1. #11381
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ihavewaffles View Post
    No, banning 11 political parties means its a dictatorship.
    Well, see, now, no, it doesn't.

    Because those pro-Russian parties aren't banned, they're only temporarily restricted while the country is under martial law, which is a direct result of Russia invading a sovereign country.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ihavewaffles View Post
    A dictatorship is a form of government characterized by a single leader (dictator) or group of leaders that hold government power promised to the people and little or no toleration for political pluralism or independent media.
    It's a good thing there are plenty of other political parties available in Ukraine that aren't aligned with a fucking invading country in a time of war.

    So, yeah, still a democracy, champ.
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  2. #11382
    Banned Ihavewaffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    Exactly. Either Russia leaves and allows Ukraine to continue to be an active democracy or it’ll end up like Belarus.
    In belarus u have opposition trying to win elections, in zelenskys ukraine opposition is banned so they can't even try.
    Meaning Ukraine is worse n Zelensky is responsible for what happens next..

  3. #11383
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ihavewaffles View Post
    In belarus u have opposition trying to win elections, in zelenskys ukraine opposition is banned so they can't even try.
    Meaning Ukraine is worse n Zelensky is responsible for what happens next..
    This is funny. Which opposition in Belarus? The imprisoned one or the exiled one?

  4. #11384
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ihavewaffles View Post
    In belarus u have opposition trying to win elections, in zelenskys ukraine opposition is banned so they can't even try.
    Meaning Ukraine is worse n Zelensky is responsible for what happens next..
    The opposition that gets taken from the hijacked international plane and then later "convinced" to show support to Lukashenko, or the opposition that goes jogging only later to be found hanged in the forest?
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  5. #11385
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ihavewaffles View Post
    In belarus u have opposition trying to win elections, in zelenskys ukraine opposition is banned so they can't even try.
    What fucking elections do you suppose are occurring while Russia destroys the country in its invasion, eh?

    Russia and Belarus are 100% dictatorships, and your defense of their invasion of Ukraine is disgusting.
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  6. #11386
    Banned Ihavewaffles's Avatar
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    Zelensky is basically Ukraine's Slobodan Milosevich.

    Last edited by Flarelaine; 2022-03-21 at 03:51 PM. Reason: Trolling

  7. #11387
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    OK, I am all for another opinion, but some things are just trolling.

    I do think banning of said parties was unnecessary, because they'd evaporate next elections anyway being effectively sellouts on Russian payroll and it just gives ammo to Putler and people like waffleboi to push their "look the nazis are taking over" crap. And there is some wiggle room to discuss Maidan events.

    But like... pushing crap about Zelensky being a dictator or not legitimate and Belarus having opposition... It's like bruh. Might as well just copy paste RT news here and be done with it.

  8. #11388
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    But like... pushing crap about Zelensky being a dictator or not legitimate and Belarus having opposition... It's like bruh. Might as well just copy paste RT news here and be done with it.
    Hey man, w/e justifies the godly work of Putin.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  9. #11389
    zelenksy is not a good or particularly nice person, and I hate how people are advocating him as an icon of peace and goodwill already.

    It's just, you know, Putin is the devil or Hitler 2. So "not so good guy", not even "evil", compared to that will sway most people in a time of crisis and have them forget their flaws.

    That is all.

  10. #11390
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ihavewaffles View Post
    Zelensky is basically Ukraine's Slobodan Milosevich.
    Lulz. You've really drunk the kool-aid, haven't you?

    Maybe seek some professional help?
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  11. #11391
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    But like... pushing crap about Zelensky being a dictator or not legitimate and Belarus having opposition... It's like bruh. Might as well just copy paste RT news here and be done with it.
    Funny you should mention that... because that is exactly what happens.

  12. #11392
    Quote Originally Posted by Makabreska View Post
    No, it's not. Rest of the world shows support towards Ukraine and can easily recognize crude propaganda that desperately tries to justify invasion and war crimes caused by a guy who couldn't accept that Soviet Union is no more. You and your Russian friends are so alone, and will be increasingly more alone in the near future.
    The world needs to understand that this isn't a revival of the Soviet Union; this is a multi-prongled historical recontextualization of the Soviet Union, the Russian empire and the orthodox context of the Byzantine empire in one swoop; it is an attempt to merge the legacies of three historical world powers into the modern context of present-day Russia and present it as the ideological, martial, political, religious and cultural successor. If this ideology is to be faced, it needs to be classified and presented as it is. To present it as a mere revival of the Soviet Union is an attempt to agitate more recent memories, but there's much more to this.

    The Soviet Union fought against and suppressed a lot of the ideologies that Putin wholeheartedly embraces. The invasion of Ukraine doesn't require much more than the fact of its occurence for Russia to be condemned worldwide; no amount of explanations, justifications and historical recontextualizations will make Russia find support. This invasion, the propaganda that paved its way and the Russian people's acceptance of it is a result of long-standing self-deception perpetrated by intellectual elites within Russia and is in direct relation to historical and cultural facts they deem as detrimental to the future of their nation; this is nowhere else as evident as in a number of Slavic countries.
    Last edited by Magnagarde; 2022-03-20 at 12:07 PM.

  13. #11393
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    zelenksy is not a good or particularly nice person, and I hate how people are advocating him as an icon of peace and goodwill already.
    Zelensky himself is a fine and chill chap. He is a very fresh politician that practically lucked out to even be where he is.

    You could argue that elites that put him there are not good faith actors and that'd be true - it is, after all, an ex-Soviet republic ruled from behind the scenes by the same old bandits from 90s turned "respectable businessmen" turned oligarchs, but I do believe Zelenesky himself is genuine.

    The good news is that at first sign of trouble a good bunch of said elites turned tail and made an "exit", but I am sure plenty left there too. It will take decades for Ukraine to weed them out through reforms and institutions building.

    But at least it's actually on a thorny path of getting there, unlike waffle's glorious Russia/Belarus.

  14. #11394
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gaidax View Post
    Zelensky himself is a fine and chill chap. He is a very fresh politician that practically lucked out to even be where he is.
    I mean, "lucked out" except for the whole Russian invasion thing. It's a huge mark in his favor that he stayed to lead the fight, rather than do what any of those elitist oligarchs would have done in the same situation.
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  15. #11395
    Quote Originally Posted by Pannonian View Post
    This is a funny picture i have seen a few times, probably you all got this from the same polit officer? - but this is a lie, there are only 6 countries that didnt condem russias invasion of Ukraine - so this is factually wrong.

    And ... Austria is a dictatorship because a party is banned? Am i getting this right?
    17 African countries have abstained from voting on Russia's invasion in the UN GA; Eitrea even supported it.

    I think it is high time that the US and the EU reevaluate their aid programmes to these African countries too. I see absolutely no reason to continue aiding countries whose policies fail to condemn aggression of this scale.

    The non-alligned movement and their position therein can't be an excuse not to cut aid.
    Last edited by Magnagarde; 2022-03-20 at 12:07 PM.

  16. #11396
    Banned Ihavewaffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    zelenksy is not a good or particularly nice person, and I hate how people are advocating him as an icon of peace and goodwill already.

    It's just, you know, Putin is the devil or Hitler 2. So "not so good guy", not even "evil", compared to that will sway most people in a time of crisis and have them forget their flaws.

    That is all.
    Well, I have no problems much with Georgia's current pro-Western leadership, but the former started a stupid war (eu report), become world famous for jailing enormous amounts of people, even bombed hq of opposition (that also is pro-western) n in general acting like a dictator since he took power in a coup (rose revolution), n eating his own tie lol

    It seems that in general if ur pro-western, u got carte blanche...
    Now formern western darling sakashvili is in jail in georgia, with country being pro-western anyways, there's no need for his antics so he goes to jail for his past crimes.

    That's the danger with carte blanche, in ex Soviet states, can revert back to dictatorial ways if west doesn't strongarm them from getting out of line.

    It's so easy with ukraine being so dependant on west, for west to demand zelensky to freaking stop being dictator, but this west vs east block clash gives wiggle room for people like sakashvilli, zelensky, poroshenko to do whatever they want.

    So, what happens next in ukraine? I bet it will only worse n they'll elect someone next like Augusto Pinochet, dictator for life.

  17. #11397
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    He's as lucky as George dubya was after 9/11.

  18. #11398
    The Unstoppable Force Gaidax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    I mean, "lucked out" except for the whole Russian invasion thing. It's a huge mark in his favor that he stayed to lead the fight, rather than do what any of those elitist oligarchs would have done in the same situation.
    That's not what I meant, what I meant that him becoming a president is pretty much a big meme. So luck out in that sense.

  19. #11399
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ihavewaffles View Post
    So, what happens next in ukraine? I bet it will only worse n they'll elect someone next like Augusto Pinochet, dictator for life.
    Kinda like what happens in Belarus? Kremlin approved dictator?

  20. #11400
    Banned Ihavewaffles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    17 African countries have abstained from voting on Russia's invasion in the UN GA; Eitrea even supported it.

    I think it is high time that the US and the EU reevaluate their aid programmes to these African countries too. I see absolutely no reason to continue aiding countries whose policies fail to condemn aggression of this scale.

    The non-alligned movement and their position therein can't be an excuse not to cut aid and investment either.
    Also west, why is china getting so much influence in africa, totally not our own faults!!

    Go ahead. Make my day.

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