Per the BBC, the IIF (international institute of finance) believes the Russian economy while shrink at least 15% this year. At least.
Per the BBC, the IIF (international institute of finance) believes the Russian economy while shrink at least 15% this year. At least.
Initial planning, as I like to repeat, about the hopes of 2014 repeat. Logistics goes together with this.
Maintenance - debatable, we don't know. We don't even see Ukrainian side, because they cannot move in large enough formations.
Since there was immediate decrease in videos from Ukrainians when the "one nation/brother nations" tactics were dropped last week and gloves came off I, once again, am arguing against the "incapable Russia" hype. Most funny of that is the "rusty nukes".
And, as I too have repeated - Russia lost information war. No wonder that law was pushed out so fast.
Now that is serious.
(use incognito)Exclusive: Facebook will temporarily allow posts calling for violence against Russians, calls for Putin's death"
here are the outcomes to this. As a prophet, I see all outcomes but don't know what comes after. So tell me what you think "comes after":
1. Ukraine beats back Russia into their homeland. Putin nukes or chemical bombs all of Ukraine out of spite and sends the West a warning:
2. Russia takes over Ukraine, kills everyone non-subservient/affiliated - the West response is:
"The social media company is also temporarily allowing some posts that call for death to Russian President Vladimir Putin or Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in countries including Russia, Ukraine and Poland, according to a series of internal emails to its content moderators."
"The emails said calls for violence against Russians are allowed when the post is clearly talking about the invasion of Ukraine. They said the calls for violence against Russian soldiers were allowed because this was being used as a proxy for the Russian military, and said it would not apply to prisoners of war.
A more positive way?
It wouldn't. What you are suggesting would only result in making things far worse.
Kickstarting WWIII immediately after the end of WWII would not have been a positive development...and that's exactly what would happen if America had attempted what you are suggesting.
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.
- H. L. Mencken
Reality in Ukraine city right now 2.01 -- 2.19 :
Damage is pretty high, from what is being reported.
Don't sweat the details!!!
There are different levels of winning and different meanings for winning.
Even if Ukraine lost Crimea and the Donbass, if they hold the rest of the country they would have still won, considering the context.
Just like the Finns did during the Winter War, while they were technically beaten and they officially surrendered and have lost huge chunks of territory, they got to hold on to their nation state and political system and managed to develop into a high income western democracy and EU member.
Reminds me of Monty python and the holy grail.
russian convoy: "RUN AWAY" "RUN AWAY"
“A man will contend for a false faith stronger than he will a true one,” he observes. “The truth defends itself, but a falsehood must be defended by its adherents: first to prove it to themselves and secondly, that they may appear right in the estimation of their friends.”
-The Acts of Pilate.
UKRAINE OR RUSSIA WILL WIN. And then those two hypothetical scenarios will become real. Do you think Putin will let Ukraine win and not kill them all out of spite? He will launch a final attack if his military is fleeing back. And if Russia wins, they WILL kill everyone not kneeling to them, as proven by their blatant massacring of civilians now. The question then is how the West would respond to either