1. #6001
    One thing we know about EU human rights policy amidst the refugee crisis is that all refugees are equal, but some are more equal than others.

  2. #6002
    Russia is only targeting buildings but it happens that people are inside those buildings, woopsie!

  3. #6003
    Banned Strawberry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StillMcfuu View Post
    Ukraine had the possibility of winning, at this point they have levels of winning.

    As it stands right now, Russia winning would be taking a good chunk of Eastern Ukraine and keeping it, while installing a friendly gov't in the western chunk that would be apart of the cease fire "this can still be Ukraine" agreement, that gov't wouldn't look to join Nato. In many ways that is what the war is about, Cuban Missile Crisis, Russia invaded while the western world is pretty complacent. In many ways Russia has won.

    Ukraine winning is after the inevitable Russia taking a chunk of Ukraine, they give it back and only keep a smaller chunk and/or those 2 little republics become their own countries and vote to join Russia in a few years. Maybe the EU will take Ukraine on and maybe the current gov't will get to stay in power while Nato continues to deny their membership.

    The biggest losers in all of this as of right now is Nato and the EU. Nato because this war is partly predicated on a country being attacked because they wanted to join Nato and Nato has zero reaction to that. (Not that I advocate a bigger war, but this is the exact type of situation that probably should illicit a real response). And EU because they are setting themselves up to take on a welfare state that has nothing but problems.
    People are being mislead that Ukraine is winning because Russia isn't going full out with the invasion. As I mentioned before, they are not targeting civilians.
    Putin went too far, but he's not a murdering maniac the west makes him out to be. Just because you live in the west doesn't mean you're being fed propaganda. Western propaganda machine is very active. Don't deceive yourself thinking that the west is good and the east is bad. They just might all be bad.

    I'm going to tell you one thing. Russians are Orthodox and Ukraininans are Orthodox. That's a way bigger deal than you might think. The only people in danger is the government and the nazi Azov regiment.

  4. #6004
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry View Post
    It sucks, but I repeat, Russia is NOT targeting civilians at all.
    CNN: More explosions are being reported in Kharkiv

    Kharkiv's regional police department and Kharkiv National University have been targeted in a military strike Wednesday morning, according to Ukraine’s State Emergency Service and footage geolocated by CNN.

    The videos show the buildings engulfed by fire and emergency personnel attending the scene. Three people were injured, according to a statement from the state's emergency service.
    You were saying?
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  5. #6005
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cynep View Post
    Right. But let's be serious: at this point every scenario of Russia salvaging the situation includes Russia sending Putin to Hague in handcuffs, plus something else. It's established by now that Russia can't into blitzkrieg. Yeah Lavrov was right, Biden is fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Thing is, there's enough Ukrainians willing to to that. Sooner than you want to admit, Russians will envy even the shitty lives we had here in DNR. Putin does indeed have popular support for now - for what reasons, in your opinion?
    I think Russia can always pull out a "target dummy" plan of "it was that/those guys at the top fault" - it's not the first time Russia will do it to and sell it to the public. It's like Khrushchev and co ended up criticizing Stalin and his cult of personality... and in turn Brezhnev made a little coup against Khrushchev with his pals and ended up hammering him too few years after whole Cuban debacle.

    I am sure Putin will have his Khrushchev and Brezhnev in the end too and I'm afraid the West might actually swallow that bait too with their almost maniacal focus on one guy, instead of on the system that feeds him.

  6. #6006
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry View Post
    As I mentioned before, they are not targeting civilians.
    You ever get tired of blatantly lying?

    Russian forces, frustrated in plans for a quick victory, shifted to a new strategy of pummeling civilian areas in an attempt to demoralize Ukrainian resistance and reignite their slowing military advance.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  7. #6007
    Banned Strawberry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alkyd View Post
    How was Vietnam a proxy war. Can you elaborate please?
    Russia and China throwing weapons to the north Vietnam and USA to the south Vietnam.

  8. #6008
    Void Lord Elegiac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry View Post
    I'm going to tell you one thing. Russians are Orthodox and Ukraininans are Orthodox.
    Means fuck all because Orthodoxy didn't prevent Greece's shitsquillion civil wars so I'm not sure why you think it's a relevant point.
    Quote Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
    The world is not divided between East and West. You are American, I am Iranian, we don't know each other, but we talk and understand each other perfectly. The difference between you and your government is much bigger than the difference between you and me. And the difference between me and my government is much bigger than the difference between me and you. And our governments are very much the same.

  9. #6009
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alkyd View Post
    One thing we know about EU human rights policy amidst the refugee crisis is that all refugees are equal, but some are more equal than others.
    Well they are actually practicing what they're preaching. Most countries in the EU prefer that refugees are being sheltered in the countries near where they are from. And that's what's happening now.

  10. #6010
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    By that logic WW2 was an invasion too
    That IS how World War 2 started, with Germany invading Austria. Then Czechoslovakia. Then Poland.

  11. #6011
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    Well they are actually practicing what they're preaching. Most countries in the EU prefer that refugees are being sheltered in the countries near where they are from. And that's what's happening now.

    Sadki’s friend Fatima Arrossufi, who also had been studying architecture in Kharkiv, reported that Ukrainian border guards hit her boyfriend on the head and leg and he was hospitalized in Ukraine.

    Kaneka Agnihotri, an Indian student who has lived in Ukraine for six years, walked six hours without food to the Shehyni border crossing. There, she said, Ukrainian guards humiliated her and a group of other Indians, telling them to stand up and sit down over and over again and getting close to them with guards.

    She told the AP that her group later moved to a different border crossing where they were treated well. Once in Poland, the Poles did everything to help.

    There have been some reports that Africans in particular have been treated badly by Ukrainian guards.

    Cihan Yildiray, a 26-year-old from Turkey who has been working in Kyiv, said Ukrainians passed through the border checkpoint more easily. He said he saw Black people and Arabs being beaten by Ukrainian guards.

  12. #6012
    Quote Originally Posted by Mihalik View Post
    In for a kopeck, in for a ruble! If he's doing Lebensraum, he might as well go full Lebensraum before he poisons and shoots himself in a bunker.
    Plenty of windows in Russia. Can't he just accident himself already, and save everyone else the headache.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jtbrig7390 View Post
    True, I was just bored and tired but you are correct.

    Last edited by Thwart; Today at 05:21 PM. Reason: Infracted for flaming
    Quote Originally Posted by epigramx View Post
    millennials were the kids of the 9/11 survivors.

  13. #6013
    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry View Post
    Vietnam was a proxy war. Just like Syria.
    This is not. This is not even a war. This is an invasion. Russia is NOT targeting civilians, but when you bomb something, innocent people tend to die.
    It sucks, but I repeat, Russia is NOT targeting civilians at all.
    They fuck they aren't. They are literally targeting apartment buildings.

  14. #6014
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry View Post
    Vietnam was a proxy war. Just like Syria.
    This is not. This is not even a war. This is an invasion. Russia is NOT targeting civilians, but when you bomb something, innocent people tend to die.
    It sucks, but I repeat, Russia is NOT targeting civilians at all.
    They’re certainly not not targeting civilians with unguided munitions and cluster bombs.

  15. #6015
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post

    Let me get this straight - a bunch of Westerners here live in some sort of dreamland, they think that these meek sanctions that do not even touch energy sector are going to be bringing Russia down to its knees.
    The cost of producing energy is going up for Russia. Steeply. The EU won't stop buying energy, but it's literally just a question of months before it turns into a barter system, where the Europeans trade selective essential goods and services for massive volumes of energy. The Ruble is worthless.

    They think that Russia won't be able to use its huge war chest to weather this for many years.
    Russian Central Bank reserves were mostly held in foreign banks...and are now mostly frozen. What they have left they basically only sell to China and possibly (but that's a stretch) India, and they are likely to get cents on the dollar for it.

    Hoarding that war chest after 2014 was smart. Holding it in western banks...less so...as it's clear that Putin honestly didn't expect that they would do an Iran to him and just not give his money back.

  16. #6016
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Damn son, I hope this means some real estate opens up sooner rather than later. I'm totally, 100% fine with countries all over the world taking the Russian oligarchs shit. Fuck them all.
    Chinese will buy it up before you even see it on the market. Already happens a lot in the UK.

  17. #6017
    Quote Originally Posted by Strawberry View Post
    People are being mislead that Ukraine is winning because Russia isn't going full out with the invasion. As I mentioned before, they are not targeting civilians.
    Horseshit. Your Slavic Fuhrer is murdering fellow Slavs. And the more they resist him, the more he's murdering them.

    Putin went too far, but he's not a murdering maniac the west makes him out to be.
    He is exactly that. He is probably even worse than the west makes him out to be. But considering your location tag, you'd probably shed a tear for Milosevic too.

    Just because you live in the west doesn't mean you're being fed propaganda. Western propaganda machine is very active. Don't deceive yourself thinking that the west is good and the east is bad. They just might all be bad.
    "Don't believe your lying eyes! This is not a genocidal empire building...it's...a pleasant drive in the Ukrainian countryside!"

    I'm going to tell you one thing. Russians are Orthodox and Ukraininans are Orthodox.
    Like Putin gives a fuck. The Russians will wholesale murder Ukrainians when they feel like it, whether Orthodox or not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor

    Also, by that logic...are the Ukrainians who aren't Orthodox legitimate targets? Why am I not surprised by this line of reasoning coming from you?

    The only people in danger is the government and the nazi Azov regiment.
    Last edited by Mihalik; 2022-03-02 at 10:05 AM.

  18. #6018
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    And what do Ukrainian border guards have to do with the EU?

  19. #6019
    As a reminder, Kharkiv is a Russian-speaker majority city and Putin seems happy to be making it Grozny Mk 2. That should tell you everything you need to know.

  20. #6020
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mihalik View Post
    The Chinese will likely profess neutrality, call for restraint on all sides and some other platitudes, then they'll proceed to buy up every drop of oil and gas the Russians have at rock bottom prices and then price gouge the ever living shit out of Russia on all the stuff they won't be able to buy from anywhere else.
    So Evil Bad Commie China does the Capitalist thing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

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