Here is the thing. You are all convinced these people are wittingly pushing propaganda because they are somehow Russian assets or something. Which I am sorry but is vastly more deranged than them simply believing this crap. Hating NATO is a Greek leftwing past time. Nearly 60% unfavourable! Chances are that anyone left of center loathes NATO and many others are at least distrustful of it. Russophile attitudes are hard to change as well. You cannot imagine how many people were obsessing with Russia saving us from the financial crisis as if Putin gave a shit. It was vastly better before the current war and it is bouncing back since "It is all NATO and the US' fault" just works well to people who hate NATO already.
Because the European Union and German loans saved us right?
Our country was great prior the EU and Eurozone with an advancing infrastructure and well performing economy and now it's second poorest in the EU and it's impossible for anyone to live here, our country has been sold to Germans and we have been turned into slaves into an unhabitable jungle of refugees, debt, where our best minds are fleeing en masse and the fun fact, we pay them in order to be able to study for free.
But let me guess, you are not deranged right? for you this is normalization just like the west is trying to teach you, now they want to involve you into the Ukraine war and potentially damage you even though you will have no gain from it. Your field marshals are saying it every time, if something bad happens we will be alone, why the fuck now we are getting involved in the turkophile Ukraine? Since we will be alone anyway, what do we gain from it?
I want one thing, my fucking country back, I want to be like New Zealand or Iceland, away from anyone and everything, doing my thing the way I want, for me my occupiers is not Putin and Russia but the west and their pawns that are using against us. I don't want to spend billions on my military when I'm so small and poor, I don't want to pay for products at the same price that a german does since my wages are lower, I don't want foreigners to steal my homes and inflate my rent, I don't want to be part of a USA war, I don't want to lose the best scientist of my country to the west.
Last edited by Vampiregenesis; 2024-08-02 at 06:14 PM.
I take it back, none of this is paranoia.
That really is Russia's own doing. If Russia didn't invade Ukraine 2 years ago, Russia standing in the world would not have been so damaged, Russian military would still be respected and international sanctions would not have happened. Not to mention, hundred of thousands of high tech workers would not have left Russia.
Also, Putin's government has seized many foreign assets, and force many foreign companies out of Russia. It is going to be hard to convince them to come back and re-invest billions in Russia.
Surely you don't think NATO would have attacked Russia if Putin didn't give the order to invade Ukraine in 2022. There is no interest from the west to start a war with Russia. Russia was never under any risk of an attack by the west. This is not a defensive war, this is an imperialism war, this is a land grab.
Last edited by Vankrys; 2024-08-02 at 06:13 PM.
Try telling the Greeks in the early 1940s that alliances are useless. Tell them that the land war in Europe won’t affect them, and that the US and UK were just stirring up trouble in the region. Hell, wasn’t it the big bad US mismanagement that caused the Great Depression in the 1930s? That impacted the whole world! What use have the Greeks for the US and Britain?
Besides, what’s the worst that little ol’ 1940s Germany could do? What would they want with Greece? They only want Poland and France, right!?
Tell them that Greece will be completely uninvolved.
Modern day Russia is Nazi Germany, for all intents and purposes. Try framing your every thought and complaint with that context in mind.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Are you speaking of the greco-italian war which I just learned about as a foreigner visiting a Greek museum in which Greece was attacked first unfairly with nonsense propaganda and demanded to concede land by a fascist nieghbour?
Also Greece got themselves into the debt crisis before the EU and although it was painful austerity they are now one fastest growing economies around. Something to be proud of, really.
You are doing remote job work just like me because the wages here are terrible and none can survive with them. Luckily digital nomadism has saved me from the worst fate that others endure. This is why I can live alone, I wouldn't be able to do this otherwise.
This is propaganda of the EU in order to support the central right party here. You see this party rules Europe now and they do their best to support their allies no matter how bad they perform.
Back on 1940 we had a free, proud and independent country with relative good living conditions and a very strong leader, the people were proud to be part of it and fight for it. The Germans decimated everything and stole our wealth, they do the same these days through other means but we no longer have the spirit that we did have back then.
If Putin invaded Greece now, trust me, none would even try to resist, I don't think the people care anymore for this ruined place. This is why it's somewhat weird for most of us, wtf are doing with Ukraine, why do we even care. We have so many problems of our own.
Last edited by Vampiregenesis; 2024-08-02 at 06:39 PM.
I mostly respond to the other Greek who called me deranged and tried to make a fool out of me as if we are living in different countries.
- - - Updated - - -
Man, it's pointless to tell them, they will even deny you even though you are an Ukrainian. Who knows maybe Putin recruited you.
Actually I would like to see some real Ukrainians commenting in this forum and give their own insight instead of having only Americans speaking, how do Ukrainians view this war and the situation there? I have heard mixed opinions from the ones I talked with.
Last edited by Vampiregenesis; 2024-08-02 at 06:57 PM.