1. #40801
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    medics weren't the only people brought up here either, since it started with firefighters. So again, let's put it like this: if construction workers from Moscow were deployed hastily to repair the damages Ukraine is doing blowing up bridges Russia builds, do you think those are just people doing a job and not accountable for slowing down Ukraine
    Russian construction workers building a bridge in Russia are not guilty of a crime.

    But bridges are legitimate military targets.

    If those workers are injured while a military target is being taken out, that's one thing. If those same workers were followed home and killed, that'd be something completely different.

    There's no way you can make your statement okay; what you're talking about are war crimes.

    I repeat:
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Are you promoting war crimes, Yuppers?
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  2. #40802
    I see we are just ignoring that the russian orthodox church is part of the russian state apparatus, and that it is actively assisting in the brutal persecution of all non roc churches in occupied Ukraine, which includes the torture and murder of pastors, destruction of churches, forced conversations etc.

    In fact russian is rated alongside Iran and Pakistan as among the worst violators or religious freedom.


  3. #40803
    do the kursk incursions even matter to Putin? He just gave a response and told his own workers that it's not his problem.

    President Vladimir Putin has a message for the Russian region where Ukraine has seized more than 1,000 square kilometers of territory: Don’t blame me.

    Speaking via videoconference to a meeting of Russian politicians, including the governors of Kursk, Belgorod and Bryansk regions, Putin said the “security issues” that had arisen in Kursk were “problems that are the responsibility of the security forces.”

    He's not panicking at all as he would if this was a meaningful thing.

  4. #40804
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    He's not panicking at all as he would if this was a meaningful thing.
    Why do you constantly imply that you somehow know the innermost thoughts of a ruthless war criminal authoritarian leader?
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  5. #40805
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Why do you constantly imply that you somehow know the innermost thoughts of a ruthless war criminal authoritarian leader?
    we saw Hitler steadily and visibly give into despair as his final days and defeat were imminent. That's a good fact to assess if Putin is doing well or not.

  6. #40806
    Quote Originally Posted by Easo View Post
    Repeating statements made by Kiev about Russian Orthodox Church won't make yourselves sound better than what you claim I do. Kiev also said other funny shit, like "we did not do the thing in Africa we said we did". Vinnytsian school of diplomacy, lol.

    In the meantime reality is that this adventure in Kursk has not helped with Donbas at all (oh yeah, make more photos at Pjatorochka/loot it, it will surely help win the war), Russia is not pulling troops from there and is moving forwards to Pokrovsk without pause, it's basically already within mortar range. Latest villages taken are now even looking more or less fine because Ukraine couldn't do what it usually does and hold on to every single house.
    This is without even talking about what should be obvious - UA is increasingly looking stuck in Kursk (one would say was even before the 1st week ended).

    Must be another paid Russian editor I guess
    As Edge pointed out I literally posted the Churches statement from their own fucking website. The site I linked must of been covered in fog or something. I will post it again for you though.

    Order of the XXV World Russian People's Council "The Present and Future of the Russian World"
    1. Special military operation

    The special military operation is a new stage of the national liberation struggle of the Russian people against the criminal Kyiv regime and the collective West behind it, which has been waged on the lands of South-West Rus' since 2014. During the SMO, the Russian people, with arms in hand, defend their life, freedom, statehood, civilizational, religious, national and cultural identity, as well as the right to live on their own land within the borders of a single Russian state. From a spiritual and moral point of view, the special military operation is a Holy War, in which Russia and its people, defending the single spiritual space of Holy Rus', fulfill the mission of the "Restrainer", protecting the world from the onslaught of globalism and the victory of the West that has fallen into Satanism.

    After the end of the SVO, the entire territory of modern Ukraine must enter the zone of exclusive influence of Russia. The possibility of the existence on this territory of a Russophobic political regime hostile to Russia and its people, as well as a political regime controlled from an external center hostile to Russia, must be completely excluded.

    2. Russian world

    Russia is the creator, support and protector of the Russian world. The borders of the Russian world as a spiritual and cultural-civilizational phenomenon are significantly wider than the state borders of both the current Russian Federation and the greater historical Russia. Along with representatives of the Russian ecumene scattered throughout the world, the Russian world includes all for whom the Russian tradition, the shrines of Russian civilization and the great Russian culture are the highest value and meaning of life.

    The highest meaning of the existence of Russia and the Russian world it created - their spiritual mission - is to be the world "Restrainer", protecting the world from evil. The historical mission is to repeatedly destroy attempts to establish universal hegemony in the world - attempts to subjugate humanity to a single evil principle.

    The construction of a thousand-year Russian statehood is the highest form of political creativity of Russians as a nation. The division and weakening of the Russian people, the deprivation of its spiritual and vital forces has always led to the weakening and crisis of the Russian state. Therefore, the restoration of the unity of the Russian people, as well as its spiritual and vital potential are key conditions for the survival and successful development of Russia and the Russian world in the 21st century.

    The family is the foundation of Russian national life and the inner stronghold of the tradition of the Russian world. It is the most stable, conservative institution of society, responsible for the transmission from generation to generation of basic ideas about the world and about man, for instilling the most important social skills and roles (man and woman, father and mother, citizen, etc.), for preserving and transmitting the civilizational worldview, national idea, as well as traditional spiritual and moral values. Being the most important school for the upbringing of the individual, the family not only helps a person to understand the world around him, but also teaches him love, kindness and compassion, and gives the most important moral ideas and guidelines.

    3. Foreign policy

    Russia should become one of the leading centers of the multipolar world, heading integration processes and ensuring security and stable development in the entire post-Soviet space. As the geopolitical center of Eurasia, located at the intersection of the global axes West-East and North-South, Russia should regulate the balance of strategic interests and act as a bulwark of security and a fair world order in the new multipolar world. The reunification of the Russian people should become one of the priority tasks of Russia's foreign policy. Russia should return to the doctrine of the trinity of the Russian people, which has existed for more than three centuries, according to which the Russian people consist of Great Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians, who are branches (sub-ethnic groups) of one people, and the concept of "Russian" covers all Eastern Slavs - the descendants of historical Rus'. In addition to recognition and development in Russian science, the doctrine of the trinity should be enshrined in law, becoming an integral part of the Russian legal system. The trinity should be included in the normative list of Russian spiritual and moral values ​​​​and receive appropriate legal protection.

    Russia must become a refuge state for all compatriots of the world suffering from the onslaught of Western globalism, wars and discrimination. In addition to compatriots, our country can become a refuge for millions of foreigners who defend traditional values, are loyal to Russia and are ready for linguistic and cultural integration in our country.

  7. #40807
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    we saw Hitler steadily and visibly give into despair as his final days and defeat were imminent. That's a good fact to assess if Putin is doing well or not.
    Are you with the CIA? Do you have access to all the latest spy intelligence on Putin's behavior when he's not performing for the cameras?

    Or are you just making shit up and pretending your headcanon fanfiction is reality?

    Get over yourself already.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  8. #40808
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    we saw Hitler
    How old do you think you are in this current delusion? And are you imagining you were a high ranking Nazi official in their inner circle?

    Would explain a lot about your posts if that's the case.
    When challenging a Kzin, a simple scream of rage is sufficient. You scream and you leap.
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    It is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it... anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.

  9. #40809
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    no i never expressed any desire for intentional violence - let alone death - on these people, just that they be held responsible for aiding their side's war.
    Utter and complete bullshit.

    Just the other day you were talking about how unfair it was that Ukraine wasn't bombing civilians in Moscow.
    It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death

  10. #40810
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    we saw Hitler steadily and visibly give into despair as his final days and defeat were imminent. That's a good fact to assess if Putin is doing well or not.
    When Putin starts throwing V1s and V2s indiscriminately at the UKs south coast, maybe I'll start to see that similarity.

  11. #40811
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo88 View Post
    I do not intend to change it either. Should we decide all numbers mean something when they are not.
    I have seen lots of footballers run around with 88 on their shirt as well & no one questions them.

    I tried to explain why I picked 88 in my signature .. it means luck & wealth in Chinese culture.

    I grew up living in Hong Kong with my Parents & we now reside in the USA
    Lots of footballers? I've heard about one Lazio supporter wearing a shirt like that. What followed was a league-wide ban on the number 88 for all teams. Italians are well aware of the "hidden" meaning and took steps to ensure no wrong association with those values. Just saying, the association has been pointed out to you. What you do with it is up to you. Nobody can "claim" numbers, but sporting the number to spite someone telling you "Oh by the way, that's very nazi of you" kinda speaks for itself.
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  12. #40812
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    , forced conversations etc.
    If anyone wants to force smalltalk at gunpoint, they can just shoot me, it'd be less of a punishment

    I know you meant conversion

  13. #40813
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    no i never expressed any desire for intentional violence - let alone death - on these people, just that they be held responsible for aiding their side's war.

    medics weren't the only people brought up here either, since it started with firefighters. So again, let's put it like this: if construction workers from Moscow were deployed hastily to repair the damages Ukraine is doing blowing up bridges Russia builds, do you think those are just people doing a job and not accountable for slowing down Ukraine
    You can't compare the medical profession with firefighters or any other professional group. It is universally agreed that the oath people in the field of medicine take supersedes any other interests, even national ones. They are dedicated to the human in front of them and - if you want to get philosophical - to humanity in general, regardless of affiliation. And aside from some super evil dudes, they are to be ignored as well as one can even in wartime. Or that's the general idea.

    People rebuilding bridges? Yeah, that's logistics and pioneering which have been traditional aspects of military warfare that's fair game for attacks. That is also universally understood. You should probably try and understand the reality you live in rather than pretend all the other 8 billion people on this planet are not seeing the inside joke you have going in your head. It's not that everyone else is stupid. That post of yours is pretty silly.
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  14. #40814
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    If anyone wants to force smalltalk at gunpoint, they can just shoot me, it'd be less of a punishment

    I know you meant conversion
    Darn autocorrect.

  15. #40815
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slant View Post
    Lots of footballers? I've heard about one Lazio supporter wearing a shirt like that. What followed was a league-wide ban on the number 88 for all teams. Italians are well aware of the "hidden" meaning and took steps to ensure no wrong association with those values. Just saying, the association has been pointed out to you. What you do with it is up to you. Nobody can "claim" numbers, but sporting the number to spite someone telling you "Oh by the way, that's very nazi of you" kinda speaks for itself.
    I assumed he meant American football. In the NFL, the 80s block of jersey numbers has historically been reserved for wide receivers and tight ends, though they recently opened it up to the offensive backfield (except for the quarterback).

    Regardless, I don't buy his excuse, considering his post history.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Back on topic, it looks like the Pentagon has given the green light for Ukraine to use US weapons in Kursk.

    From the Pentagon press briefing:
    Q: Hey. Sorry for that delay. Just unmuting myself. A couple questions following up on the Kursk incursion. First of all, what is DOD's understanding is the strategic goal of the Kursk incursion? And then secondly, has the use of US weapons in Kursk violated any US policies?

    MS. SINGH: Yeah. Thanks, Lara, for the question. In terms of their goals, I would direct you to what President Zelenskyy said a few days ago, which is, our understanding, is to create a buffer zone. We do have some more questions on that. We are trying to understand more on, you know, how that knits into their strategic objectives on the battlefield.

    And in terms of your follow up, you know, our policy does allow for Ukraine to conduct counter fires to defend itself from Russian attacks coming over that border region. And that border region does include Kursk. It does include Sumy, and so they are defending themselves from Russian attacks within that region.
    Last edited by PhaelixWW; 2024-08-23 at 11:14 AM.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
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    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  16. #40816
    Yes, I am sure the churches in Ukraine went and publicly said this. Wait, no they did not, it came from Russia. I guess it makes them all guilty by association and SURELY not because Kiev wants to smother any and all opposition.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadoowpunk View Post
    Take that haters.
    IF IM STUPID, so is Donald Trump.

  17. #40817
    Quote Originally Posted by Easo View Post
    Yes, I am sure the churches in Ukraine went and publicly said this. Wait, no they did not, it came from Russia. I guess it makes them all guilty by association and SURELY not because Kiev wants to smother any and all opposition.
    What the hell are you on about?!
    How is what Russian churches in Russia say by Russians, a Ukrainian ploy?!

  18. #40818
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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  19. #40819
    Quote Originally Posted by Easo View Post
    Repeating statements made by Kiev about Russian Orthodox Church won't make yourselves sound better than what you claim I do. Kiev also said other funny shit, like "we did not do the thing in Africa we said we did". Vinnytsian school of diplomacy, lol.

    In the meantime reality is that this adventure in Kursk has not helped with Donbas at all (oh yeah, make more photos at Pjatorochka/loot it, it will surely help win the war), Russia is not pulling troops from there and is moving forwards to Pokrovsk without pause, it's basically already within mortar range. Latest villages taken are now even looking more or less fine because Ukraine couldn't do what it usually does and hold on to every single house.
    This is without even talking about what should be obvious - UA is increasingly looking stuck in Kursk (one would say was even before the 1st week ended).

    Must be another paid Russian editor I guess
    If Russia doesn't like it, they can go the fuck home.

  20. #40820
    Quote Originally Posted by Deus Mortis View Post
    As Edge pointed out I literally posted the Churches statement from their own fucking website. The site I linked must of been covered in fog or something. I will post it again for you though.
    I do wonder if he'll acknowledge this or just repeat himself and ignore your post once more.

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