1. #7521
    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    The A-10 is still the best at what it does.
    The A-10 is vastly overrated by a lot of fanbois. CAS by Gau-8 isn't half as efficient as dumping a bomb from 35k feet. The only thing the A-10 is good at is loitering and being efficient with that gun.

    However, if you have the logistics and the numbers of NATO Air Forces, and you can literally line up hundreds of aircraft in a conga line to drop a gbu-12 every 2 minutes at a much reduced risk than a low/slow flying A-10... I can see why/how they want to replace the A-10 with aircraft like the F-35. Because the F-15E, the F/A-18s and F-16 have already done just as much CAS as the "CAS Specialist" A-10 did. And just as well, too.

    CAS isn't all about gunrunning people...
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  2. #7522
    The Unstoppable Force PC2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aleaa View Post
    Because of?
    It's because Ukraine isn't trying to violently conquer their neighbors but Russia is doing that. As far as Europe and the EU they have more reasonable economic policies/values and so Russia wants Ukraine to stay inside of its crappy sphere of economics instead of letting them prosper by joining Western institutions.

  3. #7523
    Pandaren Monk wunksta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aleaa View Post
    Read what Minsk Protocol from September 2014 is
    Yes, the terrorists that Putin armed, trained and financed broke the cease fire multiple times. It's the same thing Putin did in Georgia in 2008.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aleaa View Post
    So they cant shell them but can burn them? Or how its work?
    You are making the claim it wasn't Russia but Ukraine shelling it's own city, you explain it. Show me the Ukrainian artillery that could've shelled the city.

  4. #7524
    Quote Originally Posted by matheney2k View Post
    Oh idk, this nagging little thing called morals and ethics?
    Where are moral was when US drop nuclear bomds on Japain?

  5. #7525
    Quote Originally Posted by matheney2k View Post
    Why are blatant disinformation spreaders allowed to just roam free around here anyway?

    Does nothing have any integrity anymore?
    They are decently organized actually: once one of them is banned, another one pops out of nowhere instantly and vomits the same inane rhetoric.

  6. #7526
    Another confirmation that 3rd rounds of talks will happen on Monday, by Ukraine's ruling party's leader. 1.4 million people have left Ukraine now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    Hmm...another month of this and I won't be surprised if Putin commits suicide.
    Another month? It has been barely 1.5 weeks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Liftbrul View Post
    We absolutely should play the same game Putin does. Finland ought to send their own little green men over the eastern border and form the Autonomous Republic of Karelia as a buffer state--sorry, "to protect ethnic Finns from Russian oppression" I meant to say.
    Realistic options, please.

    Quote Originally Posted by Okacz View Post
    State can and should provide for its own citizens. Trade deals, pacts and such are a, for the lack of a better word, perk, for said state not acting like aggressive barbarians. And not threatening other states with nuclear holocaust. Keeping friendly relations and supplying such a country with anything - while it's actively attacking another country unprovoked, and already hinted that it's ready for seconds - is showing support to all that warmongering.

    So while no addional medical support sounds terrible, is it so bad to let Russia deal with its own medical and childcare problems, as long as they swing their nuclear dick around?
    Oh, I dunno, because we are supposed to be better than Russia, because sanctions officially are not against Russian people and so on?

    Quote Originally Posted by Barzotti View Post
    But the Russian advance has stalled. It's undeniable and the 67 km convoy north of Kiev proves that. Russia doesn't have the necessary support for its army and the economical sanctions have been terrifying. They can't even sustain a 10 days war. What makes you think they could last several months economically and logistically?
    Stalled in one front line. High command will switch targets and go for the weaker one instead, standard practice.
    They can't sustain? Well, do you see mobilization happening in Russia? Economy collapsing? No? There is your answer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Fugus View Post
    At this point, I am wondering if those nukes really are on the table and not just sitting, unmaintained, where they have been for decades and would more likely blow up the silos they are in than actually launch.
    Cursory knowledge would tell you that Russian nuclear arsenal is periodically updated with new missiles. Same goes for NATO, generally, except the Minuteman III, which is more like a refresh of actually decades old missile.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadoowpunk View Post
    Take that haters.
    IF IM STUPID, so is Donald Trump.

  7. #7527
    Pandaren Monk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aleaa View Post
    Where are moral was when US drop nuclear bomds on Japain?
    How does US relate to Ukraine? Another one who derails the thread after moderator strictly told people not to.

    Everyone else who got banned in this thread, got banned for exactly what you just said LOL.

    BUT BUT USA, NATO!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by Saradain; 2022-03-05 at 08:20 PM.

  8. #7528
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aleaa View Post
    Where are moral was when US drop nuclear bomds on Japain?
    Jesus, reaching way far back for your bullshit whataboutism this time.

    You think anyone in this forum supports US imperialism? Fuck off.

  9. #7529
    Quote Originally Posted by Easo View Post
    They can't sustain? Well, do you see mobilization happening in Russia? Economy collapsing? No? There is your answer.
    Are you seriously claiming that the russian economy is not collapsing? Despite all the shit that has been going through this week? Oh, it's not a collapse, it's temporary measures of economical readjustment, like the Moex indefinitely closing, the ruble in free fall and Russia becoming an economical paria
    Last edited by Barzotti; 2022-03-05 at 08:23 PM.

  10. #7530
    Quote Originally Posted by Aleaa View Post
    p.s. There is no truth boy. In internet.
    So..you're saying your own links aren't any good..why are you wasting time posting?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Easo View Post
    Another month? It has been barely 1.5 weeks.
    In a conflict that was supposed to be over in a few days.

  11. #7531
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aleaa View Post
    From which side? Both side blame other. Where truth is?
    Hmm. I wonder if this would be considered a constructive, on-topic post?


    Quote Originally Posted by Flarelaine View Post
    The A-10 is still the best at what it does.
    The Warthog is a fucking monster pretending to be a plane. Remember the Taliban convoy in 2015, a bunch of oil trucks? A-10s.

    Not that this is a military vehicle, but look at the size of the holes left by the A-10's main weapon:

    The GAU-8 Avenger is a 19-foot multibarrel cannon that fires over seventy 30mm rounds in a second. Honestly, the rounds don't need to explode, the sheer physics behind half a pound of metal going at Mach 3+ take care of almost anything. However, the weapon can be loaded with armor-piercing, incindiary, and/or explosive rounds depending on how fucking vindictive the crew is feeling that morning. As with a variety of other US weapons, it just fires so damn many shots that accuracy isn't really the biggest issue...especially when strafing a Taliban convoy of 100 trucks, helpfully loaded with flammable liquid. The A-10 is a delivery device wrapped around this gun, which can take out a battle tank at 6km, and 1,350 rounds.

    Assuming for some reason an undisciplined pilot holds down the trigger while strafing at full speed, which sounds like a dumb idea and might actually kill the plane itself, but if they did, they could destroy every vehicle in the ballpark of "truck" in a path 2.3 miles long, 40 feet wide (also known as "a road").

    Putin's convoy is 100% in the niche for an A-10 strike. The Ural 4320 might be more rugged than a standard truck, but it's not "shrug off 0.77kg of DU moving at Mach Fuck Off Point Four" rugged. And this is a resupply convoy, meaning that the back of any given truck might be vehicle fuel or ammunition. Nobody in the world would be stupid enough to put this anywhere where even a glimmer of hope the USA would hit. Putin knows we're not coming and is basically dangling this where we can see it.

    Of course, we've seen plenty of other issues with a long-ass caravan in a damaged, not-super-wealthy country that doesn't want it to be there. The NYTimes posted in this article that claims to be 18 minutes old:

    Outside Kyiv, there have been fierce attacks and counterattacks as Ukrainian forces battle to keep the Russians from encircling it. The vast armed convoy approaching Kyiv from the north still seems to be largely stalled, according to Western analysts, and the Ukrainian military says its forces have been attacking it where they can.
    We are also hearing accusations that Russia is asking for a cease-fire long enough for their troops to arrive. Of course, considering there are enough international reports that Russia broke the cease-fire that no genuine, honest, reasonable poster would dispute them -- and might even post articles that confirm that while claiming otherwise and spouting "what is truth? what is anything? don't believe anything on the internet including me on the internet" garbage -- this tactic is questionable, but of course, it's better to have two plans than one.

    The fact that Putin needs two plans, for the Russian army to defeat Ukraine, is telling enough.

    By the way, funny story, when I looked for "russian convoy" stories from the last hour, a full 35% came up the US truck convoy of anti-vaxxing Trump supporters. Check it out for yourself, it's hilarious.

  12. #7532
    Warchief Torched's Avatar
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    Yeah the A-10 is a beast. but I fear it would not be that good in this kind of war, where there are MANPADS everywhere.
    “A man will contend for a false faith stronger than he will a true one,” he observes. “The truth defends itself, but a falsehood must be defended by its adherents: first to prove it to themselves and secondly, that they may appear right in the estimation of their friends.”
    -The Acts of Pilate.

  13. #7533
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torched View Post
    Yeah the A-10 is a beast. but I fear it would not be that good in this kind of war, where there are MANPADS everywhere.
    I can’t think of a theatre better suited to it.

    Really though you want the AC130 Spectres. Literally just a Hercules converted to blow up convoys.

  14. #7534
    Quote Originally Posted by Barzotti View Post
    Are you seriously claiming that the russian economy is not collapsing? Despite all the shit that has been going through this week? Oh, it's not a collapse, it's temporary measures of economical readjustment, like the Moex indefinitely closing, the ruble in free fall and Russia becoming an economical paria
    Pretty sure this is the same guy that's been claiming Russia can last for a decade on it's reserves

  15. #7535
    The Unstoppable Force Jessicka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slant View Post
    I don't think Trump could've done that.
    It was the direction of travel of his rhetoric.

  16. #7536
    Void Lord Breccia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torched View Post
    I fear it would not be that good in this kind of war, where there are MANPADS everywhere.
    Debatable, by which I mean, it'd be a worthwhile discussion. But hypothetical. We're not going in.

    Mentioned earlier, it is good to hear Putin call sanctions a declaration of war. Good. That was kind of the point. If he really feels that way, he has three choices.

    1) Do nothing and take it like a сучка
    2) Cut off oil sales. And...slowly starve to death, because Russia has nothing else of value.
    3) Launch nukes, ending the world.

    I don't think Putin is suicidal. I really don't think his allies are, even if the sanctions are aimed at them. And after all those low morale reports, I don't think Russia's military is willing to kill themselves and their families in sun-level fire just because Putin's friends are only 40% as ridiculously wealthy as they were two weeks ago. (They would if they thought the USA would kill them anyhow, but it's clear right now that's not true)

  17. #7537
    Quote Originally Posted by snebb View Post
    Russian army idiocy knows no bounds but the results always bring a smile to my face. Always use the stairs in a country you are invading, lads.
    Haven't they ever played a FPS games or seen literally any action movie? Unless you're Batman from Batman: Forever, those shits are killboxes.

  18. #7538
    The Unstoppable Force PC2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snebb View Post
    Pretty sure this is the same guy that's been claiming Russia can last for a decade on it's reserves
    Countries can survive for a long time in isolation though, it just means they have to get by with less luxuries. It all depends on how stubborn they want to be.
    Last edited by PC2; 2022-03-05 at 08:47 PM.

  19. #7539
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    Countries can survive for a long time in isolation though, it just means they have to get by with less luxuries. It all depends on how stubborn they want to be.
    Can the oligarchs survive with less luxuries? Of course. Can the average Russian live decently with a worthless money (and no ability to trade it for euros or dollars) while the country is under an embargo and no bright side in the foreseeable future? That's highly debatable in a country where it's estimated that 43% of the citizens don't have savings.

  20. #7540
    Another sunflower. Losing so many high ranking officers in such a short time is alarming, but my cup of compassion hath runneth dry.

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