1. #8921
    I'm honestly just surprised you guys are replying to them. There's something to be said for not leaving disinformation un-debunked (?!), but it seems to me like they're the only one arguing for this Russian propaganda stance while the rest of us live in reality - and if years of discussion has not moved these lines one inch, what would change now?

    I mean I get the impulse to argue against that stuff, I just think it's a waste of energy.

  2. #8922
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    So...Russian forces went to Ukraine with several days of supplies with no logistical support whatsoever and get their collective asses handed to them...so badly that even the occasional Ukrainian begins to pity the particular soldier, Russian forces can't even use their encrypted communications because such radios/phones don't work in Ukraine; Russia becomes economically isolated as any foreign trade comes completely to a halt; other countries have become very interested in joining NATO (with one particular Finlander thinking NATO should join Finland...and I love that attitude!)...
    So, when did you hear about any gains by Ukrainian army lately if Russians are down so badly?

    Outside of small villages constantly swapping control back and forth?

  3. #8923
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    So...Russian forces went to Ukraine with several days of supplies with no logistical support whatsoever and get their collective asses handed to them...so badly that even the occasional Ukrainian begins to pity the particular soldier, Russian forces can't even use their encrypted communications because such radios/phones don't work in Ukraine; Russia becomes economically isolated as any foreign trade comes completely to a halt; other countries have become very interested in joining NATO (with one particular Finlander thinking NATO should join Finland...and I love that attitude!)...

    ...and we're all suppose to believe that this was "all according to plan?"
    If plan is remove out of date military equipment explosively, reduce own population, be forced to reinvest all money into own country because ruble is worthless, and spread lies so passionately you're either polishing Putin's pole or terrified of joining the penal legions....Dah comrade, all as plan. Trust plan.
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  4. #8924
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    Given that Zelensky given weapons to everyone willing to hold them amount of people who can be considered combatants had greatly expanded.
    not sure babies can use guns m8

  5. #8925
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    So, when did you hear about any gains by Ukrainian army lately if Russians are down so badly?
    "Ukraine's armed forces claimed overnight to have recaptured the city of Chuhuiv in the Kharkiv region"
    "The Ukrainian army also claimed to have killed two high-ranking Russian military commanders: Lt. Col. Dmitry Safronov, commander of the 61st Separate Marine Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, and Lt. Col. Denis Glebov, deputy commander of the 11th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade."

  6. #8926
    Immortal Poopymonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    not sure babies can use guns m8
    *Laughs in American*
    Quote Originally Posted by Crissi View Post
    Quit using other posters as levels of crazy. That is not ok

    If you look, you can see the straw man walking a red herring up a slippery slope coming to join this conversation.

  7. #8927
    Meanwhile London Metal Exchange stopped trade in Nickel on March 8th.


    Still hasn't re-opened.

    Guess London hates free trade too?

  8. #8928
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    not sure babies can use guns m8
    Our best people are looking to rectify that:

  9. #8929
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    So, when did you hear about any gains by Ukrainian army lately if Russians are down so badly?
    I'm sorry but you seemed to have missed a memo...

    Russia...Goliath here...a juggernaut of a war machine...they invaded Ukraine...not the other way around. By every measure that was believed Russian forces should have steamrolled Ukraine in a few days.

    Is this too difficult to understand? I suppose I should understand the confusion since nothing happened the way most thought.

    Ukraine has one job; survive.

  10. #8930
    Lukashenko is back to being a comedian. He is claiming his army is staying in Belarus to prevent Russia being attacked in the rear, not that they refused to get involved.

  11. #8931
    Quote Originally Posted by Eugenik View Post
    "Ukraine's armed forces claimed overnight to have recaptured the city of Chuhuiv in the Kharkiv region"
    30k city that as far as i see never even was claimed to be captured by Russians.

    "The Ukrainian army also claimed to have killed two high-ranking Russian military commanders: Lt. Col. Dmitry Safronov, commander of the 61st Separate Marine Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, and Lt. Col. Denis Glebov, deputy commander of the 11th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade."
    So they finally dropped claim on Gerasimov?

    Do you want list of entire Ukrainian military centers being wiped out?

  12. #8932
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    30k city that as far as i see never even was claimed to be captured by Russians.
    Their population was 197,695 in 2021.

    Imagine losing 2 high ranking commanders to a city you never even held. Things must being real well
    Last edited by Daymanmb; 2022-03-10 at 02:27 PM.

  13. #8933
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    Guess London hates free trade too?
    Have you ever heard of Brexit?

    Or is your point that Putolini is as dumb a fuck as BoJo?
    “There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”

  14. #8934
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    I'm sorry but you seemed to have missed a memo...

    Russia...Goliath here...a juggernaut of a war machine...they invaded Ukraine...not the other way around. By every measure that was believed Russian forces should have steamrolled Ukraine in a few days.

    Is this too difficult to understand? I suppose I should understand the confusion since nothing happened the way most thought.
    Most people are wrong about wars, that is perfectly understandable.

    But jumping to conclusion "Because Russia didn't achieve instant win it isn't going to win at all" is silly.

  15. #8935
    Scarab Lord downnola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowferal View Post
    So...Russian forces went to Ukraine with several days of supplies with no logistical support whatsoever and get their collective asses handed to them...so badly that even the occasional Ukrainian begins to pity the particular soldier, Russian forces can't even use their encrypted communications because such radios/phones don't work in Ukraine; Russia becomes economically isolated as any foreign trade comes completely to a halt; other countries have become very interested in joining NATO (with one particular Finlander thinking NATO should join Finland...and I love that attitude!)...

    ...and we're all suppose to believe that this was "all according to plan?"
    Peace is war, my good chap.
    Populists (and "national socialists") look at the supposedly secret deals that run the world "behind the scenes". Child's play. Except that childishness is sinister in adults.
    - Christopher Hitchens

  16. #8936
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    But jumping to conclusion "Because Russia didn't achieve instant win it isn't going to win at all" is silly.
    See, you just made that up. He very clearly didnt say, or indicate that in any way. Youre losing your touch. Are you even trying?

  17. #8937
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    Most people are wrong about wars, that is perfectly understandable.
    Aye putin was, thought he'd take kyiv in 2 days

  18. #8938
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    There’s a difference between not being critical and fully supporting it.
    That's increasingly not going to be the case for Russians, I'm afraid. The Kremlin is using this opportunity to clamp down hard on dissent. Soon you'll either be on board with the war (which you can't call a war) or be an Ukrainian/Western spy or traitor.
    It is all that is left unsaid upon which tragedies are built -Kreia

    The internet: where to every action is opposed an unequal overreaction.

  19. #8939
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    Most people are wrong about wars, that is perfectly understandable.
    You seem to have embraced this thought.
    Meanwhile NATO will likely gain two countries in its alliance.

  20. #8940
    Quote Originally Posted by Eugenik View Post
    Their population was 197,695 in 2021.
    That's "region"; what you need to look at is city itself.

    Imagine losing 2 high ranking commanders to a city you never even held. Things must being real well
    Ukrainian officials made plenty of outlandish claims they never backed with evidence.

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