1. #5161
    Quote Originally Posted by JohnBrown1917 View Post
    Sounds like something an American would say.
    No, it's what every guy living in an actually free society says. You know, unlike the people that get arrested if they disagree with their little dictator Putin.
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  2. #5162
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    No, it's not what I'm implying. I'm literally saying that is not the case, and you are simply choosing to read what you want.


    So, let me know if you need it more bluntly.
    and where did I say I support Putin and his behavior? you are the one making black and white statements about Russia.

  3. #5163
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    My god dude we invade sovereign nations on weak excuses all the time, that moral high ground you are standing on is actually sand.
    Germany didn't invade countries on a weak excuse since 1939. And when the US did, we gave them shit for it massively. And I did personally, too. Free speech, it's not just a hollow phrase, buddy.
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  4. #5164
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    and where did I say I support Putin and his behavior? you are the one making black and white statements about Russia.
    I'm saying you are deflecting for him, and I pointed to the quotes where you were doing it.

    Putin is a murderous asshat. The people who support him, and who have long supported him, are complicit.

  5. #5165
    Quote Originally Posted by OnlineSamantha View Post
    I saw a tweet a few days ago with a similar sentiment. "Let's just fast forward to when you shoot yourself in a bunker."
    The way this is playing out someone will be holding the gun, it has backfired domestically. If the sanctions hold this maybe the catalyst for Putin's downfall.

  6. #5166
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    Holy shit lol

    "If Putin wants to kill himself he doesn't need nuclear arsenal, he can just do what that guy in Berlin did in 1945" - Ukraine representative to the UN
    Ukrainians that have nothing to lose are pretty cool dudes, I gotta say.
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  7. #5167
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    I'm saying you are deflecting for him, and I pointed to the quotes where you were doing it.

    Putin is a murderous asshat. The people who support him, and who have long supported him, are complicit.
    Nope you made that shit up, I am against how you are defining millions of people and how they are behaving under a dictator.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Slant View Post
    Germany didn't invade countries on a weak excuse since 1939. And when the US did, we gave them shit for it massively. And I did personally, too. Free speech, it's not just a hollow phrase, buddy.
    The war in Iraq and Afghanistan had wide support, I and many others were called traitors for opposing it.

  8. #5168
    "Ukraine security company promised to pay $1000 to anyone who destroys a Russian tank, $500 – any other enemy vehicle"

    That's one way to inspire people I guess

  9. #5169
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    Nope you made that shit up, I am against how you are defining millions of people and how they are behaving under a dictator.
    You can disagree all you like, I don't give a shit. They have access to outside information, and just because they choose to ignore it, is not a good defense.

    The same goes for all the Trumpsters. They are also complicit.

    People seem to think that Russians are completely blocked off from the rest of the world, and don't have access to outside information. Russia is not North Fucking Korea.

  10. #5170
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    You can disagree all you like, I don't give a shit.
    fair enough conversation over then.

  11. #5171
    Quote Originally Posted by sircaw View Post
    In talk of countries that are supporting Ukraine and rightfully so,

    Can someone explain to me why India has declined to condemn Russia for its actions?

    I expected the usual suspect's china etc but was surprised at India.
    Maybe to reserve options regarding Pakistan.
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  12. #5172
    Quote Originally Posted by sircaw View Post
    In talk of countries that are supporting Ukraine and rightfully so,

    Can someone explain to me why India has declined to condemn Russia for its actions?

    I expected the usual suspect's china etc but was surprised at India.
    According to the french newspaper Le Monde, it's because India is at war with China at the himalayan border and India is buying about 60/70% of its military arsenal to Russia. For example, India bought Russian S-400 Triumphs in 2018 for 5,5 billion dollars.
    Last edited by Barzotti; 2022-02-28 at 04:08 PM.

  13. #5173
    Ukraine is trying to join the EU asap. IF they manage to do it that means serious support from the other EU states. We are not far from ww3, actually it is already happening.

  14. #5174
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    Again for someone who reads you seem rather ignorant of the marketing around Crimea. Bush's poll numbers soared for Iraq and Afghanistan I guess Americans also love murderous rulers. You see how easy it is to make black and white statements when the world is grey yet?
    Yes, America is terrible, it skirts the edges of right wing authoritarianism constantly, while playing an Imperial world police, it's a martial state with a military industrial complex. And Americans love it, they love Guns, pretending they're meeting out justice, and playing wargames and watching war movies. The redeeming feature is that they actually prefer the idea of surgical strikes, precision warfare, and special forces manoeuvres over full scale invasions and launching Grad missiles and MLRS cluster munitions at residential apartment blocks.

    Afghanistan was a rather unique set of circumstances with almost global support. Iraq however was not, and it devastated the UK government at the time for its support, so much so our previous interventionalist doctrines were all but scrapped.

    I'd love to see a million people marching in Moscow. I'd love for Putin to pay attention to it unlike how Blair ignored it. Neither of those things will happen.

    And so the whataboutism is pointless.

  15. #5175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    No, it's just people have no bloody clue. Ukraine is practically "okraina", which means borderlands. You can guess borderlands of what country actually.

    IMO, they should have changed it the moment they gone independent or a decade after.
    Replying to the second line: I personally agree with you on this, but in reality it already happened the opposite way. Some context first.

    Historically, all eastern Slavs belonged to one pre-feudal state called Rus'. Then feudalism arrived, fragmentation and squabbles rose, then Mongols came and Rus' got rekt.

    BTW if anyone wonders what's up with the apostrophe, it means a different sound. Imagine you're saying "Lucia" but stop before saying 'i' while 'c' is pronounced as if 'i' is there. That's a common Slavic sound, different from both 's' and 'sh'. Now change the 'L' to 'R' and you can say Rus' like a native

    After Mongols, northeast became Mongol/Tatar vassals, central/southern parts were gradually amicably incorporated into Lithuania, and southwesternmost part, now western Ukraine, survived for a while, even got recognized by Pope as "Regnum Rusiae" before succumbing to Poland. Note one 's' just like in Belarus, the nations are so close that I can read Belarusian texts without ever learning the language, vocabulary is nearly identical, feels like ridiculously mispronounced Ukrainian (you bet it's the same for Belarusian speakers). I'm told Danish and Norwegian languages are in a similar situation.

    OK, eventually all modern Ukraine was under foreign rule and didn't have or need a name. By late 19th century, most of former Rus' was under Russia who (falsely) styled themselves "tsar of all Rus'", and smaller part under Austria. In Russian Empire, printing in Ukrainian language was illegal, and people of southern Rus' were called "small Russians". Pretty annoying, I imagine.

    So, TLDR, on the turn of 20th century European empires were unstable and nation-states were in vogue, and I'll skip the russophile/ukrainophile thing here, to oversimplify, Ukrainian founding fathers were so butt-hurt over "small Russians", and with "Rossiya" already existing anyway, they chose to rename Rus' into Ukraine. Silly if you ask me. So yeah, I don't believe they'll rename it back.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nobleshield View Post
    It's not 2004. People have lives, jobs, families etc

  16. #5176
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    Holy shit lol

    "If Putin wants to kill himself he doesn't need nuclear arsenal, he can just do what that guy in Berlin did in 1945" - Ukraine representative to the UN
    Putin is taking the Boomer thing to heart. He'll have the world burn before he dies.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  17. #5177
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    fair enough conversation over then.
    Not really, you once again chose to ignore the rest...

  18. #5178
    Quote Originally Posted by Draco-Onis View Post
    Nope you made that shit up, I am against how you are defining millions of people and how they are behaving under a dictator.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The war in Iraq and Afghanistan had wide support, I and many others were called traitors for opposing it.
    Iraq was not supported by Germany. Afghanistan was an extension of NATO's Art. 5 and everyone supported it. You really need to be more careful about what you say.
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  19. #5179
    Herald of the Titans Graden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vampiregenesis View Post
    Ukraine is trying to join the EU asap. IF they manage to do it that means serious support from the other EU states. We are not far from ww3, actually it is already happening.
    Not a chance this will happen anytime soon (if ever), and no WW3 is not already happening.

  20. #5180
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poopymonster View Post
    Putin is taking the Boomer thing to heart. He'll have the world burn before he dies.
    His favourite quote is something like "What's the point in a world without Russia in it". What he actually means is "What's the point in a world without me in it".

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