1. #34021
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    you yourself said if Russia falls, it would just divide into miniature warlord terror states each armed with nukes they stole from the fallout of the Kremlin.

    That's not an outcome anyone wants to look forward to.
    Ok, I'll humor you, I'm no longer scared of your avatar.

    You know why Russia must be defeated utterly? Because this Velikorossiyan imperialism needs to be removed from the Russian nation, just like that Prussian cancer which caused IIWW was removed from Germany. Russia for centuries remained the same: apathetic masses ruled by thugish aristocracy. Their "messianism" of Great Russia, Third Rome, Panslavism, etc. caused unspeakable harm to Russians themselves and every nation living around them.

    They need a hard reset so the medieval mentaility is purged out of their minds. They need to lose so badly in Ukraine so no Ukrainian war repeats in the future. And Ukraine needs to win as it is the clear victim. Fucking simple.

  2. #34022
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    What kind of feeling person doesn't want to see Russia fall?
    One who sees history more objectively and understands the global repercussions of any major world power 'falling'.

    I mean, look at history. Everyone can look at WW2 and say 'Nazis lost, who wouldn't want to see them fall?' But that's also how Russia came into power in the first place; being united against a common enemy and turning themselves from a supposed spattering of 3rd world nations into a unified world power. Power vacuums get tend to get filled, and not by the most noble of intentions.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Devonitar View Post
    They need a hard reset so the medieval mentaility is purged out of their minds. They need to lose so badly in Ukraine so no Ukrainian war repeats in the future. And Ukraine needs to win as it is the clear victim. Fucking simple.
    Easier said than done considering no other nation is really doing much more than 'support' in the matters. You want this to be a 'save the jews' situation of WW2, but this is not how Ukraine will be. This is more like 'Thoughts and Prayers for Hong Kong protesters'.

  3. #34023
    Scarab Lord Zaydin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    turning themselves from a supposed spattering of 3rd world nations into a unified world power. Power vacuums get tend to get filled, and not by the most noble of intentions.
    You misspelled "Eastern Europe was forced to join the USSR with Russians pointing a gun at their heads and a Russian jackboot on their necks".
    "If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers

  4. #34024
    Russia is not a major world power anymore. They can only project limited strenght toward much smaller neighboring countries, and even then they might fail.

  5. #34025
    Quote Originally Posted by zorkuus View Post
    Russia is not a major world power anymore. They can only project limited strenght toward much smaller neighboring countries, and even then they might fail.
    I guess depends on your definition of what a World Superpower is then.

    Our recent and current worldwide economic inflation is quite influenced by with the current events happening in Ukraine.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaydin View Post
    You misspelled "Eastern Europe was forced to join the USSR with Russians pointing a gun at their heads and a Russian jackboot on their necks".
    That's literally world history for most of the world.

    You think UK or US or China or any other world power was built on puppy dogs and rainbows?

  6. #34026
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    One who sees history more objectively and understands the global repercussions of any major world power 'falling'.

    I mean, look at history. Everyone can look at WW2 and say 'Nazis lost, who wouldn't want to see them fall?' But that's also how Russia came into power in the first place; being united against a common enemy and turning themselves from a supposed spattering of 3rd world nations into a unified world power. Power vacuums get tend to get filled, and not by the most noble of intentions.
    And China is eager to turn Russia into its vassal in that regard.

    And make no mistake, any and all "tragic collapse" that befalls Russia is entirely of their own making.

    Easier said than done considering no other nation is really doing much more than 'support' in the matters. You want this to be a 'save the jews' situation of WW2, but this is not how Ukraine will be. This is more like 'Thoughts and Prayers for Hong Kong protesters'.
    The difference being the "thoughts and prayers" the west is sending to the Ukraine are etched on the side of a HIMARS missile battery.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    I guess depends on your definition of what a World Superpower is then.

    Our recent and current worldwide economic inflation is quite influenced by with the current events happening in Ukraine.
    Unfortunate. However, countries directly affected by the shutdown of commerce with Russia are making noble strides in severing themselves from reliance on them.

    That's literally world history for most of the world.

    You think UK or US or China or any other world power was built on puppy dogs and rainbows?
    A trite and uninteresting point.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  7. #34027
    More bavovna in Moscow. A skyscraper under construction took a direct hit (though no doubt russia will say it shot it down and it crashed)

    - - - Updated - - -

    Yup, they claimed that.

    6th night in a row of drones over Moscow. Better get used to it.

  8. #34028
    The drone attacks have indeed been relentless on Moscow; today it was stated certain airports were on lockdown as a result of this.

    I'm genuinely wondering how Moscow has let these incursions go through and not go particularly all-out mode; they've at least tried to rationalize them to reduce panic.

  9. #34029
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    One who sees history more objectively and understands the global repercussions of any major world power 'falling'.

    I mean, look at history. Everyone can look at WW2 and say 'Nazis lost, who wouldn't want to see them fall?' But that's also how Russia came into power in the first place; being united against a common enemy and turning themselves from a supposed spattering of 3rd world nations into a unified world power. Power vacuums get tend to get filled, and not by the most noble of intentions.
    So Nazi Germany shouldn't have been allowed to fall either then? Epic take my man.

  10. #34030
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    So Nazi Germany shouldn't have been allowed to fall either then? Epic take my man.
    The point is we're damned if we don't, damned if we do. There is no outcome where 'evil gets defeated' once and for all. We just trades one corrupt regime for another, and the ones in charge always see themselves as doing things for the good for their people. That's human history in a nutshell.

    As terrible as things seem now, things can easily get worse when instigated. Like I said earlier, a mere war in the east has caused global inflation, and that's from a (proxy) war between just two countries. A downfall of Russia and a power vacuum? That could lead to ACTUAL war.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-08-23 at 04:49 AM.

  11. #34031
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    The point is we're damned if we don't, damned if we do. There is no outcome where 'evil gets defeated' once and for all. We just trades one corrupt regime for another, and the ones in charge always see themselves as doing things for the good for their people. That's human history in a nutshell.
    Press 'x' to doubt, no seriously there's been plenty of leaders of corrupt regimes who aren't in it 'for the good of their people'. (North Korea, several African nations, Marcos of the Philippines, etc.)

  12. #34032
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    Press 'x' to doubt, no seriously there's been plenty of leaders of corrupt regimes who aren't in it 'for the good of their people'. (North Korea, several African nations, Marcos of the Philippines, etc.)
    You read what I said right?

    See themselves doing it for the good of their people.

    Meaning intentional delusion. Which applies to a great many world leaders sadly.

  13. #34033
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    The point is we're damned if we don't, damned if we do. There is no outcome where 'evil gets defeated' once and for all. We just trades one corrupt regime for another, and the ones in charge always see themselves as doing things for the good for their people. That's human history in a nutshell.

    As terrible as things seem now, things can easily get worse when instigated. Like I said earlier, a mere war in the east has caused global inflation, and that's from a (proxy) war between just two countries. A downfall of Russia and a power vacuum? That could lead to ACTUAL war.
    So we shouldn't worry about what comes after Russia falls apart. Fuck the Russian state. It had its chance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    As terrible as things seem now, things can easily get worse when instigated. Like I said earlier, a mere war in the east has caused global inflation, and that's from a (proxy) war between just two countries. A downfall of Russia and a power vacuum? That could lead to ACTUAL war.
    First of all, dear vatnik shill, this is a war instigated by Russia and inflicted by Russia upon Ukraine. Yes, the US and EU aid Ukraine, but calling it a proxy war implies that it was started by someone else than Russia.

    Secondly, I don't give a single solitary fuck about what happens after Russia falls. My best guess is that China invades Siberia after the various republics break away from the Russian Federation, and I'm okay with that.

  14. #34034
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    The point is we're damned if we don't, damned if we do. There is no outcome where 'evil gets defeated' once and for all. We just trades one corrupt regime for another, and the ones in charge always see themselves as doing things for the good for their people. That's human history in a nutshell.

    As terrible as things seem now, things can easily get worse when instigated. Like I said earlier, a mere war in the east has caused global inflation, and that's from a (proxy) war between just two countries. A downfall of Russia and a power vacuum? That could lead to ACTUAL war.
    Sounds a bit defeatist tbh…

    Let’s not forget that while the worlds far from perfect, it has gotten WAAAAAY better in the past 200 years…

  15. #34035
    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    First of all, dear vatnik shill, this is a war instigated by Russia and inflicted by Russia upon Ukraine. Yes, the US and EU aid Ukraine, but calling it a proxy war implies that it was started by someone else than Russia.
    Never that simple. Ukraine has a politician in office who leans to the West. Russia warned Ukraine of what would happen of they tried to join NATO. Russia would never stand having a country with NATO forces at their borders. Their reaction was completely predictable. Not justifiable, but absolutely predictable.

    And this is basically a proxy war because which nation used their resources and agents to ensure Ukraine elected a politician who leaned towards Western ideals? I'll give you a clue, the same one that did this shit in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The cold war never truly ended.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-08-23 at 06:58 AM.

  16. #34036
    Quote Originally Posted by Veggie50 View Post
    Sounds a bit defeatist tbh…

    Let’s not forget that while the worlds far from perfect, it has gotten WAAAAAY better in the past 200 years…
    I think its important to remember this. Despite people like Trump, Putin, and African warlords trying to hold the world back, things have progressed and generally speaking people today live much better lives than 100 years ago. We are progressing with green tech, general education, and learning how to live healthier and better lives.

    I was almost certain that we were going to emerge from the pandemic as a smarter, more united world, because many countries worked together on vaccines and healthcare. Sciencists and doctors did what was unthinkable 50 years ago - designed a working vaccine in just a year.
    Of course Putin then ruined that, but for a time it did show that world was capable of working together. Thats the future I'm hoping for when this is all over, but unfortuately it does seem to be three steps forward, two steps back.

  17. #34037
    Quote Originally Posted by Veggie50 View Post
    Sounds a bit defeatist tbh…

    Let’s not forget that while the worlds far from perfect, it has gotten WAAAAAY better in the past 200 years…
    It's not defeatist, it's merely taking a good hard look at the global forecast as it stands right now. It's the reason the doomsday clock exists. It's a measure of the active and present dangers that can potentially trigger another world war/apocalypse

    And if Russia falls, that's a pretty damned big trigger. One that potentially involves nuclear weapons actually being used. Not to say it would have to happen that way, but like I said, just talking about the collapse of an entire nation that has access to weapons of mass destruction is absolutely alarming.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2023-08-23 at 06:40 AM.

  18. #34038
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Never that simple. Ukraine has a politician in office who leans to the West. Russia warned Ukraine of what would happen of they tried to join NATO. Russia would never stand having a country with NATO forces at their borders. Their reaction was completely predictable. Not justifiable, but absolutely predictable.

    And this is basically a proxy war because which nation used their resources and agents to ensure Ukraine elected a politician who leaned towards Western ideals? I'll give you a clue, the same one that did this shit in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The cold war never truly ended.
    So Ukraine had to roll over and accept the increasingly nasty commands from the Russians? lol dream on Russian shillbot kid.

  19. #34039
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    You read what I said right?

    See themselves doing it for the good of their people.

    Meaning intentional delusion. Which applies to a great many world leaders sadly.
    And I'm saying they don't give a damn about their people they are just looking out for themselves, putin isn't doing anything for the good of his people, Kim Il Jung doesn't care about his people, Marcos didn't care for his people. I'm pretty sure at least 2 out of those three are under no delusion they're looking out for their people.

  20. #34040
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Never that simple.
    It's extremely simple. The West doesn't invade Hungary just because there is some Putin lover at the top.
    So why did Russia do it?

    Russia would never stand having a country with NATO forces at their borders.
    And yet they already had a border with NATO, and honestly, what Russia doesn't like regarding NATO isn't worth a damn and totally random anyway.
    They literally expanded their direct borders with that "special operation" and that was predictable as well, wasn't it? So if that's the reason why Russia is on a genocide-spree, it makes no sense.
    And in Georgia, something similar is going on, which means the borders to NATO will get bigger.

    It has *nothing* to do with borders or whatever. Russia just wants to expand for more Lebensraum, because that idiot thinks he is Stalin or something.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; 2023-08-23 at 07:23 AM.

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