Looking for confirmation but rumour has it that Ukraine damaged a Su-57 Felon.
Looking for confirmation but rumour has it that Ukraine damaged a Su-57 Felon.
Russian channels seem to confirm it was hit by shrapnel from a drone strike.
Hope everyone gets out to vote today.
Euro aid to Ukraine is big on the ballot, and a growing number of old white dudes are trying hard to push the continent right, and into Putin's hands among other things.
Its a big day here.
14 is *technically* NOT a nazi slogan since it originates after the war, but that's just semantics. (For shits and giggles the guy who started it was really batshit insane if you read the article.)
A completely not comprehensive but useful list of Nazi "numerology" and code words.
That's what these clods revel in.
They live through their humdrum, nothing lives pretending they have big things going on by courting the "dangerous, subversive" groups like nazis, the KKK and other white supremacists that the "pansy liberals are scared of" and do so by pretending they're part of some big secret society, constantly looming and threatening by using idiotic numerology and other childlike codewords and such to show that they're part of this "big scary group."
You know. Too scared to actually do or say anything, too inarticulate and cowardly to actually come out and say it,
Like, this @Hugo88 guy is going to deny it thinking he's being coy. "oh hoh hoh, you can't catch me! I totally support all these people you hate and loathe but I'm too smart for you to be able to actually get me on it!"
Because fundamentally, they're just bitter, small, cowardly reactionaries. They don't even have the guts to stand by or up for their nonsense.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Guys, let's not let the guy with the Nazi handle derail the thread further, eh? They don't deserve the attention.
Bad news is the far right pootie stooges have gained ground in European elections but the good news is that they won't hold the balance of power and the pro-europe and pro-ukraine parties will.
Still it is sad to see so many voting for russian sponsored fascistic parties.
Voter turn out was abyssmal though.
After everything that has happened in the last 5 years I really expected people to be more engaged. Especially with the younger folks.
If we see this sort of apathy in November the world is doomed. No exaggeration, I'm pretty sure Trump himself has laid out his entire plan on how to doom the world.
I'm not as concerned about voter turnout in the US given women and the minorities know what will happen to them if they don't vote.