So Russia's excuse for posting that they had lost 10000 KIA and then yanking the post? They were 'hacked'.
Man, MAGA America needs to just move to Russia and sign the fuck up to fight the righteous fight.
Not sure I understand you. Continuation War happened, which ended for Finland the same way as the first one. ELI5?
I do not see the point of splitting off MAGA part of Murica. They are part of it, it has to be admitted and owned, otherwise there will never be a progress forward.
"Soviet Union" mention made me laugh, though. Who needs memes and stereotypes when real world is like this.
Replying to someone to point out that Georgia is not in the middle east is not WHATABOUTISM
Making you look bad for using the line "we don't give into fascist" by pointing out all the fascists we are in bed with is not WHATBOUTISM
it's pointing out facts you are uncomfortable with learn what the word means before using it.
When that person is replying to your insistence that you can't care about Ukraine for ethical reasons because "the international community didn't care about X", that's whataboutism.
It is in fact whataboutism when, as I said, the people saying that we should not acquiesce to fascists have consistently expressed opposition for shitty foreign policy decisions on the US' part.Making you look bad for using the line "we don't give into fascist" by pointing out all the fascists we are in bed with is not WHATBOUTISM
Once again; trying to allege hypocrisy without directly refuting the argument is fallacious. You're not actually providing any reasons why sanctions and aid shouldn't continue.
Last edited by Elegiac; 2022-03-21 at 10:57 PM.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
But it's not the international community doesn't care about Ukraine for ethical reason, Ukraine has the right geopolitical locations, natural resources and vested interests for us to "care". The facts not being to your liking doesn't make it whataboutism, the last time I checked morals don't come with conditional clauses.When that person is replying to your insistence that you can't care about Ukraine for ethical reasons because "the international community didn't care about X", that's whataboutism.
How about this you go in the mirror and keep having this imaginary argument with the version of me you made up in your head because I have never once made these statements.
Russian news (god damn fucking blocks are starting to annoy me. Was it really necessary to block TASS as well, my dear goverment of Latvia?) are quoting Zelensky:
Zelensky said that he is ready to discuss Crimea and Donbas with Putin, but not at the first meeting.Зеленский заявил, что готов обсудить тему Крыма и Донбасса с Путиным, но не на первой встрече.
Он также подчеркнул, что Крым и Донбасс – тяжелая история для всех, этот вопрос нужно решать после получения Украиной гарантий безопасности.
He also noted that both are hard history for everyone, this question should be solved after receiving guarantees for safety of Ukraine.
@Gaidax - as you said.
Draco, I indeed don't see anyone specifically mentioning Middle East, unless I am blind. Though as for your point - realpolitik, again. And yes, Georgia is... less important... Ahem...
I am skeptical of any talk being of importance without the international community being part of it to discuss sanction relief and what they would find acceptable as a compromise. Even if they come to an agreement without sanction relief and international support to guarantee Ukraine security it doesn't seem like something solid long term.
@Easo. No response from you to the post about the Russians reporting casualty figures that are HIGHER than the US estimates? Aren't you going to tell them that they can't possibly know how many troops they've lost because of the fog of war?
I saw 10,000 dead, which is presumably 10,001 now once they got hold of the guy that "accidentally" let those figures slip.
Still sticking to your belief that the US figures are an overestimate and basically propaganda?
When challenging a Kzin, a simple scream of rage is sufficient. You scream and you leap.
Originally Posted by George Carlin
Originally Posted by Douglas Adams
Kinda maybe somewhat?
Russia is running out of guided ammunition. Their forced to just drop dumb bombs, that will limit their deployment as you can't drop dumb bombs out of aircraft for far away while going at high speeds. So bombing Ukraine into the stone age would open up more Russian planes to more AA, something the West will happily provide to the Ukraine army.
It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death
The same post which was deleted? Or that USA has zero reason not to have a positive spin for Ukraine?
Oh, and I was talking about 1k casualties per day as absolute bullshit. Something which also correlates way closer to American claims than Ukraine's fantasies.
Well, the last "international guarantees" did not help Ukraine very much...
They absolutely are not. Bombings are regular, Russian MoD also woke up and now is posting videos, including strikes from drones.