False equivalence is the comparison between the Russian invasion of Ukraine to a home invasion; these are different scenarios. One is a geopolitical event and one is a criminal event that is on an individual level (and yes, Russia's invasion is illegal too, but different situation).
If my home were invaded and my life were in jeopardy, I would negotiate to save my life, then let law enforcement deal with the perpetrator later. Live to fight another day.
On a geopolitical level, there is no law enforcement to stop Russia, only negotiation. The USA is not law enforcement, despite the perceived role of being the world police; they have not kept the world safe (as evidenced by their actions in the Middle East and the aftermath). There's no such thing as 'live to fight another day' with a nuclear power like Russia.
On an individual level, there are cops to actually enforce the laws against criminals, so it is wise to take the L first because justice will catch up with them.
You keep saying this stupid thing. Why exactly should Ukraine give up anything to Russia? Why should they negotiate with a country which only has the sole purpose of killing your entire people? Why have you yet to answer this question?
Mods? Why do we allow this shit again?
Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.
"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988
russia really does want to go down the Handmaiden's Tale route - latest proposal by a member of the duma is that women imprisoned on minor charges can be released early to get pregnant. You can bet that is a short step from there to forcing them to do so.
russia is obsessed with birth rates. Its (official) fertility rate is just 1.49. Couple with their obsession with racial purity and they are getting desperate to bolster birth rates. There is also a push to completely ban abortion, even for rape victims - its far higher per capita than most places, 2.5 times Germany's and 3.5 higher than the US.
And the first reports on the NK shells have come back, via the russians, and it is that they are, not surprisingly, of poor quality. Some of the shells have the wrong dimensions causing the guns to explode trying to fire them.
The right wing is obsessed with birth rates.
Elon Musk, Orban, Russia...Tucker Carlson.
On a bit of a tangent, there's a bit of a political drama happening in Spain. The left wing government made some...questionable decisions, pardoning some Catalonian separatists in order to be able to form a coalition government after some practically hung elections recently.
The far right jumped on this, and they are trying to do their own Jan 6.
Of course, Tucker fucking Carlson showed up. He did a 30 min interview with the far right fascist leader of the Spanish Vox party (fascists).
In 30 mins they covered... "White replacement theory", "Narco Communism" and of course...Blamed everything on George Soros.
I swear, once you heard right wing talking points, you've heard them all and everywhere.
Last edited by Elder Millennial; 2023-11-18 at 11:29 PM.
The idiotic part there is that those seperatists are in jail on dodgy laws to begin with. So dodgy, that Belgium refused to exdradite one of them (Puigdemont) a few years ago. Having them released in itself does not seem unjust to me, but doing so in a political deal to get a majority parliament seems fishy at best and an absolute breach of the separation of power at worst. They basically painted a massive target on their own backs.
People who guise their bullshit in neutrality, the ever intolerable faux enlightened middle, always expecting the people getting shit on to back down.
Funny, that.
Not necessarily. They are the privileged people. They still continue to be rich and powerful even if the rest of the country and the economy is going down the drain. If they were to try to change the status quo it would introduce a lot of uncertain variables into the equation.
His whole inner circle does not want to find itself in a full out survival of the fittest even more so than it already is. I don't think they much long for the wild 90s all over again, so it's in their interest to keep him on the throne for a time being.
It does not help either that Putin and co. made sure to eliminate all viable alternatives one way or another. He will win without rigging the vote, simply because there won't be any real alternative for voters to pick.
Why is there a tragedy of war in Ukraine to begin with? Hmm...![]()
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
He wants a pause so he can build up for a new attack/war in a few years.
The more he starts getting desperate for a pause, the more he will say shit like that and get further and further so people will eventually go "oh, he's willing to give up some stuff - now he's honest" when in fact he isn't honest at all. He wants a pause to build up shit. That's his laser focus. He is REALLY good at manipulation, so it's important to keep the war going until he caves completely. He put himself in this situation.
Not mentioned in that article but other commentary on his ramblings point out he was still blaming everything on Ukraine.
yeah any pause in fighting in Ukraine is just Russia wanting to buy time to recoup and rebuild. The more Russia brings it up the more we should be pumping weapons into Ukraine because it means they are getting closer to cracking.
It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death