This is derailing into the israeli-gaza thread... I take my leave, got shit to do.
This is derailing into the israeli-gaza thread... I take my leave, got shit to do.
Last time waffles was thrashing here around this much was when the Antonivskyi Bridge got hit. Sucks, when your homeland security has gone incompetent because all your resources were drained by "3 days special operation".
And best part of all of this is the fact, that USA and GB warned Russia last week about possible attack incoming, but Election Campaign Mode Pootie decided it was a "Western provocation".
Last edited by Makabreska; 2024-03-23 at 07:58 PM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Hey thanks, FINALLY you post FACTS
Btw also, hypocrite, you mentioned Palestine first and then trying to fuck off while excusing it with "derailment".
But did you know, military casualty doesn't equal DEATHS. It's a combination of deaths, missing in action, injured personnel.
31k dead ukrainians does not mean that 500k russian casualties equals to 500k russian deaths. It means 500k russian soldiers are either dead, injured or missing. Try learning the meaning of new words before you mix them in your propaganda.
You just cannot stop thinking and ejaculating over idea of genociding Ukrainians can you? People like you should be the ones storming towns one by one in the meatgrinder. Wonder what you've done or who you have bribed to dodge draft.You live in a strange bubble, but reality will burst Zelensky said he only lost 31k soldiers and Russians gazillions? Okay... Reality will be a cold shower for you this year.
Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.
"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988
At what point do these people get flagged, have their connection data collected and forwarded to whatever authority it may concern?
At some point, I wish MMO-C would at least draw the line at calling for genocide.
Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.
"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988
Apparently ISIS has published footage from bodycams present at the Moscow attack.
I suppose the thought is that they can prove they were behind it like that. If legit of course.
Turns out the arrested and then tortured suspects were heading towards the Belarusian border, not the Ukrainian one. But let's not let facts stand in the way of genocidal apologism.
Ukraine just smoked a major black sea fleet communications hq in Crimea. Hitting a military target, not civilians. Russia does it the other way around, cause they are nazis attempting genocide.
Turns out people do not know Russian (but hey, certain someone here said it's not important in context to this war ) so the parroting of claims happen... They were nabbed at ~383rd km of the M3 road more widely known as Kiev road (hint hint), near пос. Теплое (Карачевский район), instead of the supposed claim of BLR border at пос. Теплый (Суражский район, road A240) . Google those, see where they are. Add the Telegram hype to get the "news" out faster (clicks sell, duh) and confusion.mistakes are just logical.
I guess you "well educated persons in regards to this war" haven't even seen yet the wonders of naming in Ukraine/Russia, where there literally can be two places with the same name 2km from each other, not to mention in any wider area with similar names like our example.
Oh well, not like in the current political situation there can possibly be clear look at things, by any side. I would still mostly bet on the usual beardies of a certain sky daddy affiliation as the guilty party.
Would not even be surprising if they were lied anyway about their possible exfiltration location, lol, by whoever organized this.
I mean this seems to claim Belarusian forces helped the russians nab the culprits before they crossed the border.
Feel free to correct me, google translate only goes so far. (Nabbed from this source:]Спецслужбы Беларуси помогли российским коллегам не дать участникам теракта в «Крокус Сити Холле» перейти границу, заявил белорусский посол в Москве Дмитрий Крутой.
Возможно, что террористы готовили переход на белорусскую территорию и были задержаны.
Владимир Голышев: Карачевский район Брянской области на ходится на границе с Орловской.
Понять: в какую сторону террористы ехали (в сторону Украины или в сторону Белоруссии) - невозможно.
Yeah, the Belarusian ambassador claimed Belarusian special forces helped stop them crossing the Belarusian border. Meanwhile the vehicle they were in had Belarusian number plates.
I'm sensing a trend here but can't put my finger on it....