Not news to anyone, most of ex-Soviet republics and that includes Russia and Ukraine have badly mismanaged regular army.
You have generals there who are little more than common thieves and many siphon off equipment and facilities for their own benefit. Then the conscripts are their own bunch of trouble - intimidation and coercion there is rife and you don't want to end on the wrong end of the cliques and "traditions" rolling there unrestrained for many decades. Being a good guy does not work there.
Anyone who can dodge draft - does so and for the good reason.
All still there can assure you. Just recently read some amusing piece on that about how various bases use their facilities. Same goes for thievery and such - Russia is huge, nobody cares to really see what's going on in various bases hell knows where.
Ukraine same same, really, corruption is rife. I bet much of this military assistance they get will end up in hands of hell knows who for $$ resold by various "generals" and their friends.
It's dedovschina btw.
Well at least we know whatever Putin does he has the approval of 80% of Russians surveyed if I remember correctly. Page 7 79% of Russians Approve of Putin
It's a Gallup Poll and fairly reliable in the States.
Have they?
I mean I have for sure heard of Putin killing and targeting his rivals, but over all he is well loved and liked in Russia, Not like Irag or Afganistan where the people didn't have much freedom of choice. So any conflict in Ukraine or anywhere else is pretty well understood from the Russian perspective.
I guess the number '2017' is significant. His support has declined in recent years,
65% isn't catastrophic either (which is good), and even if some might lie there are still a significant number that support him. Part of that is due to propaganda - and part is that it was messier before him.
Putin's approval ratings are genuinely high.
Now you can of course say it's because he had decades of information and education to steer it in that direction in addition to removing credible opposition and you'd be somewhat right. But it does not change the end result anyway.
"Simply control the polls" is recipe to be blindsided - like in case of Lukashenko when he had to scramble against sudden rebellion and wasn't sure who still supported him.
Putin keeps polls more or less independent and reacts to them to avoid that - sometimes with preemptive (or reactive) crackdowns (like in case of Navalny when he started to flirt with street protests a bit too often), sometimes with genuine responses to various worries.
As another example, Medvedev-Putin switch was based on poll data; if Medvedev would poll better then Putin he would stay President for longer.
Last edited by Shalcker; 2022-01-27 at 10:34 PM.
It's not comparable to what it was, far from it. Sure it is still Russia, blah blah, but we really need to meme less. Even in Putin's tsardom someone is regularly put in jail for this. When you start switching to professional army most contractors are not going to build your dacha, no matter how much rank you try to pull, especially when there is pressure from the very top about clearing shit up. After all, they need the army to protect said top
It actually is дедовщина if we want to smartass and I can't be bothered to check the grammar too much when writing in translit.
And what would be the source for that...? Just to be clear, are we talking about hazing/stealing from army/both?
Yes, but that doesn't change that Putin generally is popular. You have to accept that.