1. #3201
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qil View Post
    UK has balls. Can't say the same about Germany, Italy, Hungary...
    Germany stopped the NordStream 2 construction/certification process.

    That's a massive move considering how dependent they are on Russian gas. Sure it has the silver lining of pushing them towards renewables faster, but in the meantime that's a pretty ballsy move IMO.

  2. #3202
    If you don't think russia is making shit up, just consider how the molotov cocktail got its name:

    1930s Finland. Winter War.
    The Soviets are dropping cluster bombs in Finland
    Vyacheslav Molotov, the Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs, claimed these bombs were "humanitarian food drops"
    The Finns nicknamed the cluster bombs "Molotov Bread Baskets."
    So they made the Molotov cocktail as "a drink to go with the food."

  3. #3203
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Germany stopped the NordStream 2 construction/certification process.

    That's a massive move considering how dependent they are on Russian gas. Sure it has the silver lining of pushing them towards renewables faster, but in the meantime that's a pretty ballsy move IMO.
    Banning Russian airplanes from UK sky is about as easy as banning penguins from the north pole

  4. #3204
    The Patient
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    This thread, like every other thread on any forum, shows that this type of communication does not work. Either you get so focused on the 1 person out of everyone and make a delayed response to them ignoring everyone else or you are a god and can take in and respond to everyone. I see no gods here.

    Russia conquering like this is just the start. China is already invading Taiwan air space, if it even looks like Russia will win this Taiwan is next, and when you have about a 1/4 to 1/3 of the land mass and its governments doing this the question becomes how and what are you going to do to stop them?

    That is what will set the course of humanity for the next 100 years.

  5. #3205
    Been busy and I see the thread has moved like 50 pages over the past 2 days and I am betting a lot of that was feeding pigeons who were allowed to get away with shitting on the thread for a good deal of it.

    Outside of them invading while claiming they weren’t, the Germans blocking NordStream, Putin trying to air a prerecorded meeting over it and the Biden’s sanctions, anything new?
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  6. #3206
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Antipathy1018 View Post
    This thread, like every other thread on any forum, shows that this type of communication does not work. Either you get so focused on the 1 person out of everyone and make a delayed response to them ignoring everyone else or you are a god and can take in and respond to everyone. I see no gods here.

    Russia conquering like this is just the start. China is already invading Taiwan air space, if it even looks like Russia will win this Taiwan is next, and when you have about a 1/4 to 1/3 of the land mass and its governments doing this the question becomes how and what are you going to do to stop them?

    That is what will set the course of humanity for the next 100 years.
    China does not have the capability to invade Taiwan.

    Like. The physical capability. They just don't have the number of troop transport to do so in a meaningful way.

    Plus unlike Ukraine, all Taiwan has to do is point a gun to their semiconductor production facilities and use that as leverage.

  7. #3207
    Quote Originally Posted by Antipathy1018 View Post
    This thread, like every other thread on any forum, shows that this type of communication does not work. Either you get so focused on the 1 person out of everyone and make a delayed response to them ignoring everyone else or you are a god and can take in and respond to everyone. I see no gods here.

    Russia conquering like this is just the start. China is already invading Taiwan air space, if it even looks like Russia will win this Taiwan is next, and when you have about a 1/4 to 1/3 of the land mass and its governments doing this the question becomes how and what are you going to do to stop them?

    That is what will set the course of humanity for the next 100 years.
    It might take more. After all, it took major Western European superpowers a few hundred years to take this course. We just have to be content that it won't happen in our lifetime.

  8. #3208
    The Patient
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Been busy and I see the thread has moved like 50 pages over the past 2 days and I am betting a lot of that was feeding pigeons who were allowed to get away with shitting on the thread for a good deal of it.

    Outside of them invading while claiming they weren’t, the Germans blocking NordStream, Putin trying to air a prerecorded meeting over it and the Biden’s sanctions, anything new?
    Yeah most here are debating if WW3 is about to start while being myopic about everything else than where Russia just bombed or if NATO will get involved.

  9. #3209
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    Everyone rightfully bitching at Putin, but what about Lukashenko? That slimy old fuck. He's culpable too.
    If a street artist lets his monkey shit on you, do you bark at the monkey or at the keeper? Lukashenko is a puppet. Being angry at him is like being angry at the toddler for tearing down a supermarket's shelf while his mother is egging the toddler on.
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  10. #3210
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    Quote Originally Posted by alkyd View Post
    It might take more. After all, it took major Western European superpowers a few hundred years to take this course. We just have to be content that it won't happen in our lifetime.
    You are leaving out the advances in technology the last few hundred years. Up until 80 years ago it took days to weeks to get information. Now it is minutes if not seconds the "in our lifetime" goes to does it happen by Sunday now, if we are lucky.

  11. #3211
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    Everyone rightfully bitching at Putin, but what about Lukashenko? That slimy old fuck. He's culpable too.
    That bald Tuskarr is going under the radar for now.

  12. #3212
    It looks like the pro-Russian MPs in Ukraine are starting to taste their ascension to power and asking Zelensky to start negotiations with Putin, and are mulling to form a delegation to start negotiations with Russian parliament.

  13. #3213
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Anti-War protests already underway in Russia.

    Of course the Putin police is arresting as many of the protestors as possible, but I'm hopeful it's the start of bigger anti-Putin movement. With 150K+ troops away, I'm curious to see how what's left would handle mass protest.

  14. #3214
    @Slant maybe you germans should start pressuring your politicians for this shit: https://twitter.com/AmichaiStein1/st...5Es1_&ref_url=
    Amichai Stein
    EU officials tell me: At this point Germany and Italy are the main opponents for disconnecting russia from swift and this "key to decision" depends on them. And they are pressured to agree.
    There's also Cyprus as well I think with their dependence on corrupt russian olgiarch money.

  15. #3215
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Anti-War protests already underway in Russia.

    Of course the Putin police is arresting as many of the protestors as possible, but I'm hopeful it's the start of bigger anti-Putin movement. With 150K+ troops away, I'm curious to see how what's left would handle mass protest.
    They have another 800k or so to spare...

  16. #3216
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Anti-War protests already underway in Russia.

    Of course the Putin police is arresting as many of the protestors as possible, but I'm hopeful it's the start of bigger anti-Putin movement. With 150K+ troops away, I'm curious to see how what's left would handle mass protest.
    Enough. Police states always have enough guys to keep the local population under control. Have you seen how Russian police handles dissenters? It's brutal.
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  17. #3217
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Anti-War protests already underway in Russia.

    Of course the Putin police is arresting as many of the protestors as possible, but I'm hopeful it's the start of bigger anti-Putin movement. With 150K+ troops away, I'm curious to see how what's left would handle mass protest.
    The ministry of interior/internal affairs handles that.
    Last edited by Magnagarde; 2022-02-24 at 07:21 PM.

  18. #3218
    Quote Originally Posted by luc54 View Post
    @Slant maybe you germans should start pressuring your politicians for this shit: https://twitter.com/AmichaiStein1/st...5Es1_&ref_url=

    There's also Cyprus as well I think with their dependence on corrupt russian olgiarch money.
    I'm with you. I'd like to see them kicked out of SWIFT.
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  19. #3219
    Quote Originally Posted by Slant View Post
    Enough. Police states always have enough guys to keep the local population under control. Have you seen how Russian police handles dissenters? It's brutal.
    Let's be fair. Police in general everywhere, not just Russian, are brutal with dissenters.

  20. #3220
    The Patient
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    Quote Originally Posted by luc54 View Post
    @Slant maybe you germans should start pressuring your politicians for this shit: https://twitter.com/AmichaiStein1/st...5Es1_&ref_url=

    There's also Cyprus as well I think with their dependence on corrupt russian olgiarch money.
    That will go nowhere, because the reason Russia did this is because it has the EU in a vice grip over energy, just like they planned. Why do you think over the last few months the EU states started approving nuclear power plants and such? The thing is they started way too late for any type of energy independence from Russia.

    It is easy to shut down a pipeline like Nord 2 that is not up and running, it is much harder to shutdown what powers their nation right now.

    Edit: Spelling Errors

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