1. #39441
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    So does that mean the majority of Indians support Russia in this conflict, if they are able to give an opinion?
    You should ask them. Let us know when you've spoken to the whole nation.

    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    I can't imagine how if not, this guy hugging this blood-soaked beast lovingly for the world to see would sit well with the populace. Our US presidents get condemned for less.
    I swear this is gonna be like the 12th time we've had to explain to you that India doesn't give a shit about the conflict and is happy to buy cheaper Russian crude oil that the rest of the world won't buy.

  2. #39442
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I swear this is gonna be like the 12th time we've had to explain to you that India doesn't give a shit about the conflict and is happy to buy cheaper Russian crude oil that the rest of the world won't buy.
    that's horrible but it validates my prior statement Russia has leverage economically over certain goods since India takes it.

  3. #39443
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    that's horrible but it validates my prior statement Russia has leverage economically over certain goods since India takes it.
    Ye. Big leverage, buying Russian fuels for cheap because EU put a ban on them. How India managed to rapidly develop over 2y ago without them?

    You know, we don't exactly enjoy constantly explaining to you obvious things, because your alcohol fueled, troubled mind has issues understanding them.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  4. #39444
    Point is: Two pages ago, someone complained about why Russia can still go strong in this war and why we can't do shit when they seem to be economically alienated from civilized societies.

    Other person said "nukes," but I pointed out that Russia still has strong allies and business associates. And now we see India is one of them and India is not some backwater shithole like North Korea, but a powerhouse that will gladly take their oil and other exports...which in turn fuels Russia's war economy.

    No one is penalizing India for this. And Russia's other major big ally of course is mainland China.

  5. #39445
    India buys lot's of stuff from Russia, not just the oil. It's one of Russia's lifelines and so is China (aka 2.8B people or 35% of world's population vs 1.1B of US + EU)

    The only real loss of this war is Ukraine and that's because West has the worst politicians that we've had for the past 100+ years
    Last edited by Ulmita; 2024-07-09 at 10:01 PM.

  6. #39446
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    that's horrible but it validates my prior statement Russia has leverage economically over certain goods since India takes it.
    If your standing on the street desperately begging me to buy some pants at absolute bottom prices because you physically can't hold all the pants and I happen to buy a few because I can use them and will not be able to get them cheaper anywhere else it doesn't mean you have leverage over me. I can do without your pants. Other people are willing to sell me pants.
    But no one else is willing to buy your pants, that you literally can't hold and if you drop them they are worthless and ruined.

    I have more leverage over you then you have over me.

    India doesn't need Russian oil, it can get oil from everyone else. But if India doesn't buy the Russian oil they have to burn it, because they don't have space to store more and (almost) no one else to sell to.
    India sets the terms, India has the leverage. Not Russia. India makes Russia its bitch by giving them the favour of buying their oil rather then making Russia burn it.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  7. #39447
    There is no chance of Ukraine winning the war without direct western intervention. Even then the result is not certain.

    I think everyone and their mothers understand this, but this audience for some weird reason.

    Internet is full of articles like the following, even from western hawkish sites: https://nationalinterest.org/feature...-defeat-211780

    West has failed on all fronts. It failed from the very beginning. This is were my comments about worthless at best mediocre politicians.

    If for some weird reason the EU / US retards keep insisting o this war, governments will fall as they are falling now. People are tired and have started expressing this at the ballots.

    We need negotiations now, to save face and lives.

  8. #39448
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    India buys lot's of stuff from Russia, not just the oil. It's one of Russia's lifelines and so is China (aka 2.8B people or 35% of world's population vs 1.1B of US + EU)

    The only real loss of this war is Ukraine and that's because West has the worst politicians that we've had for the past 100+ years
    India also buys a lot of stuff from the west. They’re neutral in this conflict, their concerns are Pakistan and China. Like China, they’re big enough to not have to give a shit about taking sides so much as where they can capitalise from it.

    I mean China are nominally on Russias side, except where we’re more than happy to buy billions of dollars of shit from them and they’re happy to sell it, including an enormous quantity of DJI drones that end up spotting for Ukrainian artillery and snipers.

  9. #39449
    Pandaren Monk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    There is no chance of Ukraine winning the war without direct western intervention. Even then the result is not certain.

    I think everyone and their mothers understand this, but this audience for some weird reason.

    Internet is full of articles like the following, even from western hawkish sites: https://nationalinterest.org/feature...-defeat-211780

    West has failed on all fronts. It failed from the very beginning. This is were my comments about worthless at best mediocre politicians.

    If for some weird reason the EU / US retards keep insisting o this war, governments will fall as they are falling now. People are tired and have started expressing this at the ballots.

    We need negotiations now, to save face and lives.
    NATO bad failed, so now you swap to "peace at the cost of Ukraine, all of it". Not gonna even bother repeating the losses Russia is incurring, at even faster rate, you're gonna say what your handler told you to.

    You are the one needing negotiations with MMO-C posters to save face, you are embarrasing.

  10. #39450
    The recent Indian elections were not good for Modi
    His party lost a lot of seats and went from having a majority to having to form coalition to govern. So not exactly a ringing endorsement of what he is doing .

  11. #39451
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    India buys lot's of stuff from Russia, not just the oil. It's one of Russia's lifelines and so is China (aka 2.8B people or 35% of world's population vs 1.1B of US + EU)
    Cool, now do GDP and average spending per person! You can even adjust for PPP if that makes your numbers look better.

    This is big, "Land can vote!" energy that we see from Republicans.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    The only real loss of this war is Ukraine and that's because West has the worst politicians that we've had for the past 100+ years
    Also half a million Russian casualties, including potentially 200K+ killed. And a huge chunk of Russian armor and munitions. And a whole bunch of other things like the overall Russian economy still being a propped up mess.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    There is no chance of Ukraine winning the war without direct western intervention. Even then the result is not certain.
    Wait, so you're telling me the country that's failed in its invasion of Ukraine for over two years would not just be able to suddenly beat Ukraine fully, but also a bunch of western (i.e. NATO) forces directly as well?

    Where's this secret force of highly trained, well equipped Russian soldiers and armor that's been missing this whole war?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    West has failed on all fronts. It failed from the very beginning. This is were my comments about worthless at best mediocre politicians.
    Yes, we know Russia loves to continue to push, "WEST BAD" messaging. You could at least pretend to gussy it up a little bit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    If for some weird reason the EU / US retards keep insisting o this war, governments will fall as they are falling now. People are tired and have started expressing this at the ballots.
    What governments have fallen? The UK and France just held elections. Different parties in power now and whatnot but that's the way elections work.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    We need negotiations now, to save face and lives.
    As always, as an outside I look to what the people with a direct stake in this want. But you towing the Russian line is really boring and predictable.

  12. #39452
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    Even then the result is not certain.
    My brother in christ, your Special 3-Day operation has been going on for a lot of 3 days in a row, with little to show for it.

    A conventional war with NATO would flatten Russia hilariously.

  13. #39453
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Ulmita posts are getting more and more unhinged. Guess the longer "3 days special operation" lasts, the harder it gets to fool yourself.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  14. #39454
    At the NATO conference, Biden announced that the US, Germany, Netherlands, Romania and Italy will be sending dozens of air defence systems within months.

    Being able to strike russia airfields with western weapons would be better.

  15. #39455
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    If for some weird reason the EU / US retards keep insisting o this war
    So it's not the country that invaded Ukraine that is insisting upon this war, and it's not the country being invaded that wants to keep fighting it, it's entirely the fault of the countries helping the country that got invaded?

    Do you even think about the bullshit you write, or do you only get paid for mindlessly parroting Russian propaganda uncritically?

  16. #39456
    Quote Originally Posted by Ulmita View Post
    We need negotiations now, to save face and lives.
    We? What do you mean by this "we"? Because you and I are not on the same side of pretty much anything. Save face? Why? The West and Ukraine have nothing to be ashamed of...I mean maybe...we should be ashamed we aren't killing more ruZZians, there's an easy fix for that one, kill more ruZZians, no negotiating is needed there.

    The best way to save lives in Ukraine, Georgia, Taiwan, hell even in Russia, is by killing ruZZians. I will continue supporting and voting politicians that make the killing of ruZZians their number one priority, until Russia runs out of ruZZians.

    We must de-ruZZianize Russia.
    Last edited by Elder Millennial; 2024-07-09 at 10:57 PM.

  17. #39457
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    Ulmita posts are getting more and more unhinged. Guess the longer "3 days special operation" lasts, the harder it gets to fool yourself.
    That, or the shill-centers are starting to be voluntold to the frontline and someone's desperately trying to prove he's useful.

  18. #39458
    Pandaren Monk
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    A high-ranking officer in NATO just said that Russia is incapable of a major offensive, also said Russia can sustain their war economy for 3-4 years.

    Boy it sucks to be Ulmita. Russia has a metaphorical flaccid dick of impotence, so of course, we, whoever he exactly refers to, only Putin knows - must negotiate. Negotiate for what? Letting the nazis regroup and re-arm?

    Or negotiate for unconditional surrender for Nazi Russia?

  19. #39459
    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post
    A high-ranking officer in NATO just said that Russia is incapable of a major offensive, also said Russia can sustain their war economy for 3-4 years.

    Boy it sucks to be Ulmita. Russia has a metaphorical flaccid dick of impotence, so of course, we, whoever he exactly refers to, only Putin knows - must negotiate. Negotiate for what? Letting the nazis regroup and re-arm?

    Or negotiate for unconditional surrender for Nazi Russia?
    The line I usually hear is to negotiate to let Russia keep everything they already took, and that Ukraine isn't allowed to join NATO, and in exchange Russia pinky promises to probably not invade them again unless they feel like it after they have a chance to re-arm. It's basically "give the abusive husband everything he wants and he'll promise not to hit his wife again unless she deserves it."

  20. #39460
    Pandaren Monk
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    The line I usually hear is to negotiate to let Russia keep everything they already took, and that Ukraine isn't allowed to join NATO, and in exchange Russia pinky promises to probably not invade them again unless they feel like it after they have a chance to re-arm.
    Ulmita's paycheck seems to depend on that outcome. Hence why he desperately does what a troll does.

    I think I'll keep trusting that the evil West will just soldier on...not literally. Yet.

    Meanwhile, I'll keep brainstorming how a theoretical non-paid poster can post such deranged stuff, absolutely capable of brushing off reality and facts like not one, not a single one of them actually happened and keep pretending russian losses are ukrainian ones...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Aaaand 5 more air defense systems to Ukraine, arranged by Biden.

    Nazi russian shitposters on suicide watch.

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