Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
I'll have to take your word for that, maybe that varies, or maybe its internalised. I've only ever had personal experience working with one, and it's not a person I'll miss ever interacting with again. The plotting, scheming, lying, attempts at manipulation, was absolutely unreal, like a machine dead set on a goal that just won't stop, it was utterly exhausting.
Anyway, enough of that.
The limits of my knowledge have been reached.
They're not fighting the Russian way. When I say Russian way, I'm talking about artillery bombardment that completely razes the area, coupled with indiscriminate airforce strikes. We need to be completely objective here; Russia could've razed Kiev twice over by now with not a single building standing. East Ghouta, West Ghouta, Aleppo Roundabout projects, North Hama, Homs and many more are evidence just how brutal and effective they can be against an enemy they intend to have no future with, with only one airbase available at that.
It would seem that they're targeting military infrastructure specifically because they intend or have originally planned to stay in Ukraine; there's a video of the occasional stray artillery shot landing on civilian infrastructure. They don't want to take a state whose infrastructure has been completely destroyed.
The East of Ukraine is where they're going to start razing things down first once the ground offensive grinds to a halt locally. The initially predicted success has failed and you can now expect a major increase in indiscriminate destruction across the Kharkiv, Donbasand Kiev fronts.
Last edited by Magnagarde; 2022-02-26 at 09:15 PM.
Aside from weapons distribution about which I too think that it is stupid, you sound very much like Waffles. It's tiring.
Almost like WW2 graves have little relevance in today's war and almost like there are no similar mass graves of Germans, Brits, and so on. Oh wait. Considering the precise cruise and ballistic missile strikes during nights I would say Russia has learned a lot, especially from USA. They can't directly compare, but they have learned.
Fuel from those deliveries will be worth much more than some Stingers and ATGM's. And nothing of the planned deliveries help with the reality that Ukraine is mostly left without airforce and long range AA coverage, that on average their armored equipment is worse, and so on.
It depends how good the current frontline holds - and what will be Russia's response to said convoys - about which we know little. Who will be drivers, for example? And we have little time, they need to be moving tomorrow already, which they almost guaranteed won't, it takes time to get a convoy together and then drive hundreds of km.
You're missing the point of the sarcasm.
The idea was that Putin would launch nukes if he was "going to the grave". If he's dying from polonium tea, then hopefully the people doing so would also have the means of keeping him from glassing the planet, otherwise they'd opt for a more direct approach.
I just didn't see it as likely that he'd be dying of poison and still have the power to launch nukes, hence the sarcasm.
R.I.P. Democracy
"The difference between stupidity
and genius is that genius has its limits."
--Alexandre Dumas-fils
You know what that tells me? Absolutely nothing because when has any Government been in the habit of posting current videos of their military exploits? Never.
You can't see it yet but you don't have an argument, it's just a sentence who's main premise is a baseless correlation based on lie:
You state a lack of "official" videos released by governments as lack of proof. And state that the videos that have been made by civilians and soldiers are not to be trusted because they are not made by actual "officials".
This is the lie. In the real world you mentioned before this information is actually gathered by journalists, civilian and random soldiers who often get their information from people who experienced the thing or experienced it themselves. Governments only the source of official information in the sense that that's what the definition of official is, but since your argument is related to war and not semantics it doesn't hold up.
your baseless correlation is that only official information can be trusted, which if false.
you also claim that the Ukrainian governments information can't be trusted, despite it being official. which is a contradiction inside your own argument.
Before the journalists reported on the "news" tales of war were brought back by soldiers themselves. And both of those groups can change reality a bit sometimes for various reasons. Luckily we live in a day and age were people have small devices on which they can record current events. Unluckily there are people who spread misinformation through various means and for various purposes that can muddy the water a little. However a lot of these videos are very very real, and are being reported on by very real people. You saying they're fake doesn't make them fake.
We were talking about the validity of whether or not certain videos about Russian losses were fake or not. Then you say that the Russians are advancing in the south. in what world is the validity of certain videos related to the information that the Russians are advancing? The Russians are advancing in the south/east where there are a lot more people who are supportive of Russia then in the west/north. Yet even there they advance at a snails pace.
Yet we weren't discussing the validity of the information coming from the southern front, we were specifically talking about the validity of the information relating to the Russian advance on Kyiv, which as I've discussed and have claimed to be heavily documented in the videos of Ukrainian citizen and soldiers about the failure of the Russian military to reach it's set goals.
So in that sense your argument wasn't very related, it was in fact unrelated.
My claim was:
The much larger Russian army under the leadership of Putin is performing atrociously, and is showing the entire world that Russia is a joke of a country by modern standards, because going by the amount of personal and material losses the Russian army already endure in these first few days they cannot survive a sustained conflict for very long before going to the wind like a card-house in a hurricane.
and so far you haven't even provided a single argument.
Last edited by P for Pancetta; 2022-02-26 at 09:22 PM.
When you're comparing to the 150 or so the Ukrainians are admitting having lost, it's a lot. Furthermore, that that number of Russian troops body count is includes routing of their special forces. It's a really poor performance. Any western nation would consider it a genuine tragedy, and commanders would be sacked for it.
While they certainly underperformed and didn't fulfil their early goals, we have to be honest with ourselves - Russia isn't going to war with Ukraine in the traditional sense; they're showing great restraint. They're very much capable of razing down every major urban settlement that provides resistance and every piece of military infrastructure, establishing an embargo and no-fly zone up to Lviv.
They planned wrongly, miscalculated and they're paying the price for it, but they could've kept pounding Ukraine into submission without commiting ground troops outside of the self-proclaimed DNR and LNR. They counted on local support and a quick ground excursion, while also trying to reduce damage to civil infrastructure which they'd need to repair if destroyed.
After the fierce resistance they've faced, I'm expecting their approach to change drastically in the face of the incurred sanctions and losses.
Last edited by Magnagarde; 2022-02-26 at 09:27 PM.