1. #39061
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Yeah I should really trust everything Lindsay Graham says. Dude you must be trolling, because this can't be serious.

  2. #39062
    Quote Originally Posted by MCMLXXXII View Post
    Yeah I should really trust everything Lindsay Graham says. Dude you must be trolling, because this can't be serious.
    Even if Graham is a troll, at the end of the day it came out of the mouth of a very high ranked political official, from the party that sends the most support to one of the parties of the conflict. US citizens ought to be asking him some questions right about now. It looks bad, because it is bad.

  3. #39063
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    Even if Graham is a troll, at the end of the day it came out of the mouth of a very high ranked political official, from the party that sends the most support to one of the parties of the conflict. US citizens ought to be asking him some questions right about now. It looks bad, because it is bad.
    When will u ask Putin how his 3 day war is going?

  4. #39064
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    Even if Graham is a troll, at the end of the day it came out of the mouth of a very high ranked political official, from the party that sends the most support to one of the parties of the conflict. US citizens ought to be asking him some questions right about now. It looks bad, because it is bad.
    Russia is already fighting you through subterfuge, espionage, financial crime, and cyber warfare. It has been for years, it’s high time you recognised that.

  5. #39065
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    Russia is already a hostile and violent force to, and in Europe. It frankly has been for years before the invasion. You can’t just declare you’re neutral to that.
    From our point of view everyone is capable of what you describe so what do we choose in this case? The one that aligns better with our interests. In this case none does so we rather stay out of it. Why are the africans suddenly pro-Russian? are they brainwashed? no, they have been abused too much from westerners, for them the west is violent force you describe and Russia their liberators. So what is exclusively bad for you, might not be the same for someone else. Do you know the story of the worm, chicken and eagle? yes according to the worm the chicken is a dangerous animal while the eagle is not. You hate the Russians for what they are doing but lets say, do you hate the Turks for occupying Cyprus? (just one of the many examples) you don't, you don't even care, so why should we care about Ukraine and what you anglosaxons have to deal with for dominance?

    If we could, we would replace humanity with a better noble one but we can't so we have to choose among many evil options.
    Last edited by Vampiregenesis; 2024-06-15 at 11:52 AM.

  6. #39066
    Quote Originally Posted by Strange One View Post
    Maybe stop supporting Putin and peoples opinion will change?
    I don't really care about your opinion of me, or anyone's else in here tbh. My view of what is happening in Ukraine is that two brotherly nations kill each other. Both nations are very close to us, and in both countries we have big Greek minorities. It's like us fighting with Cyprus, which is unimaginable to my mind.

    This needs to stop ASAP before it gets completely out of hand.

  7. #39067
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    From our point of view everyone is capable of what you describe so what do we choose in this case? The one that aligns better with our interests. In this case none does so we rather stay out of it. Why are the africans suddenly pro-Russian? are they brainwashed? no, they have been abused too much from westerners. So what is exclusively bad for you, might not be the same for someone else. Do you know the story of the worm, chicken and eagle? yes according to the worm the chicken is a dangerous animal while the eagle is not. You hate the Russians for what they are doing but lets say, do you hate the Turks for occupying Cyprus? (just one of the many examples) you don't, you don't even care, so why should we care about Ukraine and what you anglosaxons are having to deal with?

    If we could, we would replace humanity but we can't so we have to choose among many evil options.
    Russian authorities don’t even like the wrong kind of white people, how do you think anyone else would get on under them?

    Again, they’re already fighting you. They don’t care about your calls for neutrality.

  8. #39068
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    I don't really care about your opinion of me, or anyone's else in here tbh. My view of what is happening in Ukraine is that two brotherly nations kill each other. Both nations are very close to us, and in both countries we have big Greek minorities. It's like us fighting with Cyprus, which is unimaginable to my mind.

    This needs to stop ASAP before it gets completely out of hand.
    You replied, you do care.

    You fully support the invasion. Russia could've done nothing and it would've been fine. It's out of hand because Russia invaded, something you've openly cheered.

  9. #39069
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    I don't really care about your opinion of me, or anyone's else in here tbh. My view of what is happening in Ukraine is that two brotherly nations kill each other. Both nations are very close to us, and in both countries we have big Greek minorities. It's like us fighting with Cyprus, which is unimaginable to my mind.

    This needs to stop ASAP before it gets completely out of hand.
    It can stop today, ruSSia can go home whenever they choose. No clue why you go on and on about how this war is anyones fault aside ruSSias.

  10. #39070
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    Russia is already fighting you through subterfuge, espionage, financial crime, and cyber warfare. It has been for years, it’s high time you recognised that.
    I don't cover for Russia. As I said multiple times, they need to withdraw their troops from Ukraine. But NATO should also move the borders back to 1990 location (or even better disband completely as ot has served its purpose. There is no Soviet Union anymore).

    The security of EU should be an EU issue. EU should create a joint military to defend its borders.
    Last edited by Ulmita; 2024-06-15 at 11:56 AM.

  11. #39071
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    I don't cover for Russia. As I said multiple times, they need to withdraw their troops from Ukraine. But NATO should also move the borders back to 1990 location.
    I think that’s up to the nations who want to sign the charter. Countries who are also under some form of attacks already.

    Russia’s war is with the west, it’s only militarily engaged in Ukraine and Georgia, for now, but there’s plenty else under other, asymmetric attack. Including the EU and UK.
    Last edited by Jessicka; 2024-06-15 at 11:56 AM.

  12. #39072
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    I don't cover for Russia. As I said multiple times, they need to withdraw their troops from Ukraine. But NATO should also move the borders back to 1990 location.
    Why does Russia get to decide what other countries do?

  13. #39073
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    Russia’s war is with the west, it’s only militarily engaged in Ukraine and Georgia, for now, but there’s plenty else under other, asymmetric attack. Including the EU and UK.
    Indeed they are attacking us. But didn't this happen after we took sides on the conflict? Do you find this surprising?

  14. #39074
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    Indeed they are attacking us. But didn't this happen after we took sides on the conflict? Do you find this surprising?
    Russia was waging cyber war way before the war.

    Stop fucking lying.

  15. #39075
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessicka View Post
    Russian authorities don’t even like the wrong kind of white people, how do you think anyone else would get on under them?

    Again, they’re already fighting you. They don’t care about your calls for neutrality.
    I'm not surprised that they are fighting us since the official stance of the state is not neutrality but instead support Ukraine, we even sent a F16 trainer over there and we learned about it from the Russian news. Many Greeks are worried about it and it impacted negatively the leading party of the country in the last elections. We have some very important NATO bases here in Greece that could become a target.

    I don't care if the Russians are racist or not, although they have many minorities over there including some Greeks, we just don't think that they will ever attack us or create problems to us and we already have to deal with a big neighbor, we don't need more enemies than this. Just like Finland or Estonia do not care about Turkey, why would I as a Greek care about Russia? I don't blame the north people for not caring about our challenges, everyone has its own geopolitical challenges, neutrality against someone who can never fight you is a wise choice, yet that's not the choice that our state is making.
    Last edited by Vampiregenesis; 2024-06-15 at 12:06 PM.

  16. #39076
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    Indeed they are attacking us. But didn't this happen after we took sides on the conflict? Do you find this surprising?
    It was building its troll farms, buying influence and economically undermining western powers for nearly 20 years. They just bought up enough politicians to hide it.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    I'm not surprised that they are fighting us since the official stance of the state is not neutrality but instead support Ukraine, we even sent a F16 trainer over there and we learned about it from the Russian news. Many Greeks are worried about it and it impacted negatively the leading party of the country in the last elections. We have some very important NATO bases here in Greece that could become a target.

    I don't care if the Russians are racist or not, although they have many minorities over there including some Greeks, we just don't think that they will ever attack us or create problems to us and we already have to deal with a big neighbor, we don't need more enemies than this. Just like Finland or Estonia do not care about Turkey, why would I as a Greek care about Russia? I don't blame the northerners for not caring, everyone has its own geopolitical challenges, neutrality against someone who can never fight you is a wise choice, yet that's not the choice that the state is making.
    Again, their fight started nearly 20 years ago. Long before Ukraine became a ground war for it’s existence.

  17. #39077
    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    I'm not surprised that they are fighting us since the official stance of the state is not neutrality but instead support Ukraine, we even sent a F16 trainer over there and we learned about it from the Russian news. Many Greeks are worried about it and it impacted negatively the leading party of the country in the last elections. We have some very important NATO bases here in Greece that could become a target.

    I don't care if the Russians are racist or not, although they have many minorities over there including some Greeks, we just don't think that they will ever attack us or create problems to us and we already have to deal with a big neighbor, we don't need more enemies than this. Just like Finland or Estonia do not care about Turkey, why would I as a Greek care about Russia? I don't blame the north people for not caring about our challenges, everyone has its own geopolitical challenges, neutrality against someone who can never fight you is a wise choice, yet that's not the choice that our state is making.
    You care enough to defend them.

  18. #39078
    Quote Originally Posted by Strange One View Post
    Why does Russia get to decide what other countries do?
    Unfortunately in the world that we've created, the strong set the rules. It's the same reason that the US won't allow any adversary to have influence in the western hemisphere (Monroe doctrine). It's shitty i know, and we've built that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Strange One View Post
    Russia was waging cyber war way before the war.

    Stop fucking lying.
    Do you think that we didn't attack them also?

  19. #39079
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    I don't know who the guy is, I just took yhe first twitter search result. There are countless tweets about this.
    Honestly, this just makes me think that you do absolutely no research on the things you say/post/link, and gives me no reason to believe anything you say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    You people
    I swear there is another guy in this thread that keeps using these two words in these sorts of posts.

  20. #39080
    I wouldn't be surprised if Donald Trump is only meant to buy time and allow the west to prepare for an even greater war post 2028. The west will not simply accept giving east Ukraine to Putin, it's way too much. We have very dark times ahead and they won't end soon. You can see what they say, we are in the preparation phase now.
    Last edited by Vampiregenesis; 2024-06-15 at 12:21 PM.

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