Well, for the purpose of defining the conflict, it isn't "Joe Average Russia" who lives in Russia that is the enemy. It's the soldier following orders attacking Ukraine that is the enemy.
Draco-Onis couldn’t think of a reference point in Russian history where the people thought “shit, these Tzars are jerks, taking all the money while our agrarian economy goes backward while the world industrialises.”
No parallels at all with a fascist dictatorship taking all the money from petroleum sales while their economy stinks and remains technologically in the 1980s.
If you think food prices are high now, you have no idea what is about to happen.
Nitrogen based fertilizers and potash based fertilizers are a huge part of Russian exports. And the world simply needs them. There are no substitutes. This war will slam the Ukrainian grain production.
I'm stocking pasta, rice and buckwheat. You should too. There's a non zero chance of famines in places you previously would not have expected.
I didn't say that, and you are simply ignoring what I have said on the issue. I even specifically stated that I understand people keeping their heads down, and waiting for him to simply go away.
I've dealt with many, many Russians over the past couple decades. These forums are simply a small representation of a much larger sample size. I've worked with them, partied with them, and even argued politics with them. Honestly, almost all the interactions (other than online forums) has been enjoyable. That doesn't mean the brainwashing (politzanyatiya), and willful ignorance about their own leaders isn't prevalent.
Last edited by Machismo; 2022-02-28 at 02:19 PM.
Yet Russia claimed China as a friend.
China has saidNobody expected them to abstain on the UNSC vote. It's pretty safe to think they're dragging their feet right now while they re-evaluate the situation and what is in their interests.
"friendship has no limits" and "there are no forbidden areas of cooperation".
They're currently providing Russia with some economic support. China could face secondary sanctions or reputational costs.
Commenting on the Swift ban and whether Chinese companies would comply with US sanctions to stop delivering Russian orders, Wang said China and Russia would “continue to carry out normal trade cooperation in the spirit of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit”.
“We demand that the US side should not undermine the legitimate rights and interests of China and other parties when dealing with the Ukraine issue and relations with Russia,” he said.
Last edited by szechuan; 2022-02-28 at 02:21 PM.
A Fetus is not a person under the 14th amendment.
Christians are Forced Birth Fascists against Human Rights who indoctrinate and groom children. Prove me wrong.