1. #37241
    Pandaren Monk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Well when the us announced they were putting nukes in the Uk, russua announced they were putting nukes in space. If Nato puts boots on the ground in Ukraine then be prepared for russia to respond by perhaps putting a large army in cuba or something of that sort.

    But russia won't allow nato to just assemble an army in Ukraine without consequences
    What army? Theirs is bled dry in Ukraine

    Russian red lines are as irrelevant as your bad takes. Russia thought they could invade Ukraine without consequences, now they sure as fuck wished they had not.

  2. #37242
    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post
    What army? Theirs is bled dry in Ukraine

    Russian red lines are as irrelevant as your bad takes. Russia thought they could invade Ukraine without consequences, now they sure as fuck wished they had not.
    Well there's no place to even begin to discuss this with you if you are that misinformed. I suggest you get better news sources.

  3. #37243
    Pandaren Monk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Well there's no place to even begin to discuss this with you if you are that misinformed. I suggest you get better news sources.
    Yeah, like your Facebook russian telegram bloggers. You heard it here, Kokolums of MMO-C has the real news, the rest of the civilized world is wrong!

  4. #37244
    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Well when the us announced they were putting nukes in the Uk, russua announced they were putting nukes in space.
    They did? Do you have a citation for that?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    If Nato puts boots on the ground in Ukraine then be prepared for russia to respond by perhaps putting a large army in cuba or something of that sort.
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Especially given that I'm sure many people will take France unilaterally deciding to commit troops (potentially) as a NATO action given that France is a member. Conveniently ignoring that NATO members can take military actions outside of the constraints of their NATO membership and all.
    Lemme just take a moment to call myself Miss Cleo.

    But anyway, read my post.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    But russia won't allow nato to just assemble an army in Ukraine without consequences
    I'm not informed enough to have a real confident opinion here, but I'm thinking that especially with some of the recent additions Russia would find them hard-pressed to in a conventional fight against sizable NATO forces, especially without moving troops and machines out of Ukraine (or redeploying to engage the NATO forces in Ukraine).

    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Well there's no place to even begin to discuss this with you if you are that misinformed. I suggest you get better news sources.
    "Just trust me, brah" is not a compelling argument.

  5. #37245
    "Just trust me, brah" is not a compelling argument.

    Thats what saradain just did. He responded to me with "trust me brah" you should talk to him not me.

  6. #37246
    Pandaren Monk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Thats what saradain just did. He responded to me with "trust me brah" you should talk to him not me.
    Considering the shit you've posted last 30 days you have to excuse everyone when they don't take you seriously. Want me to quote yourself to you so you can see the point of "trust me bro" takes you have?

  7. #37247
    Not sure Cuba would even want russian soldiers anymore.

    And yet another su34 has been claimed. That's 14 planes in 12 days. The su34 really is becoming endangered.

  8. #37248
    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Thats what saradain just did. He responded to me with "trust me brah" you should talk to him not me.
    Difference being your "trust me, brah" has worn thinner than tissue paper after your hundreds of "prophetic takes" from constant Civil Wars whenever anything happens to Trump to Russia invading the US and winning because........I don't quite remember which insanity you spewed that time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post
    Considering the shit you've posted last 30 days you have to excuse everyone when they don't take you seriously. Want me to quote yourself to you so you can see the point of "trust me bro" takes you have?
    Years, mostly the last eight. Constant conspiracies and shit.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  9. #37249
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    People just took all this death shit vastly out of proportion.

    The original comparison if I'm correct was that "learning Russian" is preferable to nuclear apocalypse.

    I understand the context of "learning Russian" there, but ultimately the point is that half the Europe was "learning Russian" for a good several decades and somehow things turned out fine in the end and not something death was preferable to.

    This is also how a good billion of people survive - hope for a better future alongside the fact that death is scary and them having responsibilities.
    Death is scary, so just learn russian!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Well when the us announced they were putting nukes in the Uk, russua announced they were putting nukes in space. If Nato puts boots on the ground in Ukraine then be prepared for russia to respond by perhaps putting a large army in cuba or something of that sort.

    But russia won't allow nato to just assemble an army in Ukraine without consequences
    Russia won't be able to do shit.
    Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.

    "People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988

  10. #37250
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Well when the us announced they were putting nukes in the Uk, russua announced they were putting nukes in space. If Nato puts boots on the ground in Ukraine then be prepared for russia to respond by perhaps putting a large army in cuba or something of that sort.

    But russia won't allow nato to just assemble an army in Ukraine without consequences
    Sure, and Russia can win this war any time it wants, right?

  11. #37251
    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Well when the us announced they were putting nukes in the Uk, russua announced they were putting nukes in space. If Nato puts boots on the ground in Ukraine then be prepared for russia to respond by perhaps putting a large army in cuba or something of that sort.

    But russia won't allow nato to just assemble an army in Ukraine without consequences
    Lmao. What is Russia going to do about the giant anime mechas we deploy on the moon if they put large numbers of troops in Cuba? Not to even mention the antimatter weapons Finland has been developing in secret, that we could literally teleport to Kremlin if we wanted to.

  12. #37252
    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post
    Considering the shit you've posted last 30 days you have to excuse everyone when they don't take you seriously. Want me to quote yourself to you so you can see the point of "trust me bro" takes you have?
    You are wrong. And stop trying to create flame wars. It solves nothing. Have a civil discussion instead.

  13. #37253
    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Have a civil discussion instead.
    You can't speak constant nonsense and expect people to speak civil-y about it. That's not how things work.

    Dontrike/Shadow Priest/Black Cell Faction Friend Code - 5172-0967-3866

  14. #37254
    Pandaren Monk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    You are wrong. And stop trying to create flame wars. It solves nothing. Have a civil discussion instead.
    Your mind sure spins out conspiracies all the time. With such a rate recently that one could say it happens very...liberally.

    I am wrong because you say so, but you are right because you say so. Ok. So enlighten us, when is Russia going to stop losing since they can win it at any given time? Why waste 400k+ soldiers?

    Civil discussion with someone making up civil wars and Texas uniting with Russia and infinite other nations to kill liberals...sorry, no, liberal nazis. Yeah, no thanks
    Last edited by Saradain; 2024-03-02 at 09:39 AM.

  15. #37255
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    You are wrong. And stop trying to create flame wars. It solves nothing. Have a civil discussion instead.
    Oh, oh! You are actually sticking around after posting deranged stuff! So answer me this - where are these Russina nukes that were supposed to flying towards USA last autumn?
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  16. #37256
    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post
    Your mind sure spins out conspiracies all the time. With such a rate recently that one could say it happens very...liberally.

    I am wrong because you say so, but you are right because you say so. Ok. So enlighten us, when is Russia going to stop losing since they can win it at any given time? Why waste 400k+ soldiers?

    Civil discussion with someone making up civil wars and Texas uniting with Russia and infinite other nations to kill liberals...sorry, no, liberal nazis. Yeah, no thanks
    Commies say: that particular class is priviledged and to fix it we need a powerful central government to rein them in, reap reparations and eventually throw them in death camps once we are powerful enough

    Nazis say: the same thing as commies but replace class with a race of people.

    Socialists say the same thing but instead of attacking a race or class they say: when you give us total control we will only do good with it PINKY SWEAR.

    Now you know the definitions. German nazis targeted the jews in the 1930s. In modern times, the global consensus is that liberals are now nazis targeting whites and putin speeches refer to this. The decision has been made. They are coming to kill what they view as liberal nazis and they aren't going to stop because we can't live in a world with nazis. Whether you agree or disagree with the definitions is irrelevant. I'm just informing you of the state of affairs.

  17. #37257
    Pandaren Monk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Commies say: that particular class is priviledged and to fix it we need a powerful central government to rein them in, reap reparations and eventually throw them in death camps once we are powerful enough

    Nazis say: the same thing as commies but replace class with a race of people.

    Socialists say the same thing but instead of attacking a race or class they say: when you give us total control we will only do good with it PINKY SWEAR.

    Now you know the definitions. German nazis targeted the jews in the 1930s. In modern times, the global consensus is that liberals are now nazis targeting whites and putin speeches refer to this. The decision has been made. They are coming to kill what they view as liberal nazis and they aren't going to stop because we can't live in a world with nazis. Whether you agree or disagree with the definitions is irrelevant. I'm just informing you of the state of affairs.
    Ok so you already decided you cannot be proven wrong even if you are wrong. And unhinged. If you want to get rid of nazis or nazi-like entities, start with Russia. But nah, you gobble up Putin's propaganda like Alex Jones loves to talk about gay frogs. Doesn't make it true no matter if your crush says utterly ridiculous statements.

    I'm glad to display to the entire thread and MMO-C alike how far from reality your posts are. Which is not hard given they can check your post history and see you really are deep in the rabbit hole. And your rambling is not much different from Putin, you can be asked about anything and you'll start with a history lesson that may or may not be utterly warped from actual truth as long as it fits your agenda.

  18. #37258
    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    When I think you can't possibly say anything dumber, you find a way to surprise me.

  19. #37259
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Not to even mention the antimatter weapons Finland has been developing in secret, that we could literally teleport to Kremlin if we wanted to.
    One can dream, but this would be such a nice one.

  20. #37260
    Quote Originally Posted by Kokolums View Post
    Commies say: that particular class is priviledged and to fix it we need a powerful central government to rein them in, reap reparations and eventually throw them in death camps once we are powerful enough

    Nazis say: the same thing as commies but replace class with a race of people.

    Socialists say the same thing but instead of attacking a race or class they say: when you give us total control we will only do good with it PINKY SWEAR.

    Now you know the definitions. German nazis targeted the jews in the 1930s. In modern times, the global consensus is that liberals are now nazis targeting whites and putin speeches refer to this. The decision has been made. They are coming to kill what they view as liberal nazis and they aren't going to stop because we can't live in a world with nazis. Whether you agree or disagree with the definitions is irrelevant. I'm just informing you of the state of affairs.
    And when do you plan on joining your komrades in killing the libcuck nazis? Or do you not have the guts to act? Come on over and give it your best shot! Should be a winwin for you. Either you get to kill libcuck nazis, or you fail and I'll throw you across the border myself to your dream land ruZZia. There you can serve your lord Putler the Greatshit at your pleasure.

    What say you?
    Last edited by Azadina; 2024-03-02 at 10:45 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jtbrig7390 View Post
    True, I was just bored and tired but you are correct.

    Last edited by Thwart; Today at 05:21 PM. Reason: Infracted for flaming
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    millennials were the kids of the 9/11 survivors.

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