This is correct.
There is a currently posted date when foreigners can dump all their worthless Russian stocks. I believe it's a weekish away. But Russia's word is worthless, and I think the expectation is (a) that deadline mysteriously moves back or (b) the government stops the immediate crash that follows by halting trading till 2025.
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Tweet says "babkas" which makes me sad. Babka is great stuff. It's like brioche and pain au chocolat got into the teleporter at the same time.
So, Putin should turn on the BBC and get some more accurate news of how the war is going?
It would be funny if people weren't dying.
It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death
By the way we are over 4 million refugees. First very likely issue I can see is crisis in Poland, if this drags on.
I chose to use babushki - because babkas/babi is a bit insulting. Think of something like "old women", but derogatory, unlike "grandmas".
As for the food - yeah, that one is good.
I had to google that, something like it indeed, except without dissent,
At 20 - 25% discount, as long as there is no sanction on Russia's oil & gas, it would be silly not to. Buy ESPO at $81.96, mix with Indonesia DURI crude and sell it to Japan at $115.75 (going rate for DURI). What's not to like?
The payment can get a bit tricky. India is paying Russia with the money in their weapon purchase account. Not sure how Indonesia will manage that.
I am sure they will figure something out, Russia has been dealing with them for a long time (I have read about issues, though). We probably will see wider acceptance of Russian Mir payment system and China's one as well.
Well, as per jokes on Ru interwebs - there is always the palm oil option xD
It's a start, now let's see what happens next.
Under 20% of Russian troops seen leaving Kyiv area
Obviously, re-arm, repair and resupply, but are they going, as expected, to the Donbass or back to Kyiv.
Last edited by Iphie; 2022-03-30 at 08:44 PM.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Russia fanbots: Russia is holding back the big stuff.
Meanwhile: Technicals.
Explanation on Technicals
No, its the suggestion that if Putin is being lied to by his own people about the state of the war he will get a more accurate report by reading a reliable Western source and the BBC is generally seen as a reliable source of global news. I could have said CNN but then we'd have other people in here complaining about about the state of CNN.
It ignores such insignificant forces as time, entropy, and death
anybody want a dose of anxiety?
So, eh, The Russians are withdrawing from Chernobyl (Chornobyl?)?
Short articles, but apparently something is going on.
It will happen. don't doubt that much. This will happen.
That will happen if the chemical weapons fail to take any meaningful initiative or help regain any ground and Russia is still getting its ass kicked afterward. But that's a stretch considering chemical weapons are barely short of nukes in destructiveness. I wonder why NATO wouldn't take initiative when chemical WMDs are deployed considering the environmental death spreading well past Ukraine after.
Last edited by YUPPIE; 2022-03-30 at 09:43 PM.
This might be why, if true.