1. #5961
    Quote Originally Posted by deenman View Post
    Those people are a lost cause anyways,its the same crowd that thinks blm and antifa staged the capitol,when they have documented proof of well known right wingers filming....themselves...breaking in,or that think trump is a perfect little christian boi sent from on heaven when he was cheating on his pregnant wife and hiting on CHILDREN,the same people who say leftwingers are pedos when their leader is LITERALY doing in... in public
    The GOP tards I know think that, I wasn't really referring to them when I said "Undecideds" I mean those who REALLY don't know how things work and know they don't and while they know Racist terrorists attacked the white house, they only know about it because they are still stuck hearing about it. But unless the media is harping on it nonstop and drawing a thick black line to connect the dots for them in simple words, they won't pay attention enough to know. Those make up too much of the population unfortunately. There they don't pay any attention to the political stuff and only go based on how their own personal lives are impacted with no thought into WHY their lives were impacted.
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  2. #5962
    Bloodsail Admiral
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    Industrial heart of the USSR... now torn apart
    I'm going to side with Voidwielder and Gaidax, just on this specific micro-topic: most Westerners here are very confused about a topic they have zero knowledge of. I'm a Russian speaker who was doing well in Moscow, but I chose to leave (hindsight note: in 2008, lol) partially because Russians, deeply, en masse, have this mindset I didn't like, that you can't comprehend from inside of your bubbles. Can it change? Possibly. But probably not within your lifetime. To preempt "but..." Japan and Germany didn't have MAD capability. You can't "democratize" Russia.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    I am actually hopeful there will be eventually, because it's the only real way to salvage situation for both Ukraine and Russia.
    Right. But let's be serious: at this point every scenario of Russia salvaging the situation includes Russia sending Putin to Hague in handcuffs, plus something else. It's established by now that Russia can't into blitzkrieg. Yeah Lavrov was right, Biden is fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Thing is, there's enough Ukrainians willing to to that. Sooner than you want to admit, Russians will envy even the shitty lives we had here in DNR. Putin does indeed have popular support for now - for what reasons, in your opinion?
    Quote Originally Posted by Nobleshield View Post
    It's not 2004. People have lives, jobs, families etc

  3. #5963
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    The GOP tards I know think that, I wasn't really referring to them when I said "Undecideds" I mean those who REALLY don't know how things work and know they don't and while they know Racist terrorists attacked the white house, they only know about it because they are still stuck hearing about it. But unless the media is harping on it nonstop and drawing a thick black line to connect the dots for them in simple words, they won't pay attention enough to know. Those make up too much of the population unfortunately. There they don't pay any attention to the political stuff and only go based on how their own personal lives are impacted with no thought into WHY their lives were impacted.
    the double edged sword of ease of acces to information,the entire ''facebook science'' phenomenon,people see so much random crap and missinformation and believe it,its scary easy to convince people ,we live in a world where people think vaccines are evil and cause more harm than good but think drinking your own urine is healthy

    i have said this before,humanity is a lost cause and i hope this small rock is where it burns out,we dont deserve to spread our crap beyond it

  4. #5964
    The Unstoppable Force PC2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    The GOP tards I know think that, I wasn't really referring to them when I said "Undecideds" I mean those who REALLY don't know how things work and know they don't and while they know Racist terrorists attacked the white house, they only know about it because they are still stuck hearing about it. But unless the media is harping on it nonstop and drawing a thick black line to connect the dots for them in simple words, they won't pay attention enough to know. Those make up too much of the population unfortunately. There they don't pay any attention to the political stuff and only go based on how their own personal lives are impacted with no thought into WHY their lives were impacted.
    Um those are just normal people living their lives. They should be left alone, away from all of your hyperbole and over-politicization.

  5. #5965
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    Um those are just normal people living their lives. They should be left alone, away from all of your hyperbole and over-politicization.
    as long as those normal people vote they should not be left alone at all,its normal people who take away others rigths,texas abortion,lgbtq issues,heck even interacial marriage before,that was all normal peoples doing also

    the people who become radicals were also ''normal'' people once

  6. #5966
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Sure, it just doesn’t mean we won’t feel the effects from all this. There’s most likely going to be a pinch of higher fuel costs, and higher everything else costs as a result. We just have to accept that reality as part of what Russia is doing. And don’t let Tucker and the other shills lie and blame Biden when this is 100% in Putin.
    You got any links or data to back up that Putin stopped America from granting oil leases. If we were energy independent none of this would matter to Americans. Germany is the country who will feel the effects the most as they are the biggest European buyers of oil and natural gas. They tried pushing green energy and it amounts to very little for their country to use. But you somehow think this is 100% Putin's fault.

  7. #5967
    Quote Originally Posted by deenman View Post
    the double edged sword of ease of acces to information,the entire ''facebook science'' phenomenon,people see so much random crap and missinformation and believe it,its scary easy to convince people ,we live in a world where people think vaccines are evil and cause more harm than good but think drinking your own urine is healthy

    i have said this before,humanity is a lost cause and i hope this small rock is where it burns out,we dont deserve to spread our crap beyond it
    Can definitely agree with that, know too many around here who are more terrified of modern medicine than they are of the virus or even drunk driving because "A Doctor on Facebook" said something that would have gotten him laughed out of a high school biology class and would be grounds to get a doctors medical license revoked.

    Most of them are anti-knowledge conservatives, but others just don't know crap about it and trust their friends who are those same retards. Have one friend who fits that group where he is afraid of the vaccine because "A doctor" told him all this bad stuff which he believes even after I pointed out that the doctor he believes is the wife of the guy who tried to tell me that science went against god and believed lies that would make even our conspiracy theorist friend second guess.

    The actual conservatives, they won't believe the facts even if Jesus Christ himself descended from the heavens right in front of them and told them, he would just call him some liberal conspiracy hippy and to burn in hell.

    The undecideds, the REAL undecideds not the conservatives who are ashamed to admit they are willingly that uneducated or racist, but those who don't pay attention to politics unless its shoved in front of them and only base their stuff on how their personal life changes with no thought onto why, THEY are the ones that this could sway.

    I understand the double edged sword of facebook though, haven't been on it since the October before the elections. Honestly, being on there started making me lose faith in humanity and think less of my family and friends trying to understand how they could honestly be that stupid in the face of all logic and reason even if it was presented to them on a silver platter to read with even a brief explanation if they didn't have time to.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Off-topic, whatever happened to Orlong? Did he just stop posting or did he change his name to try and reboot his credibility ranking with a name most don't know and a high post count?
    Since we can't call out Trolls and Bad Faith posters and the Ignore function doesn't actually ignore it. Add
    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  8. #5968
    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    Can definitely agree with that, know too many around here who are more terrified of modern medicine than they are of the virus or even drunk driving because "A Doctor on Facebook" said something that would have gotten him laughed out of a high school biology class and would be grounds to get a doctors medical license revoked.

    Most of them are anti-knowledge conservatives, but others just don't know crap about it and trust their friends who are those same retards. Have one friend who fits that group where he is afraid of the vaccine because "A doctor" told him all this bad stuff which he believes even after I pointed out that the doctor he believes is the wife of the guy who tried to tell me that science went against god and believed lies that would make even our conspiracy theorist friend second guess.

    The actual conservatives, they won't believe the facts even if Jesus Christ himself descended from the heavens right in front of them and told them, he would just call him some liberal conspiracy hippy and to burn in hell.

    The undecideds, the REAL undecideds not the conservatives who are ashamed to admit they are willingly that uneducated or racist, but those who don't pay attention to politics unless its shoved in front of them and only base their stuff on how their personal life changes with no thought onto why, THEY are the ones that this could sway.

    I understand the double edged sword of facebook though, haven't been on it since the October before the elections. Honestly, being on there started making me lose faith in humanity and think less of my family and friends trying to understand how they could honestly be that stupid in the face of all logic and reason even if it was presented to them on a silver platter to read with even a brief explanation if they didn't have time to.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Off-topic, whatever happened to Orlong? Did he just stop posting or did he change his name to try and reboot his credibility ranking with a name most don't know and a high post count?
    haha,oh yeah,the jesus thing you said is so true,look at trump,a lot of his base turned against him the second he said vaccines are good,i also have a friend who posts on facebook about LITERALY every conspiracy known to man from flat earth,to space is fake,to 5g,to moonlanding fake,chemtrails etc....but he is one of the best cooks i know so ''breaking up'' with him would suck tehe

  9. #5969
    Putin bans any Russian from leaving the country with any more than $10,000 in foreign currency. The kind of thing you do when you worry about cash flight.

    Also an interesting article from CNN on the economic sanctions against Russia. Nearly 1 TRILLION dollars of Russian assets have been frozen and half of its foreign reserves stockpile is useless.
    Last edited by Corvus; 2022-03-02 at 04:48 AM.

  10. #5970
    Quote Originally Posted by deenman View Post
    haha,oh yeah,the jesus thing you said is so true,look at trump,a lot of his base turned against him the second he said vaccines are good,i also have a friend who posts on facebook about LITERALY every conspiracy known to man from flat earth,to space is fake,to 5g,to moonlanding fake,chemtrails etc....but he is one of the best cooks i know so ''breaking up'' with him would suck tehe
    Oh yeah, with the conspiracy theories, I got off facebook just after a few of my friends kept believing the "Adrenochrome" one about them torturing people to get it.

    I literally had to explain to them that:

    1) Much like cum, your body doesn't make it on demand, it makes and stores it so if people wanted to extract it they would need to keep you as calm and unstressed as possible until the moment of your death if they wanted to get if from you.

    2) We were able to get it from sheep as far back as 1914 so why would they have ever used people in the past century which would be more expensive and risky and on top of that...

    3) We have been able to synthesize it since like the 1960s or so where we didn't need any living being to be harmed to begin with for centuries and..

    4) I showed them websites where you could literally buy it for about $250 for 50ml of it if you had the proper medical license.

    I literally had to research it and present the evidence into that level before they dropped it. Took a little more before they dropped their pedo politicians line, mainly because their more conservative friends were pushing it and I had to point out to many of them that the main ones who did that crap were also the main one their friends were supporting.

    Or the "They will take our guns" only to be pointed out that:
    1.Bush (Republican) tried to take their guns after Katrina when he marched the authorities into New Orleans to do just that,

    2.Obama (Democrat) signed the legislation that allowed us to buy military surplus 1911 pistols and the closest thing he did to take them was forcing gun shows to follow the same requirements as gun shops and making it where if a judge ruled you so mentally disabled that you can't even legally manage your own money it could impact your ability to get a gun permit.

    3. Trump (Republican) was the one who banned bump stocks and was caught literally on camera asking if he could take our guns first and deal with the legal process later after the vegas shooting.

    And that while the fringe left have talked about taking their guns, its the authoritarian right who have actually tried to when in power.
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    to your ublock or adblock filter to actually ignore ignored posters. Now just need a way to ignore responses to them as well.

  11. #5971
    Quote Originally Posted by Crispin View Post
    Were pointing out to this part tbh

    Which is incorrect. LNG can be transported just as oil can.
    Err. Sort of on sea with dedicated tanker. On land its a whole another story : you don't move huge quantities of cryogenic fluids like that.
    "It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks, and become one with all the people."

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  12. #5972
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Putin bans any Russian from leaving the country with any more than $10,000 in foreign currency.
    Wow. I can't imagine they did that on whim. People were fleeing Russia with their life savings. Which they somehow had in dollars. Not only are people protesting in Russia, they're just trying dump their useless rubles and flee the country entirely.

    Holy shit did Putin fuck this up.

  13. #5973
    Quote Originally Posted by TexasRules View Post
    You got any links or data to back up that Putin stopped America from granting oil leases. If we were energy independent none of this would matter to Americans. Germany is the country who will feel the effects the most as they are the biggest European buyers of oil and natural gas. They tried pushing green energy and it amounts to very little for their country to use. But you somehow think this is 100% Putin's fault.
    We have never been energy independent, EVER. And it is 100% Putin's fault.

  14. #5974
    I missed this one yesterday. He has totally lost it if he has plans for that. He has plans for Moldova as well. wtf

  15. #5975
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    I think these talks of winning are a tad silly, of course as usual two sides will declare they are big dick winners and their respective supporters will cheer.

    I really hope that instead of "winning" - two sides actually agree on something before cities burn and people lying dead on the streets (even moreso).
    There's only one out come to end the war, Russia fucks off. And shills like you need to stop pretending there is a compromise in which Russia holds parts of Ukraine. The only ones burning cities and putting civilian on the streets is Russia. All they need to do is stop shelling cities. It's only one side that needs to do anything.
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  16. #5976
    Russian stock market remains shut for a third day.

  17. #5977
    Quote Originally Posted by Cynep View Post
    I'm going to side with Voidwielder and Gaidax, just on this specific micro-topic: most Westerners here are very confused about a topic they have zero knowledge of. I'm a Russian speaker who was doing well in Moscow, but I chose to leave (hindsight note: in 2008, lol) partially because Russians, deeply, en masse, have this mindset I didn't like, that you can't comprehend from inside of your bubbles. Can it change? Possibly. But probably not within your lifetime. To preempt "but..." Japan and Germany didn't have MAD capability. You can't "democratize" Russia.
    I think you misunderstand. We know about their "mindset". We're just too polite and PC to talk about it openly. Rest assured, though, that we're all very well aware of their "mindset".
    Users with <20 posts and ignored shitposters are automatically invisible. Find out how to do that here and help clean up MMO-OT!
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  18. #5978
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Russian stock market remains shut for a third day.
    I mentioned earlier, almost as a joke, that Putin would keep the market closed until he figured it wouldn't crash the second it opened. I don't even know how that would happen -- stall until investors realize their money is gone either way so selling isn't important? But this move isn't fooling anyone.

    Biden also banned Russian owned and Russian operated planes from US airspace.

  19. #5979
    Scarab Lord Zaydin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Breccia View Post
    I mentioned earlier, almost as a joke, that Putin would keep the market closed until he figured it wouldn't crash the second it opened. I don't even know how that would happen -- stall until investors realize their money is gone either way so selling isn't important? But this move isn't fooling anyone.

    Biden also banned Russian owned and Russian operated planes from US airspace.
    I made the same comment the other day; that if they are desperate to avoid a crash they are going to have to keep it closed indefinitely because it will crash the moment it opens.
    "If you are ever asking yourself 'Is Trump lying or is he stupid?', the answer is most likely C: All of the Above" - Seth Meyers

  20. #5980
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Russian stock market remains shut for a third day.
    That thing is staying closed for the foreseeable future.

    Capitalism in Russia is functionally over.

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