russia is pushing really hard in the information sphere of late, pushing a lot of untruths and mistruths and half-truths and using useful idiots to try and amplify it. They need support to Ukraine to stop because they are badly stuck. Problem is that while the US is having difficulties due to the useful idiots in the republican party, there is still support coming in. Finland just announced it is going to manufacture heavy artillery ammunition for Ukraine for starters, and a number of other European nations have made announcements in the last week of continuing support being sent.
November saw russia take some of its heaviest losses for the whole war, not just claimed losses but verified losses. And what did they get for a few tens of thousands of casualties? 4 square kilometers. For a month. At that rate it'll take 150 years to reach Kyiv. And casualties in the millions.
Speaking of - there seem to be a lot of russian soldiers missing. We know they invaded with 200K men, plus the Donbass puppets. As things bogged down, thew threw in almost their entire army, called up reserves, drained Donbass try of men, and sought volunteers. When that didn't work they mobilised 300k more men, took 100k more out of prisons and claim that this year had another 400k 'volunteers'. And yet they still only have 400k men in Ukraine. So somewhere along the line 600k+ men have disappeared.
They aren't being kept back training and they aren't manning the borders with NATO, so it is possible Ukraine's numbers may be close to truth. 300k dead, another 300k+ wounded and crippled.
This is a domestic issue for Israel. While US policy towards Israel (and other nations policy towards Israel) has a role in this overall, it remains a domestic issue for Israel and not some example of the west puppeteering states.
Damn, almost like the war in Ukraine and the war in Israel are to wildly different conflicts, between wildly different groups and with wildly different histories?
Though if you're going to invoke Kissinger I do hope you realize that most of this thread probably danced at the news of his death and he likely doesn't have many fans here. The dunks you think you're getting are seeming to be airballs.
Then I'd have to guess you've spent as little time paying attention to that conflict and the history there as you have the war in Ukraine. Not getting more into it than that as this is the Russia thread, my dude.
It's weird how you think the US, which is a shitshow itself, is actually also secretly manipulating all these nations around the world so expertly, secretly, and effectively.
Meanwhile, the US is struggling to pass a budget because the Republican party in control of the House spent 3 weeks picking someone to lead them and the best they could do on the other end was a continuing resolution.
Like, these theories are honestly so detached from observable reality they're hilarious.
The full pictures are there because the whole song and dance has been performed here and elsewhere a number of times. Don't get offended, as you like to say. It's just an observation that your opinion isn't as unique as you seem to believe.
American foreign policy isn't different from the policies of other powers like China or Russia. It's the classic realpolitik outlook of spheres and influence and crisis management (or causing a crisis and using it). The only real difference is that America's policies work more often due to 1. them being able to throw outrageous amount of resources at a problem compared to their peers, 2. having fairly reliable allies (mostly in Western Europe) and 3. usually accompanying their hegemony with actual benefits so that a fair amount of nations want to participate in it. It's no coincidence that, say, NATO keeps expanding, because the benefits of NATO are clearer the closer you get to Russia. It's no coincidence that those Asian countries that don't want to be influenced/conquered by China go to daddy USA instead. It's not about the media when it comes to higher level decisions, it's flatly because America, when it wants to, can be pretty good at showing why you should join its club, whereas others are mostly good at threatening people outside their club instead which isn't as effective most of the time.
When other powers try to add benefits to their sphere of influence, it tends to not work as well. China tried real hard with the Belt And Road business and propping out African infrastructure but the former is a massive investment money pit and the latter mostly served to trap underdeveloped countries with astronomical repayments.
Besides, going on about how bad the Americans are RE meddling on other's business in a thread about Russia outright trying to annex its neighbor out of imperialist motivations while using the most transparent bullshit as excuses is pretty gauche if you ask me. There's a thread about Israel right there where I'll definitely agree that America is not helping matters at all within the context of not only Palestine but the Middle East in general. The entire region's modern geopolitical landscape is built on one American foreign policy failure after the other across decades. It definitely shows them at their worst. But the thread is about Russia and Ukraine, which aren't in the Middle East.
It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia
The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.
If they have a grievance with NATO, then attack NATO. Invading a non-NATO country and committing heinous warcrimes there isn't going to win them any sympathy.
But we all know it's all just a bunch of bullshit to disguise their real agenda of degenerate imperialism. Like the "denazifying Ukraine" bs (an argument we haven't seen from them in a while btw, what happened to that huh?).
Last edited by zorkuus; 2023-12-06 at 04:08 AM.
As a reminder, its the 29th anniversary of the signing of the Budapest Memorandum, when Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons in return for guarantees on territorial integrity and security.
Just another example that russia hasn't signed a treaty it hasn't broken or planed to break.
Oh, it wasn't just nukes they gave up, but 44 heavy bombers and more than 1000 cruise missiles.
Last edited by Corvus; 2023-12-06 at 04:22 AM.
Again: it wasn't putin who signed that memorandum, it was Yeltsin.
I am all for blaming russia but let's not pretend putin is such a master manipulator that he manipulated things so far back before he even became a name in politics. At the time of signing all parties may very well have been committed to it.
That is not to say I trust the current regime obviously, just that people need to get their time line in order.
"My successes are my own, but my failures are due to extremist leftist liberals" - Party of Personal Responsibility
Prediction for the future
This thread is about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Please keep other topics in their own relevant threads.
Shame that this has been allowed to happen. Russia really needs to be handled. The world has essentially just shown them, they can get away with murder and we'll barely lift a finger......AGAIN
You mean this guy? This collaborator?
The guy who bounced around a bunch of right wing political parties, including Right Sector and eventually became Medvechucks lackey and who on the same day as the invasion started expressed support for the invasion, then fled the country, then went to Russia and askedfor Russian citizenship.
The same guy who said the Russians should nuke Ukraine and who was a mainstay on Russian media denying Ukraine's existence as an independent nation?
That guy?
So you now dropped the whole "fog of war" act and went full 100% Vatnik. Nice of you.
You're like that guy who in 1942 would go like ...
"The Czech's are now assassinating poor German police officers. Those BARBARIANS!" - That's you.
Last edited by Elder Millennial; 2023-12-06 at 06:50 PM.