What a staggeringly brave lady!
Hopefully she will be ok.
that's brave but also a tragedy of impulsiveness. I'm not really blowing it out of proportion when I say Putin is willing to currently openly incarcerate, torture, and then murder anyone protesting like that in the most heinous and grisly ways imaginable.
He's always done that but something you people overlook right now (I mean, what's going on in Russia's state is not as important as Ukraine evidently) is how open he is about it, as well as escalating the brutality to intimidate the civilians from acting out of line.
So not much hope for her.
Welp all of the former and current Intercept writers are shilling for Putin now.
Me from 2016-2022, reminding you the Intercept is 95% propaganda with like 5% "journalism".
Their opponents would be like Liechtenstein during the Austro Prussian War.
- - - Updated - - -
Remember what we (humanity) did to the last supposed real prophet?
Off topic, anyone any good at carpentry? Anyone have good deals on Lumber? Nails? I'll even highball the cost. I'll pay $441 USD.
You're gonna get em going, talkin all fancy like.
Hmm, something to note - if Russia is destroying Ukraine's industries, then that is a really shitty but still a sign that plans for full occupation/puppet regime might not be happening. Shit, but kinda good in a very roundabout way.
Also good to see that that Western media is having a bit more clear-headed look and are reporting analyst warnings about the attempts of possible encirclement in Donbas - something which was predicted before the war.
Obviously Ukrainian MoD knows this very well, they are of the same general school as Russians. From how the front is moving in south-east/east the decision to abandon the Donetsk frontline (which is in the shelling distance of Donetsk itself) will have to be taken soon. What I want to know is if they plan to do the same with Kratamorsk as with Mariupol - few thousand troops stay and drag out the siege.
I am going to assume less deliveries from USA itself, but otherwise it would be the same, rest of NATO would still feed it with weapons and provide real-time intel from the constantly patrolling planes (something people really ignore/undervalue). It's an opportunity too valuable to pass up, Trump could not stop it fully even if he wanted to.
I don't think he would be able to stop the deliveries that gets approved by congress but he would slow them down not to mention watering down sanctions. One of Trump's goal was to destroy NATO and have Russia rejoin the G7. It would certainly be interesting times to say the least having a Putin stooge in the white house.
Fox News correspondent Benjamin Hall injured while reporting in Ukraine
Fox News correspondent Benjamin Hall was injured while reporting near Ukraine's capital, the network said Monday. It's not yet clear how he was injured or how severe his injuries are, though he has been hospitalized.
"Earlier today, our correspondent Benjamin Hall was injured while newsgathering outside of Kyiv in Ukraine," Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott said in a memo to employees. "We have a minimal level of details right now, but Ben is hospitalized and our teams on the ground are working to gather additional information as the situation quickly unfolds."
Hall recently made headlines for rebuking Greg Gutfield, co-host of the Fox News political talk show "The Five," after he said on-air that the reporting from Ukraine "is a lot like other stories that we've gone through in the digital age in which an image is taken and then played over and over and over again to create some kind of emotional response out of you, because that makes a profit for news companies."
"This is not the media trying to drum up some emotional response," Hall said. "This is absolutely what's happening."
"It is an absolute catastrophe," he added. "And the people caught in the middle are the ones who are really suffering."
With Fox now having one of their own injured, I wonder if they'll change their tune. Sadly I doubt it. And sadly it wasn't Cucker. But that would first require him having a pair to actually go anywhere dangerous first.
Ukraine is saying the missile that hit Donetsk was Russian, not theirs. Given other false flags, it is possible though I doubt there is a way to find out.