The weimar republic was before wwii. your picture even has it in the name, 1922
To be (more) exact
1919 to 1933
Last edited by Xarkan; 2022-03-10 at 08:17 PM.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
Strategic nukes and MAD no, but tactical nuke and no more Kyiv, very high chance. That is very much in the Russian playbook.
It’s not a matter of binary choice, it’s a matter of bumping the odds from something like 0.5% to even 15% isn’t worth it.
Furthermore, the NFZ and perception of disunity with NATO over it provides a clear distance between the two parties, which is actually beneficial diplomatically.
Lastly, NFZ means no one flies, and Ukraine have actually had some successes with their own Air Force and with drone strikes and the longer it goes on, and the more of the latter we can get to them the more useful that is - especially since the Russian Air Force are dialling back their own operations.
“There you stand, the good man doing nothing. And while evil triumphs, and your rigid pacifism crumbles to blood stained dust, the only victory afforded to you is that you stuck true to your guns.”
why the hell should I bother with the most absurd, power fantasy hypotheticals when we have real-world problems to deal with?
see, this is why no one in this thread wants you here, you're not taking this very dire situation seriously. you're trapped in your mind palace, and expect the rest of us to live in there with you. fuck. off.