Unfortunately for your narrative, America is indeed part of NATO. And for them alone 200 bln to kneecap Russia is a bargain they'll take any day of the week.
Germany's pussy footing aside, the general opinion is indeed to keep sending aid, and that's not going to change for a long while no matter how much you might want it to. Because whatever it costs NATO, it costs Russia more and it has a far less robust economy that cannot replace losses in materiel easily, while NATO's military-industrial complex is chomping at the bits for an excuse to make more weapons. The US especially is not even close to being on a "war footing", whatever that's supposed to mean in a modern economy, and they're always the primary senders of aid because if there's one thing Americans know it's guns and gun accessories.
"Demilitarization" lol my man, stop reading Russia Today. Russia will run out of bodies before NATO runs out of weapons to proxy kill them with.