I'm still unclear what the actual fuck is the alleged Russian "casus belli" beyond "We demand that 32+ countries all bow down to all our demands, and give up their sovereignty or we'll murder a whole bunch of Ukrainians!".
It's literally, we have absolutely nothing to offer culturally, politically or economically that would entice you to be our friends, so if you won't be our subjects we will murder you.
And the fact that there's seemingly no serious internal Russian resistance to this, says a whole lot about the state of the Russian nation as a collective.
Last edited by Mihalik; 2022-01-20 at 04:26 PM.
it's because Russia is run by an insane, despotic regime with a cabinet of some of the evilest men to have ever walked the earth. There's no sense or reasoning to make of their demands. They have simply decided the nuclear card is good enough for them to do as they please and fulfill the failed ideals and dreams of the Axis powers. To subvert the West's dominance.
You know, the nuclear card being "we have nukes so if you bother me, I will destroy you." That's why they feel emboldened to invade Ukraine and more now. It took them a while though. They also feel emboldened by the fact Mr Joe Biden said he would not cut Russia off from Swift if they invade, or do much of anything
There's an object lesson in watching Putin's agitprop work it's way through the disinformation ecosystem.
"The US should worry more about China guys!"
"What if ... China teams up with Mexico! You guys should be very concerned."
I believe Putin's fave ideologue Surkov was pushing this a few months ago. 2 Days ago Tucker Carlson is pushing it. Now it's right wing wierdos on D list gaming sites.
Kinda reveals a casual bigotry and ignorance towards Mexico, trying to play them up as a boogeyman. Trumpism and Putinism hand-in-hand.
lol well that won't work even if they successfully gain control of Ukraine. Ukraine is only half-Western anyways.
Even though Russia should just turn back now and leave Ukraine alone I still think this could be good for Europe because if they start seeing how aggressive their neighbors are then they'll be more motivated to improve their military, which is good. Trump did a good job by criticizing Europe and telling them they need to take more responsibility for security in their own back yard.![]()
It's because the reality of the situation is that the world is still a very dangerous place in 2021. If there were no aggressive countries then that would be optimal and then Europe could de-militarize. However we have to do things in the right order, first the world must absolutely agree to non-aggression, and then we de-militarize. Thinking that it can be done the other way around is a misunderstanding.
What military threat is there to Europe? Unless we're talking about Russia being that threat, in which case given all your previous comments I'd think you'd be pushing for Russia to spend less on its military and more to help it progress culturally and techonologically.
Hey, how's that working with our nuclear arsenals?
Meanwhile, Panama doesn't have a standing military and is doing hunky dory. And many other nations only have purely defensive forces that are a tiny portion of their budget and they've managed to stave off invasion.
Almost like it's not much of a threat for most countries. Alliances that help negate this threat exist. And that not all countries are capable of mustering enough military might on their own, nor should they, and shared defense is a much more cost effective and actually effective strategy.
as long as the Middle East alone exists, no one should ever do this. Remember Biden essentially surrendered to the Taliban and now look what they're doing. The Taliban are also not as bad compared to ISIS, if you can freaking believe that. Then you have Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan...
the world is full of evil
A re-armed and more militaristic Europe is in absolutely nobodies fucking best interest. You cuckservatives are literally too thick headed in your militarism boner to grasp this. It's not in Europe's long term interest, it's not in the interest of the US, or Russia or China or the Middle East or anyone else for that matter.
Both Europe and the US spent 70+ years specifically creating a European military block that is very capable but not oriented towards the unilateral exercise of force as means of power projection, FOR A FUCKING REASON. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o...icts_in_Europe
I mean in the end starting a war usually only makes sense for a nation if the economic outcome will be a guaranteed net positive. Hence the sanctions by the west. But still, I'm in my late 20's and served in the Austrian army, and all logic aside, I'm really afraid I'll be proven wrong since the current rhetoric suggests a certain amount of willingness by the west to take military actions.