1. #40221
    Jesus fucking Christ.

    I'm sorry I'm dropping this here, but this in an absolutely fascinating insight into Russia state sponsored...."literature".

    Unironically makes the most brain dead HoI4 alternate history fanfiction look ...normal.

    Also their hateboner for Britain is kinda funny. It's like a whole...dynamic.

    Russia: We hate you!
    British: We don't even think about you.
    Last edited by Elder Millennial; 2024-08-09 at 09:56 PM.

  2. #40222
    The last book featured there...
    I can't believe even they see themselves as the Orcs of Mordor

  3. #40223
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    1:Blow shit up.
    2:Take everything not nailed down.
    2a: If it is nailed down, blow it up.
    3: Return to base. Maybe leave some graffiti just to let the next batch of soon-to-be-fertilizer "We can come back anytime fucko."
    Apparently, the Ukrainian forces in Russia have taken to trolling them via online posts. They left several positive reviews of the border crossing location, saying that they were very accommodating of tanks moving into Russia.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    The logic I had for that scenario without outright saying it was Putin is only in it for himself and has subjugated Russia into a cult of personality only circulating around him. If he were cornered and assuredly set to die, why would it matter to him if he damned everyone else?
    There exists almost no scenario in which Putin is "cornered and assuredly set to die" while still retaining the capability of launching a nuclear attack. If Putin were to die, it would almost certainly be from a surprise attack, and most likely carried out by "his own people".

    Your fan-fiction is running wild again.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    That’s not how a cult of personality works, or Putinism in this case.

    These people that work closely for these dictators don’t have agency or capacity for individualism. They are quite literally brainwashed into believing their master is a god and their word is the law or what is right.

    If worst came to pass, Putin would use his infamous rationalization that the West is out to destroy Russia and his followers would believe him without question.

    That’s how dictatorships are successful. Iran being the most extreme example.
    There's a vast difference between a theocracy and a plain-old autocracy, and Putin doesn't have the kind of god-like charisma you're ascribing to him.

    If everyone is so completely and utterly brainwashed, why are so many generals and oligarchs being disappeared or defenestrated?
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  4. #40224
    Scarab Lord Zaydin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    Jesus fucking Christ.

    I'm sorry I'm dropping this here, but this in an absolutely fascinating insight into Russia state sponsored...."literature".

    Unironically makes the most brain dead HoI4 alternate history fanfiction look ...normal.

    Also their hateboner for Britain is kinda funny. It's like a whole...dynamic.

    Russia: We hate you!
    British: We don't even think about you.
    Yeah, I saw that earlier. It's surreal the sort of crap Russians do. Like the only way they know how to make Russia look better than it is is through fiction.
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  5. #40225
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Lol, I'm slain.

    This post from reddit is titled "Russian Firearm Training".

    The video is hilarious, but if you don't want to visit Reddit, here are some stills that get the point across:

    And the comments are pure gold:

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    Jesus fucking Christ.

    I'm sorry I'm dropping this here, but this in an absolutely fascinating insight into Russia state sponsored...."literature".


    Unironically makes the most brain dead HoI4 alternate history fanfiction look ...normal.
    That video was funny, but also in a sad way. Russian propaganda is nuts.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  6. #40226
    Health and safety has never been a thing in russia.

  7. #40227
    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    The last book featured there...
    I can't believe even they see themselves as the Orcs of Mordor
    Seriously. Like...You read the books....and that's your fan fiction?

    So next time someone complains about how calling Ordinary Russian Citizens ORCs is somehow racist, I can point them to that literary masterpiece, which will enter the pantheon of Russian classics about the Russian soul alongside Dostoyevsky and Pushkin.

  8. #40228
    The unshakable modern bond of Russia and Iran

    Dozens of Russian military personnel are being trained in Iran to use the Fath-360 close-range ballistic missile system, two European intelligence sources told Reuters, adding that they expected the imminent delivery of hundreds of the satellite-guided weapons to Russia for its war in Ukraine.

    This isn't the first time this has happened either, but no one does anything to either NK or Iran sanctions-wise.

  9. #40229
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    The unshakable modern bond of Russia and Iran

    Dozens of Russian military personnel are being trained in Iran to use the Fath-360 close-range ballistic missile system, two European intelligence sources told Reuters, adding that they expected the imminent delivery of hundreds of the satellite-guided weapons to Russia for its war in Ukraine.

    This isn't the first time this has happened either, but no one does anything to either NK or Iran sanctions-wise.
    You... don't think we have sanctions against Iran and North Korea?

    You are so fucking clueless it hurts.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  10. #40230
    It’s all talk. The fact Iran can still do this clearly illustrates those sanctions are just for business with the West, which Iran obviously isn’t interested in.

  11. #40231
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    It’s all talk. The fact Iran can still do this clearly illustrates those sanctions are just for business with the West, which Iran obviously isn’t interested in.
    Hey, you're the one who set the goalposts at "sanction-wise". Crying about your own goalposts 5 minutes later is just... weird.

    But you also don't understand the concept of sanctions. Iran is a sovereign state. There's shit-all we can do to enforce their behavior, if they accept the consequences of sanctions, short of invading them and taking over.

    And no, we're not going to invade Iran because Russia is running out of its own crappy weapons systems.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  12. #40232
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    It’s all talk. The fact Iran can still do this clearly illustrates those sanctions are just for business with the West, which Iran obviously isn’t interested in.
    You're pretty clearly confusing sanctions with blockades.

    Sanctions don't prevent the target country from importing or trading with other countries. They prevent them from trading with you and businesses based in your country. The only way to try and prevent all trade with a foreign nation is to blockade it and militarily prevent those imports from reaching it, by threatening to use military force against anyone trying to bypass that blockade.

    The USA having sanctions against Iran does absolutely fuck-all to prevent the likes of Russia or China from trading with Iran.

  13. #40233
    And that just adds to the hopelessness of the situation. You just outright said we can do fuckall about Iran helping Russia like this.

    It’s grim because this is a war of attrition, but it’s been almost four years and Russia is still going because of their powerful allies in China, NK, Iran, Syria, (etc) constantly resupplying them.

  14. #40234
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    And that just adds to the hopelessness of the situation. You just outright said we can do fuckall about Iran helping Russia like this.
    No, you're not listening. We said that there's nothing other than sanctions that we can do without force of arms. But that's standard. For everyone. There's not much Russia can do about all the NATO countries giving aid and arms to Ukraine, either.

    I think Ukraine is getting the better end of the deal, there, by far.

    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    It’s grim because this is a war of attrition, but it’s been almost four years and Russia is still going because of their powerful allies in China, NK, Iran, Syria, (etc) constantly resupplying them.
    And apparently you can't count any better than you listen. It's been less than 2.5 years, not four years. And Russia is scraping the bottom of the barrel with the weapons they're getting from other countries. Russia would "still [be] going" even without those shipments; they're not the game-changer you're so "concerned" about.

    Stop letting your paranoid fantasies rule your thoughts.

    Or at the very least, please stop vomiting them up on this forum.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  15. #40235
    Scarab Lord Zaydin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    And that just adds to the hopelessness of the situation. You just outright said we can do fuckall about Iran helping Russia like this.

    It’s grim because this is a war of attrition, but it’s been almost four years and Russia is still going because of their powerful allies in China, NK, Iran, Syria, (etc) constantly resupplying them.
    Go away. We're tired of your shtick. You're like Trump: A one trick pony and we're sick of it.

    The war has been going for 2.5 years and Russia is running low on functioning armor to the point it's sending troops into battle on caged golf carts and dirt bikes to preserve what they have left.

    That does not speak of an "inevitable Russian victory". Russia only hasn't lost because it has sheer numbers on its side and sociopathic leaders who have no problem sending waves of poorly trained and equipped conscripts into the meat grinder with human wave tactics.
    Last edited by Zaydin; 2024-08-10 at 04:05 AM.
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  16. #40236
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zaydin View Post
    The war has been going for 2.5 years and Russia is running low on functioning armor to the point it's sending troops into battle on caged golf carts and dirt bikes to preserve what they have left.
    Not to mention they apparently are having trouble scraping any armor together to protect their own country at this point.

    See, he sees Russia getting shitty weapons from Iran, North Korea, etc. as a sign of "concern", but the rest of us see it as a sign of desperation.

    If the US went out and bought rockets from, like, South Korea, to continue fighting, would that make people think "Oh, no, now there's no stopping the US!", or would they think "How the hell don't they have enough manufacturing capacity to keep up with their own military use?"
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  17. #40237
    I Don't Work Here Endus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    And that just adds to the hopelessness of the situation. You just outright said we can do fuckall about Iran helping Russia like this.
    Short of military action? Yes. Because the only way to block them engaging with another sovereign nation is through the use of military force. As I said above; blockading them.

    That's not "hopelessness", that's just a basic truth. Iran is a sovereign nation. Nobody else gets to tell them what they must do. That's what "sovereign" means. It's the same reason the EU doesn't get to tell American businesses how to run.

    It’s grim because this is a war of attrition, but it’s been almost four years and Russia is still going because of their powerful allies in China, NK, Iran, Syria, (etc) constantly resupplying them.
    None of those are developed nations. China qualifies as "powerful", mostly through economics, but the rest? Are basically non-factors on the global stage. In terms of GDP, the DPRK lags well behind such economic powerhouses as Mongolia, or Haiti. Syria's even further down the list. Iran's closer, but it's still in the same ballpark as Bangladesh or the Phillipines.

    These are not economic powerhouses, you ridiculous fearmongerer. They are not "powerful allies". That Russia is turning to them just makes it clear how desperate and lacking in functional materiel Russia really is.

  18. #40238
    Ukraine has made another incursion into Russia, taking over a village about 80km south of the current one in Belgorod oblast. Guess they have seen the border is manned by pretty much only conscripts and decided to take advantage of that.

  19. #40239


    The Russians are coping so hard. This is all NATO, the Poles and the French....planned by....and the derangement syndrome strikes again....the British.

    I always knew the Russians weren't a fan of Americans, but I never quite realized how obsessed they are with the Poles and especially the British.
    Last edited by Elder Millennial; 2024-08-10 at 09:49 AM.

  20. #40240
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post


    The Russians are coping so hard. This is all NATO, the Poles and the French....planned by....and the derangement syndrome strikes again....the British.

    I always knew the Russians weren't a fan of Americans, but I never quite realized how obsessed they are with the Poles and especially the British.
    Look up who trashed the russians in the Crimean War.

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