Edit: trying to find an image host right now. Some have been blocked. Ok, I can not post pictures for some reason over here.
Don't bother. This is the view from my window. I tried taking a picture so that only the tower is visible and no nearby buildings, so that it is more difficult to identify exactly where it was taken from for obvious reasons. But naturally, it is not going to be enough for some, unless I am hugging Zelensky with my passport open and then do an id verification check in person with a lawyer in front of a live audience.
As for those who doubt that our military rides in ambulances - taking a picture of that is perhaps the easiest method of committing a suicide. How do you say that in the US - suicide by cop? This is basically the same thing.
Yesterday, 8 AA missiles blew up straight above my house. 4 in the morning, and 4 later in the afternoon. My guess is that Russians send small drones for surveillance and our trigger happies are having the time of their life. I stopped counting explosions that at least do not make my monitor jump a long time ago. These ones pretty much did. I hope that shrapnel from these missiles is not going to puncture my roof someday, as it is going to be a pain in the ass to get there and patch it up.
Also yesterday, me and my wife were looking out of a window and saw something very large and slow take off from somewhere near the tower. Normally, Grad and AA rockets accelerate very fast. These are relatively small. But this was a large missile, with a huge fire plum. Even at that distance we could see a dark spec of where that plum originated, meaning it was very, very large compared to a typical AA or a Grad missile.