Alright, I'll bite. Considering western (our) support has been abysmal to the point that even North Korea can get more credit than us, where should this be started? We have given just enough support for Ukraine to barely survive. Every decision made has come at least year late from where it was necessary to make, from providing simple anti-tank weaponry to HIMARS to tanks to fighter jets to FINALLY ON VERGE OF THIRD YEAR OF WAR permission to actually target Russia. West, us, sadly led by US have shown limp dick levels of support and on every case so late that when it would've mattered, well that time had passed. There's one thing to say we're doing something, there's another saying we're doing enough. And we're doing pitiful.
I admit it angers me probably more than it should when people say we are already doing shit but the shit we're doing collectively matters fuck-all under current circumstances. US aid is drying, EU hasn't been able to build up any serious wartime industry in 3 years beyond outliers like Finland and other Nordics and shit is just getting worse by the moment.