1. #41821
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    I see you are a man of culture.
    Well, I'm not entirely benighted; I have my moments.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  2. #41822
    The Insane draynay's Avatar
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    I also enjoyed Count Belisarius

  3. #41823
    Quote Originally Posted by Nilinor View Post
    This kind of feels like testing the waters. We already have desertion reports from NK soldiers. If most stay to die (and not just run away to a better life) they would most likely be willing to send more. NK seems to rather them just die, then have them find a better life outside their borders.
    It is testing the waters. But the test is about how limp dicked our reaponce once again will be. We will express deep concern and condemnation and move on as usual.
    Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.

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  4. #41824
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    I don’t wanna victim blame here. And maybe it just is that difficult to, say, get a gun in Russia… but I’d think an otherwise wealthy person that didn’t just up and flee that thought they might be on the outs would procure some sort of defensive weapon and you’d hear about one of these cases were the would-be assassin got blown away.
    That's why they have paid people to protect them.
    Who are bought off.
    And then you're a human lawn dart.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  5. #41825
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    I mean… maybe not in the long run. But these greedy self-centered pricks are just that; greedy and self-centered. I can’t imagine they’d be content to “die nobly.”

    And unless these assassins are pulling some sort of super spy infiltration, beating alarm systems and whatnot… a gun would work pretty well, at least initially. I imagine for the most part it’s a bash-down-the-door, throw you out the window type of job.
    It's probably more in the "your bodyguards got bribed and/or threatened to just let the assassin in or did it themselves"-ballpark. A gun would do fuck all unless you shoot every person you meet.

  6. #41826
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Apparently NK has sent fighter pilots to russia to be used as seen fit.


  7. #41827
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    Apparently NK has sent fighter pilots to russia to be used as seen fit.

    Pilots to fly what planes.

  8. #41828
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Pilots to fly what planes.
    Come now comrade! They don't need an airplane to die fight for their... er, another, country; these NK forces can take a bullet on the front lines as well as any Russian!
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  9. #41829
    Telegram channels close to the Russian security services said his body was discovered by an agent of the SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence service, who was walking the dog of a senior spymaster in the building’s courtyard on Saturday morning
    Yeah, cause I am totally sure that a spy just accidentally stumbled across this guy's body while walking his boss's dog.

  10. #41830
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Surfd View Post
    Yeah, cause I am totally sure that a spy just accidentally stumbled across this guy's body while walking his boss's dog.
    I mean it's not impossible just very, very, VERY convenient...

  11. #41831
    Well technically he probably DID discover the body.

    Right after he turned the guy into a corpse.

  12. #41832
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel View Post
    Well technically he probably DID discover the body.

    Right after he turned the guy into a corpse.
    "Carrrrlllll that kills people!"

    Whoa I did not know that

  13. #41833
    Over 9000! Santti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    Apparently NK has sent fighter pilots to russia to be used as seen fit.

    Now that sounds just embarrassing. Having to rely on North Korean meat on the ground was bad enough. But having to rely on their fighter pilots as well?
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    And again, let’s presume equity in schools is achievable. Then why should a parent read to a child?

  14. #41834
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Santti View Post
    Now that sounds just embarrassing. Having to rely on North Korean meat on the ground was bad enough. But having to rely on their fighter pilots as well?
    I just wonder if this means they're going to push for more dogfighting engagements with those Ukrainian F-16s, to try and take them out. Doing so will cost them pilots, so why not at least use North Korea's pilots and save their own?
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  15. #41835
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    "Carrrrlllll that kills people!"

    Whoa I did not know that
    Loved that series.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  16. #41836
    Mechagnome Mazza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    I just wonder if this means they're going to push for more dogfighting engagements with those Ukrainian F-16s, to try and take them out. Doing so will cost them pilots, so why not at least use North Korea's pilots and save their own?
    Trying to take out an F-16, a plane that was designed to win dogfights, by trying to engage it in a dogfight does sound like a Russian tactic.

    For those that are interested on this and have 40'ish minutes to kill:
    Last edited by Mazza; 2024-10-23 at 05:55 PM.

  17. #41837
    Quote Originally Posted by Mazza View Post
    Trying to take out an F-16, a plane that was designed to win dogfights, by trying to engage it in a dogfight does sound like a Russian tactic.

    For those that are interested on this and have 40'ish minutes to kill:

    Soviet front line fighters always had dogfighting edge against US ones : Mig-15 in Korea, Mig-21 in Vietnam, etc...

    It was following the challenges faced by the missile truck Phantom F4 in Vietnam against the Mig-21, that the Fighter Mafia managed to steer development back to agile aircrafts like the F16.

    And then the Mig-29 and Su-27 were designed to outmatch the F-16 in dogfights.
    "It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks, and become one with all the people."

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  18. #41838
    Mechagnome Mazza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang View Post

    Soviet front line fighters always had dogfighting edge against US ones : Mig-15 in Korea, Mig-21 in Vietnam, etc...

    It was following the challenges faced by the missile truck Phantom F4 in Vietnam against the Mig-21, that the Fighter Mafia managed to steer development back to agile aircrafts like the F16.

    And then the Mig-29 and Su-27 were designed to outmatch the F-16 in dogfights.
    The Su-27 maybe (I don't know all that much about that plane), but the Mig-29 was pretty much a parallel design to the F-16 that also had dogfights in mind. Both the F-16 and the Mig-29 have area's where they in theory beat eachother, but the problem Russia's Mig-29's have is that they tend to be less modernised than Western F-16's and they are way less durable.

    There are no actual dogfight results between the two planes that I know off... a Yougoslavian Mig-29 was downed by a couple of F-16C's in 1999, but that was with an AMRAAM out of visible range, not what one would call a dogfight.

  19. #41839
    Quote Originally Posted by Mazza View Post
    The Su-27 maybe (I don't know all that much about that plane), but the Mig-29 was pretty much a parallel design to the F-16 that also had dogfights in mind. Both the F-16 and the Mig-29 have area's where they in theory beat eachother, but the problem Russia's Mig-29's have is that they tend to be less modernised than Western F-16's and they are way less durable.

    There are no actual dogfight results between the two planes that I know off... a Yougoslavian Mig-29 was downed by a couple of F-16C's in 1999, but that was with an AMRAAM out of visible range, not what one would call a dogfight.
    Both the Mig-29 and Su-27 were designed with more power, speed and maneuverability than the F-16.

    The F-16 has indeed been modernized, but often by adding weight hence hampering its agility. Plus contrary to its design philosophy, it has often been used as a bomb truck. The ukrainians would also have to use it with fuel tanks given their theater.

    While the remaining Mig-29 and Su-27 the Ukrainians have are fairly old. The Russians are not using these in Ukraine, instead relying on the more modern and agile gen 4.5 Su-35 as a front line fighter, which will outmatch any kind of F-16. More importantly they are using very long range missiles, and are complemented by Mig-31 acting as a combined mini-AWACS/flying SAM batteries from behind their lines.
    "It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks, and become one with all the people."

    ~ Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang, "Ethics for Tomorrow"

  20. #41840
    It seems we are finally starting to take this new escalation by Russia and NK with the sort of seriousness that it warrants. Germany has summoned NK diplomat for stern discussion.

    Maybe after next escalation we will dare to call their diplomats to serious and stern discussion.
    Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.

    "People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988

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