1. #961
    Banned Yadryonych's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Easo View Post
    There are so many funny ways we can split up Russia
    Can you though?

  2. #962
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    Let me stop you right there.

    Solovyov is basically a Russian version of Tucker Carson working the public and Zhirinovsky is a Russian version of Trump but clocked up to 11, but with no power behind him.

    Nobody in their right mind really takes either seriously. Zhirinovsky is a fringe clown figure that has his single digit % following for decades with many people voting for him mostly for comic relief.

    His other very useful remarks include: "our soldiers will be washing their boots in the Indian ocean" and "women need to take only 1 test in their lives and it has two colors".

    So yeah, don't just be that guy that takes everyone seriously. Even Russians do not.
    I don't believe this because Putin is friends with these people and invites them to his mansion. Also, do Russian citizens in-state have individuality? I thought they were like North Koreans with being indoctrinated to believe Putin is their god, with little room for objective thought.

    When they see those figures aforementioned on TV, I don't imagine them laughing and thinking of them as foolish. I imagine them eating it up and believing the fearmongering of the heathens outside of Russia's borders.

  3. #963
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    I don't believe this because Putin is friends with these people and invites them to his mansion. Also, do Russian citizens in-state have individuality? I thought they were like North Koreans with being indoctrinated to believe Putin is their god, with little room for objective thought.

    When they see those figures aforementioned on TV, I don't imagine them laughing and thinking of them as foolish. I imagine them eating it up and believing the fearmongering of the heathens outside of Russia's borders.
    I don't care what you believe. You believe WW3 starts tomorrow, I have no clue wtf you smoke honestly and you're about as much of a meme as Shalcker in this thread. Heck, Shalcker is probably more on point, even if he too spreads around various vatnik fake crap. But heck, at least he does not go completely off the rails seeing nuclear war or simply war in everything, so some grip on reality is there.


    It is what it is - this I can tell you as Russian myself who seen some of that shit in native language and knows the players. Zhirinovsky is a thing all the way from 90s back before I even bailed on the whole thing.

    And all the bullshit he says is his signature shtick that gives him his constant niche of 7% of voters which is split between crackheads who legit believe/desire what he says and disillusioned voters who understand the whole "elections" is a charade anyway, so why not meme while at it. He's invited to these shows as a sort of comic relief making propaganda shows more fun and because he feeds on these things.

    While Solovyov is legit Tucker in what amounts to Russian Fox News that govt shoves in everyone's faces working the public of people like Shalcker and the army of boomers who just can't give up USSR nostalgy.
    Last edited by Gaidax; 2022-01-22 at 09:32 PM.

  4. #964
    WW3 is not estimated to start tomorrow, it can happen ANY time now with Putin’s actions over Ukraine. Because remember it’s not just Ukraine at stake, it’s Taiwan as well depending on the outcome, meaning the US will inevitably be dragged into it.

  5. #965
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    There won't be any WW3 over shitty Ukraine because nobody gives enough damn to start any actual war between actual powers over that failed state.

    At very very worst it will turn into another proxy civil war shithole like Yemen where Iran dukes it out with Saudis and Co, Yemenis pay the bill and nobody really gives a shit about it. It already is, it just may flare up, which is what the whole fuss is about.

    That all.
    Last edited by Gaidax; 2022-01-22 at 09:44 PM.

  6. #966
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    There won't be any WW3 over shitty Ukraine because nobody gives enough damn to start any actual war between actual powers over that failed state.
    that's horrible. You called Ukraine shitty and are advocating for Russia's assault and potential murder of thousands of innocent civilians.

  7. #967
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    that's horrible. You called Ukraine shitty and are advocating for Russia's assault and potential murder of thousands of innocent civilians.
    Bruh, don't pull that shit on me, I was born and lived in Ukraine good decade and a half. I don't need some yank who is thousands kilometers from there and never seen the thing or even visited there - make a fake horrified face "oh noes how can you say such a thing".

    I say it the way exactly it is, because I have first hand experience with the thing, unlike you - who is clueless about the reality of it all.

  8. #968
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    Bruh, don't pull that shit on me, I was born and lived in Ukraine good decade and a half. I don't need some yank who is thousands kilometers from there and never seen the thing or even visited there - make a fake horrified face "oh noes how can you say such a thing".

    I say it the way exactly it is, because I have first hand experience with the thing, unlike you - who is clueless about the reality of it all.
    are you siding with Putin, though? There's no way other way I can see this. The tone in which you write this is indicative that Ukraine has had it coming for some reason.

  9. #969
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    are you siding with Putin, though?
    Yes, clearly me saying there won't be any WW3 or anything more than proxy civil war there is me siding with Putin.

    Bruh, you're so off base, it's almost hilarious. That's why Shalcker is simply a more on point poster than you - at least he's not going completely off the rails with hell knows what and crazy ass absolutes.

    - - - Updated - - -

    "WTF so you say there won't be WW3 over Ukraine? Must be a Kremlin agent."


  10. #970
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    WW3 is not estimated to start tomorrow, it can happen ANY time now with Putin’s actions over Ukraine. Because remember it’s not just Ukraine at stake, it’s Taiwan as well depending on the outcome, meaning the US will inevitably be dragged into it.
    But do you seriously believe in the predictions you've been making throughout this thread or are you just playing around? It's fine to play around but it's not really healthy when people actually do believe in all the drama and constant pessimism.
    Last edited by PC2; 2022-01-22 at 09:59 PM.

  11. #971
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    But do you seriously believe in the predictions you've been making throughout this thread or are you just playing around? It's cool to play around but it's not really healthy when people actually do believe in all the drama and constant pessimism.
    yes. I have no way to prove to you I'm not playing around. The other poster assured the situation in Ukraine is going to be a "proxy war." But I'm wholly convinced that's not the case, I genuinely believe Putin will just bumrush Ukraine with tanks, soldiers, and warships in an upfront conquest. Have you seen all the suspicious activity lately with the training exercises with Belarus and moving his battleships from elsewhere near Ukraine?

  12. #972
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    yes. I have no way to prove to you I'm not playing around. The other poster assured the situation in Ukraine is going to be a "proxy war." But I'm wholly convinced that's not the case, I genuinely believe Putin will just bumrush Ukraine with tanks, soldiers, and warships in an upfront conquest. Have you seen all the suspicious activity lately with the training exercises with Belarus and moving his battleships from elsewhere near Ukraine?
    EVEN in the very unlikely case Putin actually decides to blitz Ukraine, what it will end up as is control of ethnically Russian majority parts of Ukraine - East and South, where I was born, where the populace will generally be supportive and still it won't be any actual war with the West.

    The reasons why Putin won't do that - because he's not suicidal. If he steps over the line - the economic response will be devastating and his current mandate in a lot of ways is very reliant on bringing relative ("relative" being important point) prosperity to Russians. Besides - the elites that actually control the country won't let him and they are not to be tussled with despite all the big balls of Putin.

    What WILL happen as I said time and time again - some another chunk of Ukraine will be taken over by "separatists", while the forces build up is to give a pause to Ukrainian army response to that.

    And that will be both ideal outcome for West and Putin - Putin gets some more clout and cards in his hand, West won't need to pile up actual sanctions and risk further energy crisis in EU. And the whole separatists and People's republics are vague enough to let it slide with some minor sanctions and very angry speeches and reassurances.

    All happy, except Ukraine, because nobody really cares about Ukraine. You have a bunch of YUPPIEs both sides who are all too quick to make a teary face "would someone think about the children????", but then get back to their cozy couch far far away from all this shit for some Netflix and chill.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Another scenario - Russia may move in to annex Donbass and maybe get some chunk of the south in process. This is also minor-enough in West's playbook. That also is an option.

  13. #973
    WW3 is a fearmongering meme, there will be solo assets ready in place making things happen before anything could even remotely escalete to a bigger scale. We aren't grinding people no more in millions for someone's agenda. I think we've moved on and matured and nobody ever wants to sacrifice the world's peace. Very well trained assasins are ready on standby to take out anyone who threatens world's peace.

  14. #974
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    BTW, just for funzies to let some theories of invasion fly:

    If Putin would actually want to blitz Ukraine - he'd take all the yellow areas because he can expect support or at least neutrality from populace there.

    Chief prize in this case would be city I was born in - Odessa. It would be a major win in that case, because it's a key southern port city and populace there would not mind (obviously relatively speaking, it would be acceptable with all the inconveniences, change one corrupt rule for another) - it's a Russian speaking city despite all the ham-fisted Ukrainian efforts to make it not. I don't think he can manage get that far without stepping too much into shit though.

    But if you want to humor the whole blitz scenario - that'd be the chief target.
    Last edited by Gaidax; 2022-01-22 at 10:42 PM.

  15. #975
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    BTW, just for funzies to let some theories of invasion fly:

    If Putin would actually want to blitz Ukraine - he'd take all the yellow areas because he can expect support or at least neutrality from populace there.

    Chief prize in this case would be city I was born in - Odessa. It would be a major win in that case, because it's a key southern port city and populace there would not mind (obviously relatively speaking, it would be acceptable with all the inconveniences, change one corrupt rule for another) - it's a Russian speaking city despite all the ham-fisted Ukrainian efforts to make it not. I don't think he can manage get that far without stepping too much into shit though.

    But if you want to humor the whole blitz scenario - that'd be the chief target.
    He will have to take the entirety of it or have a permanent ISIS at his border. And brits sending shitload of ammo to be handed out to local terrorists isn't helping much

  16. #976
    here's a simple but important question:

    WHY IS PUTIN DOING ALL THIS other than for more power when he already lives in a multi billion dollar mansion

  17. #977
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    here's a simple but important question:

    WHY IS PUTIN DOING ALL THIS other than for more power when he already lives in a multi billion dollar mansion
    Because two mansions is better than one

  18. #978
    The Unstoppable Force PC2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    here's a simple but important question:

    WHY IS PUTIN DOING ALL THIS other than for more power when he already lives in a multi billion dollar mansion
    It's his job to maximize Russian influence and prosperity. If he doesn't do enough in this regard then most people will dislike him and punish him.

    Also maybe it's because of the gas. An earlier poster said Ukraine has gas resources but it will take a while before it can be extracted and sold to Europe. By destabilizing or controlling Ukraine Putin is eliminating the competition, since Ukraine could lower Russia's revenues in the future if there's more competition.

    Plus Europeans are like saints so they'll probably give Russia something in order to save Ukraine, even if it doesn't benefit the rest of Europe in any way.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Yadryonych View Post
    Because two mansions is better than one
    Hell yeah, the more mansions a person has, the better.
    If I had $70bil like Putin then I'd buy several mansions all across the country in different places and then I'd use my personal jet to hop scotch around to whichever one I felt like staying at that week.

  19. #979
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    Plus Europeans are like saints so they'll probably give Russia something in order to save Ukraine, even if it doesn't benefit the rest of Europe in any way.
    Eh I would not be so sure seeing the lax Crimea response that apparently did nothing given the news.

    In the end it's all spreadsheets and appearances.

  20. #980
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    It's his job to maximize Russian influence and prosperity.
    I've been keeping up with Alexei Navalny, who has quite the different narrative there, saying Putin's interests are only in his own and his people are being exploited. AND IS IT HARD TO BELIEVE THE GUY when you see his mansion and how many people he's murdered

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