not a coincidence.

  11. #3191
    One again, the Russian government is led by a murderous asshat. Meanwhile, right-wing asshats from across my own country are now praising him.

  12. #3192
    Quote Originally Posted by Antipathy1018 View Post
    The problem with this quote is the problem concerning everything right now, that is we all have a differing definition of what the word "retarded" means. To some Russia invading is that word, to others the "Woke" crowd is that word. As an American even me self censoring that word "Retarded" is prove that over 10 to 15 years the culture you live in changes you, since even 10 years ago I would have flung that word around with out care, and more importantly without fear of consequence because these days even if true you get fucked.

    We all have differing versions of what words mean these days, and the less impressionable of the under 35 to 40 year old crowd think their the new definition of words they have been taught are reality when it is not because those definitions have taken human nature out of the equation and replaced it with what we all want humans to be, sadly we are not there yet and given that we have tried to suppress our animal nature for 80 odd years, this is what we get, a new war that will show the entire world that the leaders countries that did not forget that we are animals and will pounce upon weakness and remind the rest of the world that all animals fight. Be it over territory, resources, or at the basest level the woman/man we want to fuck, animals take what they want if they think they can and a good portion of the world has tried to move past that a bit too soon because half the world does not agree yet.

    This is why the world after 80 years is now going through this, and trust me the current battle is just that, a battle not the war that will come. This battle is just the opening act to the war that is now starting.

    We now get to see, according to Darwin, who is going to be right for the next century.
    Are you serious right now? We get to see this "now"? Jesus. You people really don't care whats been happening in the middle east and Libya in the past 2 decades, do you?

  13. #3193
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Man, why would former Russian satellites be suspicious and skeptical of Russia? Might it have something to do with firsthand experience or something?
    Guess whose soldiers I lived across the street from while growing up in non-Russia.

  14. #3194
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    One again, the Russian government is led by a murderous asshat. Meanwhile, right-wing asshats from across my own country are now praising him.
    I doubt this will happen with the majority of people who are right-leaning. This invasion will create a deluge of nationalism that'll be counterreactionary towards Russias imperialism. A clash of nationalism, so to speak.

  15. #3195

  16. #3196
    The Patient
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xilurm View Post
    Are you serious right now? We get to see this "now"? Jesus. You people really don't care whats been happening in the middle east and Libya in the past 2 decades, do you?
    If you think the build up of this and me just sitting back and watching, since there is fuck all any of us can do about it is a "Are you serious?" moment then you like me are part of the problem me for my apathy and you for your inaction or whatever. Me calling out that times are being decided right now because we tried to move past humans being animals too soon is not my problem. It is yours for not seeing it, and the weakness that people trying to overcome their animalistic nature have exposed because it was done too fast and too soon.

  17. #3197
    Everyone rightfully bitching at Putin, but what about Lukashenko? That slimy old fuck. He's culpable too.

  18. #3198
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    I doubt this will happen with the majority of people who are right-leaning. This invasion will create a deluge of nationalism that'll be counterreactionary towards Russias imperialism. A clash of nationalism, so to speak.
    That's very likely to be true, and much as I lament such a direction I could hardly blame them. Going the way of peace and moderation when there's an imperialist power at your doorstep is suicide. Europe is also definitely going to remilitarize to not be next on the chopping block.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  19. #3199
    UK banned Russia civil aircrafts over its space :S

  20. #3200
    Quote Originally Posted by qil View Post
    UK has balls. Can't say the same about Germany, Italy, Hungary...
    Because UK is less dependent on Russia's fossil fuels.

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