1. #42841
    Oh God. This again.
    What is it? Every 3 months someone comes in here with the bright idea that giving Putin what he wants will save Ukraine.
    Wish they would follow through on that thought.
    It's not a problem if you don't look up.

  2. #42842
    Quote Originally Posted by hellhamster View Post
    In case your brain didn't process it, my friend was referring to the fact that he doesn't give a shit who rules as long as the war is over and his family is safe. In case you also didn't notice, Ukrainians have been under threat from Russia for a long time.

    But no, you and everyone else gotta vomit some shitheel response, because you are shitposting from the comfort of your armchair 6,000 kilometers away.
    Let me ask you this. What makes you think that Putin won't put every single man, women and child in the Gulag that resisted? What makes you think your friend would be safe?

    Here is a little fact people need to understand. They need to look at history. Specifically right before WW2 when Nazi Germany arose. No, I am not comparing Russia to Nazi Germany. However, they originally didn't target Jews that were supporters of the Nazi regime. They were safe, until they weren't.

    People like Putin ALWAYS needs an enemy. Anyways. That is the fascist playbook.

  3. #42843
    Quote Originally Posted by alach View Post
    Oh God. This again.
    What is it? Every 3 months someone comes in here with the bright idea that giving Putin what he wants will save Ukraine.
    Wish they would follow through on that thought.
    It's like someone said earlier; Ukraine did sizable launch at Russia, so like a clockwork, there's going to be a one of the useful idiots spouting Kremlin talking points.

    I kind of miss the actual Kremlin trolls. At least they were....well, for real. The useful idiots on the other hand... fucking traitors the whole lot really. Should just go to their precious RuZZia, instead of shilling for Putler from the western comfort.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jtbrig7390 View Post
    True, I was just bored and tired but you are correct.

    Last edited by Thwart; Today at 05:21 PM. Reason: Infracted for flaming
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    millennials were the kids of the 9/11 survivors.

  4. #42844
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Most of them are Greek. Anti NATO and anti EU but still sucking that sweet EU teat.

  5. #42845
    Quote Originally Posted by hellhamster View Post

    Or as that Ukrainian I mentioned told me which shocked me, murder Zelensky and let Putin control Ukraine if it lets their people live.
    Does your friend go to a different school and we wouldn't know them?

    My Greek "friend", who also goes to a different school and you wouldn't know them, told me that he wishes Turkey would just assassinate Mitsotakis and just re-absorb Greece into the Ottoman Empire so they could live in peace.
    Last edited by Elder Millennial; 2025-01-16 at 09:20 PM.

  6. #42846
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    Does your friend go to a different school and we wouldn't know them?

    My Greek "friend", who also goes to a different school and you wouldn't know them, told me that he wishes Turkey would just assassinate Mitsotakis and just re-absorb Greece into the Ottoman Empire so they could live in peace.
    You sure he said the Ottoman Empire and not The Republic of Macedonia?

  7. #42847
    So on Tuesday, Ukriaine launched their biggest attack yet on russias ability to wage war. Targetting refineries and ammo factories and a double tap on a command post with ATACMS and Storm Shadows.
    In response, a formal Russian General who was speaking on a state TV channel (aren't they all?) said;

    "There's still going to come a point where we're going to strike. It is inevitable."
    He said of the UK.
    "The question is simply a matter of time and decision-making, there is no other way." "I believe that this is a direct reason for Britain to simply not be on Earth. And I'm not the only one who thinks that, we're not the only ones who think that."
    Totally an organization that western countries should make deals with right? They are just barely above having their citizens shouting "Death to America" in the streets, barely.

    In other somewhat surprising news, even with desertions in several areas;

    Ukraine war latest: Ukraine's military now totals 880,000 soldiers, facing 600,000 Russian troops, Kyiv claims
    It's not a problem if you don't look up.

  8. #42848
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alach View Post
    They are just barely above having their citizens shouting "Death to America" in the streets, barely.
    They can't afford that. They need to maintain the illusion of not being an existential threat to America in the hopes that Trump can restrict US aide for Ukraine without having doing so completely blow up in his face. The moment they start saying things that the average American will hear and feel threatened about, instead of just general "unrest" that Trump tells them he can totally solve, they lose any semblance of the "US/NATO out of Ukraine, US should focus on US interests internally only" narrative they've tried so hard to cultivate. And no amount of Trump hem-hawing about how he's going to make the best deal and republican talking heads in Russia's paybook saying "who are we to judge?" are gonna hold back popular opinion on that. They're already failing at doing that now.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  9. #42849
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    They can't afford that. They need to maintain the illusion of not being an existential threat to America
    Forgive me if I mixed them up... but isn't Russia the country that has propaganda shows and school movies running for their kids that animate how the west is the huge evil danger#1 to the Motherland?
    Or was that North Korea, I know it's troubling that I might confuse the two, because both have become so close to each other, but my gut feeling says it's Russia because people in NK don't own TVs.

    I honestly think that's already destroying the illusion of them not being an existential threat (if they can become one, considering their abilities).
    They are training generation after generation to hate the west.

    just a random video I googled about this topic in the last 5 seconds:
    Last edited by KrayZ33; 2025-01-17 at 08:18 AM.

  10. #42850
    I saw somewhere (maybe here, maybe John Oliver?) how the best selling fiction novels in Russia are about a hero of the empire who single-handedly defeats all the evil Nato forces. He also travels back in time and punches out Hitler and Churchhill and other nonsense like this. There is dozens of these books and they are best sellers.

    Also trump has already walked back his promise that he would end the Ukraine war immediately. Shock and surprise. You can always count on the guy to waffle more than IHOP I suppose. I wonder how long it will take before his voters start to realize he had no intentions or ability to follow through on the majority of his campaign promises, but thats a topic for another thread...
    It's not a problem if you don't look up.

  11. #42851
    Quote Originally Posted by alach View Post
    I saw somewhere (maybe here, maybe John Oliver?) how the best selling fiction novels in Russia are about a hero of the empire who single-handedly defeats all the evil Nato forces. He also travels back in time and punches out Hitler and Churchhill and other nonsense like this. There is dozens of these books and they are best sellers.
    Ah yeah, I saw them too, time travel stuff as well. "popadantsy"
    And even Books were the RuZZkies allied with Hitler to defeat the real evil, the "West".
    I think it's called "Comrade Hitler".

    Fuuuuck - I remember now.

    Instead of Kawaii-Isekai, it's Vatnik-Isekai.
    Last edited by KrayZ33; 2025-01-17 at 11:22 AM.

  12. #42852
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alach View Post
    I saw somewhere (maybe here, maybe John Oliver?) how the best selling fiction novels in Russia are about a hero of the empire who single-handedly defeats all the evil Nato forces. He also travels back in time and punches out Hitler and Churchhill and other nonsense like this. There is dozens of these books and they are best sellers.
    This was the post and video you meant:
    Quote Originally Posted by Elder Millennial View Post
    Jesus fucking Christ.

    I'm sorry I'm dropping this here, but this in an absolutely fascinating insight into Russia state sponsored...."literature".

    Unironically makes the most brain dead HoI4 alternate history fanfiction look ...normal.

    Also their hateboner for Britain is kinda funny. It's like a whole...dynamic.

    Russia: We hate you!
    British: We don't even think about you.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  13. #42853
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    This was the post and video you meant:
    Bingo! Thanks for that, both of you.

    Totally reasonable people those russians. No problem making long lasting peace deals with these fellas.
    It's not a problem if you don't look up.

  14. #42854
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KrayZ33 View Post
    Forgive me if I mixed them up... but isn't Russia the country that has propaganda shows and school movies running for their kids that animate how the west is the huge evil danger#1 to the Motherland?
    Or was that North Korea, I know it's troubling that I might confuse the two, because both have become so close to each other, but my gut feeling says it's Russia because people in NK don't own TVs.

    I honestly think that's already destroying the illusion of them not being an existential threat (if they can become one, considering their abilities).
    They are training generation after generation to hate the west.

    just a random video I googled about this topic in the last 5 seconds:

    But the average American doesn’t hear about that. The average American complains about the prices of eggs, not the existential threat of Russian. Even though the former is vastly overblown and the latter is very real.

    But something akin to a government official from Russia expressing violence toward America? I’m sure Trump and the other kremlin-funded GOP talking heads would go out of their way to deflect, deny and defend, but that would do a great deal to damage Russia’s M.O is the US.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  15. #42855
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post

    But the average American doesn’t hear about that. The average American complains about the prices of eggs, not the existential threat of Russian. Even though the former is vastly overblown and the latter is very real.

    But something akin to a government official from Russia expressing violence toward America? I’m sure Trump and the other kremlin-funded GOP talking heads would go out of their way to deflect, deny and defend, but that would do a great deal to damage Russia’s M.O is the US.
    Sadly for some the egg shit is not overblown. The only grocery store in my city egg prices have gone insane. I posted a picture of the prices being insane for overall prices being $7.59 a dozen back on Nov 18th, those prices today for the same dozen eggs here are $12.99. I don't live in the sticks either.

    I do find it hilarious how Russia constantly talks about wiping out EU countries with all their talking heads. Like you bastards are taking half a year to capture cities you have leveled gaining barely any ground against a country getting a fraction of hand-me-downs of 30 year old equipment. If Nato truly bared its fangs they would be absolutely curbed stomp'd.

    My current hope is Russia makes Trump look bad which hurts his ego and then leads to him saying "well fuck you" and giving Ukraine unlimited aid.

  16. #42856
    Quote Originally Posted by Deus Mortis View Post
    Sadly for some the egg shit is not overblown. The only grocery store in my city egg prices have gone insane. I posted a picture of the prices being insane for overall prices being $7.59 a dozen back on Nov 18th, those prices today for the same dozen eggs here are $12.99. I don't live in the sticks either.
    Yes, the bird flu pandemic has absolutely fucked egg prices and availability recently.

  17. #42857
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    Yes, the bird flu pandemic has absolutely fucked egg prices and availability recently.
    Thanks Biden.

  18. #42858
    Quote Originally Posted by Belize View Post
    Thanks Biden.
    I know you're joking, but to be perfectly frank his administration absolutely shat the bed on this:

    (Not that I have any expectation whatsoever that Trump will be an improvement, of course)

  19. #42859
    Merely a Setback Kaleredar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deus Mortis View Post
    Sadly for some the egg shit is not overblown. The only grocery store in my city egg prices have gone insane. I posted a picture of the prices being insane for overall prices being $7.59 a dozen back on Nov 18th, those prices today for the same dozen eggs here are $12.99. I don't live in the sticks either.
    I've not personally experience exorbitant grocery prices. I know it can effect everyone differently and I make a decent amount of money, but buying straight ingredients strikes me as pretty affordable still.

    Maybe I'm underestimating how many eggs people eat. Eggs aren't 13 dollars where I live, but even that for what would be an easy half a month's worth of what I would even plausibly consume in eggs doesn't seem that bad.

    I do find it hilarious how Russia constantly talks about wiping out EU countries with all their talking heads. Like you bastards are taking half a year to capture cities you have leveled gaining barely any ground against a country getting a fraction of hand-me-downs of 30 year old equipment. If Nato truly bared its fangs they would be absolutely curbed stomp'd.
    Russia is absolutely on the backfoot, which is why we can't relent. Unfortunately Trump is a massive fly in the ointment, but other countries have no reason to give pause in their support of Ukraine.

    My current hope is Russia makes Trump look bad which hurts his ego and then leads to him saying "well fuck you" and giving Ukraine unlimited aid.
    Certainly a possibility, but that's why Russia needs to avoid intentionally pissing off the US directly. They can't lose their golden orange boy.
    “Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    Kaleredar is right...
    Words to live by.

  20. #42860
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaleredar View Post
    Maybe I'm underestimating how many eggs people eat. Eggs aren't 13 dollars where I live, but even that for what would be an easy half a month's worth of what I would even plausibly consume in eggs doesn't seem that bad.
    A dozen eggs lasts me a week(usually 4 days a week I will make a slice of toast and 3 eggs for breakfast). Low on calories and high in protein meal. I do however avoid buying groceries in the city I live when I can though, and waiting to do all the food shopping when hitting Walmart/Sams Club/Costco. A dozen eggs there is like half the price.

    Loving all the oil refineries that Ukraine has been hitting the past week. Seems like they're hitting one every other day. Hope they can continue this rate. Hit Russia right in the pocket book.
    Last edited by Deus Mortis; 2025-01-18 at 01:33 PM.

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