It's more complicated, which is relevant for this thread.
Azerbaijan is very friendly with Turkey (that they share a small border with), and Turkey is a NATO member.
Armenia (that has a longer border with Turkey - but a genocide is making the relations less friendly) was instead more Russian-friendly, but is now trying to get friendly with NATO as well/instead; including having US troops there last month -
The reason Armenia tried to shift is that Russia cannot protect them anymore, due to Russia being occupied with occupying parts of Ukraine and also the lack of strength shown there.
Based on the part above it's an even worse gambit.
Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.
"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988
Yes, SMER only got about 24%.
So, they will have to attempt to form a coalition goverment. I was curious whether the largest party usually forms the government and there's a messy story (without Germany's grand coalitions).
In 2020 OĽaNO (and anti-corruption party running against SMER) got the most vote with 25% and formed a coalition government.
In 2016 SMER got the most votes with 28% and formed a coalition government.
In 2012 SMER got 44% and the majority of seats in parliament (and obviously formed the government).
In 2010 SMER got the most votes with 35%, but instead an anti-SMER government was formed with five parties.
In 2006 SMER got the most votes with with 29% and formed the government.
So, only did the largest party not form the goverment and that government fell in half-time (in 2018 the leader of SMER fell in half-time due to a journalist killing).
The ties are even quite a bit stronger even than this. Armenia is a CSTO alliance member along with Russia and several other former Soviet states, which is very similar to the NATO alliance pact where an attack on one is an attack on all. Armenia made a call under CSTO for protection and Russia declined, which is why Azerbaijan was able to easily take Nagorno-Karabakh. It's not as easy as just switching sides when a country is in an military alliance with countries already at war.
And for Azerbaijan and Turkey, they are essentially sister states like Russia and Belarus or the US and Canada. Turkey helped Azerbaijan extensively in the last Nagorno-Karabakh war, pushing the line to assist militarily as far as they could without directly dropping bombs themselves or having troops on the ground. So that was another major hurdle to the West getting involved.
Because it's oh so hard to actually check the prices in Russia? Why do you have to go to 3rd party sources who are not from Russia? What, that Russian over WhatsApp call is gonna lie about the prices?
Here are the prices in Vkusno i Tochka 9 months ago. You can go and compare against the current ones (obviously combo offers are a thing). Inflation is visible and varies between products, but it is not what the claims are.
Why the professor is saying 60%? Because he either is lying (what, you think he couldn't?) or is an idiot or just making a large miscalculation. Take your pick.
Last edited by Makabreska; 2023-10-01 at 06:08 PM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
I can quote you high level generals "that... know a thing or two about wars" that were saying that Russia is run out of missiles, Russians ate fighting with shovels etc
I am not saying that inflation isn't high in RU, but hey it's high everywhere. But i think they'll manage, i mean they're worlds richest nation (in resouces) after all and what? something like 80% of world's population still doing business with them?
Last edited by Ulmita; 2023-10-01 at 07:36 PM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
What is it? Just 49 countries that are sanctioning Russia? And the big ones like China, India, Indonesia, Brazil etc ate not on that list, so it wouldn't surprise me.
Gas and oil is just some of the things they sell and they'll continue to sell. As we've seen, sanctions haven't stopped them.
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Irrelevant with the conversation but I came across a poll in Twitter that over 500k people voted. It was about who started the war in Ukraine. The results are surprising to say the list. It's like 50-50 between Russia and NATO (and imagine that Russians have no access to Twitter)
This shows a major public opinion shift. Are we getting tired of this conflict?
Fuels and energy products are 63% of their total export shipments. I see we went from "haha they will still buy Russia energy" to "haha their energy is not that important, they got other stuff!".
- - - Updated - - -
Yes, we are so tired. Time to abandon Ukraine, apologies to Putin and start making business with Russia again. Because this is totally not what are you trying to set up here, eh?
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
We putting bot-farmed "votes" from fucking Twitter back in the spotlight again to "prove" something?
Sure we're tired of the conflict, but when will YOU be asking Nazi Russia to fuck off from Ukraine, leave all the occupied regions and pay massive reparations for genocide? There's not even NATO as the option, you try to disguise the ever-present chronic USA-hate as "NATO", stop trolling.
I was trying to point out that besides the oil and gas which are still selling, they are also selling more products.
As for your second comment, you got me! I am trying to setup dropping the sanctions via mmo-champ
- - - Updated - - -
Bot farmed votes? Why the west doesn't have bots? Or are they a Russian only thing?
Are you pretending you don't know about bot farms utilized by people such as chinese or russian? And precisely because Twitter is such a breeding ground for bots manipulating simple votes, you can stop pretending Twitter is a source of a shift of any kind except russian losing even more as the propaganda fills in.
But hey, thats your modus operandi like fucking always. Always misdirect, always "debunk" facts with Twitter polls.
Do answer my question though, when will you ask Russia to fuck off so this horrible war can start ending?
But you still have to lie about NATO being in the shady poll of yours? The only way you want the war to end is to force Ukraine capitulate. Not once would you even dare to suggest that Russia is to blame as is the FACT. You sure like lying like russian cohorts are known from. I don't need you to fly to Moscow, although it'd help as you'd get to fight for your precious Russia instead of trolling in MMO-C trying to twist and manipulate even the most unreliable internet polls having options they do not.
You'll continue pretending Russia is stronk, how Russia is doing fine and are never losing, you'll continue to cry crocodile tears about peace that won't happen because of Russia, and Russia alone.
You can start your path to healthy life by stopping trolling, then find some russian telegram group to have your copium hookah den to gargle on Putin's dick.
No. It just shows that birds of a feather flock together. Fascists, conspiracy theorists, "America Bad" brain rotten morons etc.
The most successful effort so far to combat Russian propaganda which is mostly spread online, and especially on Twitter has been so far a decentralized grass roots movement broadly known as NAFO.
This speaks volumes about the fact that Western powers states still haven't figured out how to fix the institutional rot that was originally started by Rupert Murdoch and then propagated further by right wing interest groups that ruined our media and exploited the internet.
Fact is, we need a broad multi national effort to unfuck this, and having asshats like Musk hijacking a third of the internet is not sustainable.
Whatever someone says on X/Twitter, or Twatter as i call it, is about as truthful as what happens on Truth Social.. or whatever Ulmita tends to say.
If you have to use Twatter as a sign of changing feelings, your so fucking wrong Ulmita, thats like grasping for a tuft of grass after thumbling down the cliff. Halfway, on a unstable bit of rock.
It's just some India-hivemind anyway.
Look at some of the other "statistics" - the most random shit is chosen, just so that they can type "India No.1"
They use data from 20 years ago as well.
i.e. "Hours spent reading per person per week"
India No1 with 10hours
A country where 25% of the population can't read.
And the survey is from 2003.
Divorce rate
India: 1%
Portugal: 94%
Tell me someone wants to paint a certain picture without telling me someone wants to paint a certain picture.
Last edited by KrayZ33; 2023-10-01 at 09:20 PM.