1. #37281
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Kokolums used to just drop a single deranged post here and run away. Now for some reason he decided to linger and man, I did not miss that. This shit is not even funny. I do wonder a little how people like him operate IRL.
    A real banger was @Kokolums claiming that Governor Abbott of Texas was going to call on Russia and the other "non-woke bastion countries" to help defend Texas from Mexicans. Or him claiming that Russian-friendly South American nations would be used as a staging point for an invasion of the USA.

    One of the most aggravating things about these right-wing loons is that they never really say what they believe. You have to pick it apart through the crazy drivel and doomsaying to extract the things they glom onto most. Because he's not "predicting" those things will happen, he's hoping that they happen. What dangerous moronic world view is so scared of... I don't even know... that they delude themselves into believe this nonsense?

    Like, @Kokolums when you return from your forum vacation, I implore you... what aspect of "the left" has you so incensed that you're willing to believe literal insanity? Are you afraid of gay people? Minorities? Illegal aliens? "Socialism?" Can you show us on the doll where big mean leftists hurt you? Or did you just really not like that they made the latest star wars protagonist a girl and you just fell down the insane rabbit hole from there?
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  2. #37282
    Apparently there's some unrest in Russian colony of Ingushetia; there has been firefights between Russian military and local militias throughout the night. Hopefully unrest like this would spread along the minority groups.
    Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.

    "People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988

  3. #37283
    It was a minor thing, 6 militants only. Much as it would be good to see more unrest in the region, a lot of it is Isis related so as bad as russia is, the locals tend to prefer it to Isis.

  4. #37284
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Ukraine Matters posted they have reports of russian pilots refusing to fly sorties after the last few weeks of catastrophic losses. Not much other than hearsay at this point but it would explain why the skies are clear.

    Ukraine Matters

    (mind you Georgji is very pro-Ukraine and can get...passionate.)

  5. #37285
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    Ukraine Matters posted they have reports of russian pilots refusing to fly sorties after the last few weeks of catastrophic losses. Not much other than hearsay at this point but it would explain why the skies are clear.

    Ukraine Matters

    (mind you Georgji is very pro-Ukraine and can get...passionate.)
    This sprung to mind with the name Georgji.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  6. #37286
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    With all due respect, words are cheap.

    Previous poster is correct with his opinion about "all options are on the table". What Ukraine needs now is not "all options are on the table" and yet another pat on Zelensky's back with a round of applause, but actual ammo, weapons, equipment and money.
    I'd rather he gets another round of standing ovations to SS veteran.
    It was so fucking hilarious.

    Or another rocket to a nazi museum. Shukhevich's one is down, but there's more.

    - - - Updated - - -

    So, Vanalny has died.

    Me personally, I didn’t want him to die, rather, I had hoped he’d do all of his time, in as much misery and suffering as it’s possible within the confines of Russian judicial system.

    Anyway, casting gaze further back at the magnificent deeds he has accomplished, I cannot help but wonder out loud:

    1. He was a staunch nationalist, an imperialist, a regular at so-called “Russian Marches”, a firm believer in White Power, in “Russia for (ethnic) Russians!”

    2. He was a vehement opposer of the idea of losing Crimea, everyone knows his famous quote «Крым не бутерброд», or «Crimea is not a sandwich” in English.
    Grateful, decent and polite Ukrainian people, never failed to bring sandwiches to his memorials.
    Here are some of the comments said Decent, Grateful and Welcoming Ukrainian people said about Vanalny being dead:

    3. He likened and called Georgians to pests or critters, calling them «грызуны» in Russian, because in Russian, “Georgian” and “critter” sound very much alike. Not to mention supporting Russia in her defensive actions against georgians.

    4. He was a staunch, methodical homophobe and jewphobe

    To those who don't know Russian for some reason, he's saying, and I quote: "Ew, you're a faggot. Faggot, and a jude(a pejorative form of "jew" in Russian). Faggots get banned here. Not to mentions judes. Banned."

    While me personally, I had held him in uttermost, highest respect for the aforementioned qualities, one has to wonder, why would western “people” try to make Vanalny to be an icon of a freedom fighter, a figure to aspire to.
    It is quite peculiar how they try to paint him oh so noble-bright.

  7. #37287
    Quote Originally Posted by PgStckr View Post
    We get it, he was the Matt Walsh of Russia. Notice how the West is still superior by not undemocratically locking up him or his ilk up in Gitmo or trying to incompetently assassinate them?
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  8. #37288
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mekh View Post
    We get it, he was the Matt Walsh of Russia. Notice how the West is still superior by not undemocratically locking up him or his ilk up in Gitmo or trying to incompetently assassinate them?
    Not only that but, as far as I know, Navalny has mellowed out a bit after living in Germany for a bit. (which may have been a ruse to placate the West but either way he wanted to work with the West, not be an adversary.)

  9. #37289
    Quote Originally Posted by Mekh View Post
    We get it, he was the Matt Walsh of Russia. Notice how the West is still superior by not undemocratically locking up him or his ilk up in Gitmo or trying to incompetently assassinate them?
    I don't recall Navalny ever wanting to fuck children.

    He's pretty much a never Trumper. Might talk a good game and give the rest of us a good laugh but he's still part of the same rotten system. And like the never Trumpers in the US, he doesn't have any real power unlike the murderous bigot who's actually in charge of Russia.

    Unless of course this is all propaganda created by Putin. Who the fuck can tell?

  10. #37290
    The Lightbringer
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    Look behind you.
    Allegedly Russia is planning on discontinuing the Armata Tank due to costs. Will circle back when I can confirm something more substantial.

    Edit: Can't seem to find anything confirming reports of my hearsay at the moment, though I'm kind of just half assing my google searching because FF7R's out right now.
    Last edited by Xyonai; 2024-03-04 at 09:35 PM.

  11. #37291
    They are saying the T14 is 'too expensive' to use in Ukraine. Sounds like massive cope wen the truth is their parade tank just doesn't work.

  12. #37292
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    They are saying the T14 is 'too expensive' to use in Ukraine. Sounds like massive cope wen the truth is their parade tank just doesn't work.
    Honestly the writing on the wall should've been when they announced last year they were pulling them out of Ukraine's front lines.

    But no, again, it's *Ukraine* that's doomed because of a single Abram's kill, ignoring Russia's weekly loss of expensive fighter jets and now apparently the dissolution of their most modern battle tank.

  13. #37293
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xyonai View Post
    Honestly the writing on the wall should've been when they announced last year they were pulling them out of Ukraine's front lines.

    But no, again, it's *Ukraine* that's doomed because of a single Abram's kill, ignoring Russia's weekly loss of expensive fighter jets and now apparently the dissolution of their most modern battle tank.
    No, they’re just saving them for when NATO cross a red line or something. Remember, Russia could win this easily any time they want to.

  14. #37294
    Quote Originally Posted by Xyonai View Post
    Allegedly Russia is planning on discontinuing the Armata Tank due to costs. Will circle back when I can confirm something more substantial.

    Edit: Can't seem to find anything confirming reports of my hearsay at the moment, though I'm kind of just half assing my google searching because FF7R's out right now.
    There's nothing to "discontinue". The notion that they "discontinued" it would imply they are building any. The Russians claim they built a "test batch" of about 100 of them. As of September 2023 Popular Mechanics only managed to visually identify units somewhere in the low tens.

    They might have built more of the actual chassis, as they were supposed to be the basis for various armored vehicle variants but they were probably never built into proper tanks.

    They also never seriously tried to market them abroad. If the designed actually worked that would have been the way forward to actually get the economies of scale running. Sell them to the Indians, Arabs, maybe the Chinese (tho the Chinese can probably build better anyway). The issue with that is that those countries would have trialed the thing, and that would have either revealed that the design is dogshit or would have revealed that it's mediocre and more expensive than Western/South Korean designs.

    I'm leaning towards the fact that the white paper theory behind the system is great, but that the Russians aren't capable of actually building it, or that some key component has a massive massive unfixable failure.

    To be honest, I'm way more interested in finding out how many more old T90 variants do they have in their warehouses, because currently most of their fresh T90 production is upgraded old T90 frames.

  15. #37295
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    T14's a failure, it's a tank that does not match the culture and realities of the current Russian army and they probably realized that.

    They need more of them T-72s to throw at the front, the 'ol reliables for relative pennies, as ultimately, it's a numbers game.

    So, if that rumor is true, then they probably simply did the math of 4 main cannons on the cardboard boxes, everyone and their mothers knows to train on and operate, being better than 1 main cannon on a better armored box, nobody knows what to do with and with no proven track record of being worth the hassle.

    Russia pretty much tries to WW2 it all over again, where sheer numbers beat the quality of the enemy.

  16. #37296
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    Russia pretty much tries to WW2 it all over again, where sheer numbers beat the quality of the enemy.
    putin must've read the book on Strauss-Howe generational theory and became an accelerationist or something.

    I hope we get to the point where he does a Hitler '45 + ditch fire.

  17. #37297
    Hearing some reports of the sinking of another patrol ship but Ukraine hasn't claimed anything yet.

  18. #37298
    The Russian Black Undersea Fleet is growing formidable indeed.
    Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.

    "People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988

  19. #37299
    When do we think ship crews will join their pilot colleagues in refusing to pilot their specialised vehicles?

  20. #37300
    Ukraine is now claiming they attacked and sunk the Sergey kotov with naval drones.

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