1. #15041
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Looks like Russia's ethnic cleansing was actually preplanned.

    Oh, boy. Yeeeeeeeaaaaah....

    That's not creepy as fuck. Noooope.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  2. #15042
    Legendary! Collegeguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snebb View Post
    You haven't learnt his patterns yet.
    Step 1: Claim unverified / proof required / fog of war.
    Step 2: Make personal unverified/'feeling' claims that don't require proof.
    Step 3: Ignore follow-up posts of step 1 when it is verified.
    Step 4: Repeat step 1 with added thinly-veiled Ruski strong comment and call for 'outrage in 3, 2, 1...'.
    Maybe hoping if you see the script repeated enough you might learn something about whadaboutism.

  3. #15043
    Quote Originally Posted by Easo View Post
    It's funny how some here laugh about fog of war, but are absolutely sure about "Russia did this" (I am not gonna say no to them being the main suspects, though, no matter how much you believe I am pro-Russian). Oh naive people, look at OSCE reports from the years in Donbas. They all are capable of horrors, no matter who is the biggest victim in this war.
    Stop being so sheltered, this is nothing yet, Syria is a good example for that. Pray that it will stay that way...
    As far as I am concerned that execution with knife in the eye shows what might be coming, unless stopped.
    You have been wrong at every turn about how things have been going since the start of the war and wanting Ukraine to surrender, even when it was pretty obvious Russia's advances had broken down and had no chance of taking Kyiv.

    As for comparing it to Syria are you fucking kidding me! Look at the cities they have already flattened in Ukraine, the civilians they have killed both indiscriminately and intentionally or are they lost in your own personal fog of war?

    While you make more sense than Yuppie (that's not saying a lot tbh) and are less egregious than the more obvious Russian shills, you are just coming over like a more sophisticated version now, all too keen to give Russia the benefit of the doubt at every turn, no matter how horrible the confirmed news and pictures coming out of Ukraine on a daily basis.

    Seeing you are using them as some sort of excuses for the way Russian troops are acting, how about you find the OSCE reports we should be looking at and link them?
    Quote Originally Posted by dribbles View Post
    Defecating in your bed is bound to happen
    Quote Originally Posted by dribbles View Post
    Sensible chap that Trump guy.

  4. #15044
    Quote Originally Posted by Bakis View Post
    Twitter claims might be true/false/everything in between but generally viewed with a grain of salt even by someone with a somewhat resume.
    In short, his claims need to be corroborated a bit before it is in the "looks like" category.
    You loose any benefit of doubt when you put out guides for how your soldiers are to create and hide mass graves just before you launch a war of ethnic cleansing.

  5. #15045
    i said it once and ill say it again in this thread. Whatever happens Ukraine should go full mossad on the soldiers who did these things in Ukraine if they can ID them, car bomb them back home 10 years later if they have to.

  6. #15046
    The Unstoppable Force Bakis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    You loose any benefit of doubt when you put out guides for how your soldiers are to create and hide mass graves just before you launch a war of ethnic cleansing.
    Maybe I need to be clearer, generally a picture of a document is less worth than a url to an official .ru regime website with said document.
    Perhaps I missed that being the case, perhaps not but given the content of the document (which I cant read so taking your word for it) it wont be on a website but then it again need some kinda of verification/more sources.
    Russia is doomed as it always has been historically

  7. #15047
    Quote Originally Posted by Evil Midnight Bomber View Post
    Name one thing that you "predicted".
    in this thread alone, in the first few pages, people were laughing at the prospect of Russia invading Ukraine

  8. #15048
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    in this thread alone, in the first few pages, people were laughing at the prospect of Russia invading Ukraine
    Considering when you made the thread, they were already in Ukraine, they have been in Ukraine since before your account was made. Jesus fucking christ.

    Literally EVERYTHING you have posted, has been wrong.

  9. #15049
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    in this thread alone, in the first few pages, people were laughing at the prospect of Russia invading Ukraine
    By "people", you mean Shalcker and Ihavewaffles. They don't really count.

    Some other people doubted that it would happen in December. Others laughed at the idea that it would mean nuclear warfare.

    So, no, you're wrong.

    R.I.P. Democracy

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    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  10. #15050
    The Unstoppable Force PC2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    in this thread alone, in the first few pages, people were laughing at the prospect of Russia invading Ukraine
    It does seem like most people got that one wrong, including me. Even most of the "experts" didn't manage to understand Putin's thought process before the invasion, imo. I just couldn't see a good reason for why Putin would make such a big problem over such a minor dispute, and honestly I still don't see any good reasons for why Putin thinks this conflict is worth it.
    Last edited by PC2; 2022-04-03 at 01:09 AM.

  11. #15051
    Quote Originally Posted by Bakis View Post
    Maybe I need to be clearer, generally a picture of a document is less worth than a url to an official .ru regime website with said document.
    Perhaps I missed that being the case, perhaps not but given the content of the document (which I cant read so taking your word for it) it wont be on a website but then it again need some kinda of verification/more sources.
    The thread had the link to the document on an official .ru website.

  12. #15052
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    in this thread alone, in the first few pages, people were laughing at the prospect of Russia invading Ukraine
    You mean when you said that Russia was going to invade Ukraine in DECEMBER?

    Great job "Prophet"
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

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  13. #15053
    The Unstoppable Force Bakis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    The thread had the link to the document on an official .ru website.
    Sorry, I missed the gost.ru link at first.
    Russia is doomed as it always has been historically

  14. #15054
    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    I honestly I still don't see any good reasons for why Putin thinks this conflict is worth it.
    Putin is an example of a coward that uses horrible means to assert an image of false masculinity and strength. The kind of guy who orders murders and destruction like it's nothing but would get clipped by the average street thug. All for the sake of his ego.

  15. #15055
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    Putin is an example of a coward that uses horrible means to assert an image of false masculinity and strength. The kind of guy who orders murders and destruction like it's nothing but would get clipped by the average street thug. All for the sake of his ego.
    How about you just stop trying to "tell us" about the personality, motives, and/or inner thoughts of any politician, leader... pretty much anybody.

    Because you're just making shit up, and it's frankly embarrassing.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  16. #15056
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    How about you just stop trying to "tell us" about the personality, motives, and/or inner thoughts of any politician, leader.
    putin is neither now, if he ever was. He is the head of a mafia terrorist state responsible for the deaths of millions of innocents under his jurisdiction alone.

  17. #15057
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    Putin is an example of a coward that uses horrible means to assert an image of false masculinity and strength. The kind of guy who orders murders and destruction like it's nothing but would get clipped by the average street thug. All for the sake of his ego.
    Sounds like you might be describing yourself
    On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    - H. L. Mencken

  18. #15058
    Herald of the Titans Elenos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PC2 View Post
    It does seem like most people got that one wrong, including me. Even most of the "experts" didn't manage to understand Putin's thought process before the invasion, imo. I just couldn't see a good reason for why Putin would make such a big problem over such a minor dispute, and honestly I still don't see any good reasons for why Putin thinks this conflict is worth it.
    Anyone who genuinely believed it wasn't going to happen wasn't aware of the full facts as they were being reported on by the Biden administration, by Western governments and by the media, or they didn't want to believe said facts ( not shocking in era of very high distrust of government and the media ), some were engaging in wishful thinking really: It's one thing to hope it doesn't happen, as many people that I know did, but quite another to deny the real genuine possibility.

    What were those facts? The kind of troops Russia was mobilizing, the supplies, and crucially: Blood supplies and doctors being sent to the frontlines. Those two facts made it clear Russia was serious about invading, not everyone understood it though.

    It's also not a "minor dispute". For Russia Ukraine is a pretty big deal, always has been: Controlling Crimea gives them control of the Black Sea, and Russia also cares enormously about maintaining or expanding it's influence over it's neighbors. Russia was never going to accept Ukraine becoming integrated into the West, not without trying to stop it including the use of military force.

    To be clear: We in the west do not have to agree, sympathize or accept Russia's motivations, quite the contrary we have many reasons to oppose them, we do need to understand them however to grasp the full picture.
    Last edited by Elenos; 2022-04-03 at 02:44 AM.
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  19. #15059
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    So your response is to just double down on your fanfiction.

    Not surprised.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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    and genius is that genius has its limits."

    --Alexandre Dumas-fils

  20. #15060
    Quote Originally Posted by YUPPIE View Post
    in this thread alone, in the first few pages, people were laughing at the prospect of Russia invading Ukraine
    Only Russia bots were denying it. Everyone else basically knew it was a question of when not if. Russia putting troops on the Ukraine border + western intelligence was telling everyone to get ready for it. It's one of the reasons why Ukraine is doing as well as they are. Everyone knew it was coming.

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