So Shillcker said the Dutch won't pump out gas anymore out of our own fields....
We will, together with Germany, in the Wadden Sea.
Their whole take on the fuel situation was just a massive amount of wishful thinking on their part.
Basically, it was a cascade of:
"No, Europe wont oppose Russia in their attack on Ukraine, because they rely to heavily on Russia for fuel"
"Okay, so maybe Europe will oppose Russia in their attack on Ukraine, but it wont mean anything because they wont have any plans to replace Russia"
"Okay, so maybe Europe is planning to replace Russian fuel, but they wont do it because it'll cost them too much and they'll give up"
"Okay, so maybe Europe isn't giving up on it, but it wont matter because they wont be able to find alternative sources of fuel"
"Okay, so maybe Europe is finding alternative sources of fuel, but it wont matter for Russia because there are plenty of other buyers"
"Okay, so maybe there aren't plenty of other buyers, but it wont matter because... uh... Ukraine still hasn't won! Look how many Ukrainians Russia has killed! Russia's victory in Ukraine will bring low the western nations of the world who dare oppose them! The United States and the rest of Europe will suffer dearly from the sanctions they placed on Russia, while Russia shall emerge stronger than ever!"
Remember, he was accusing everyone in "the west," i.e, places where the only real effect has been a nominal increase in fuel prices, of relying on hope and saying how they would all suffer dearly from the economic downturn they brought upon themselves, while Russia would stabilize its economy despite not having the means, make a mint off of fuel despite not having buyers, rebuild all its destroyed equipment despite not having the resources to do so, and come back stronger by trading with its stalwart allies, which do not exist.
Just like with conservatives, it's all projection. These are the things they fear and know are going to happen to them, so to feel better they're attempting to project these fears onto others.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Putin apparently thought better of storming Azovstal, instead the Russians are going to besiege it.
That's what I'm thinking too, somebody probably gave him the estimates of how much it would cost in terms of human life, how he wouldn't be able to hide that, and how it wasn't unlikely to cause a rout of his forces in the worst case scenario. (the latter would be disastrous for the Russian effort.)
Edit: There's also the thing that Zelenskyy had said that destroying the defenders of Azovstal would mean that there could be no further negotiations, so this could be interpreted as a concession. (however unlikely that is.)
Last edited by Iphie; 2022-04-21 at 08:18 AM.
I'm really conflicted about this one. While glorious last stands are very glorious and all that...I'd really rather not have those 1500 defenders die, no matter how it might bloody the nose of the Russians.
If relieving the city not an option (and I honestly don't think it's an option) they should be ordered to surrender at some point rather than being killed. Of course, it should be conditional surrender where international or Red Cross observers (tho the Russian branch of the Red Cross seems to have also just become another branch of the Kremlin) are present to make sure they aren't getting all buried in a forest a la Katyn.
Those soldiers there have really went above and beyond anything anyone could ask of them at this junction. Mariupol is not Leningrad's turning into Masada.
Last edited by Mihalik; 2022-04-21 at 09:53 AM.
Myeah, I don't think Putte gives a shit about the lives of his soldiers either, but a rout would devastate morale and bolster the morale of the Ukrainians, and that is something he cannot have. Plus, a heroic last stand would make them martyrs and, again, bolster morale.
To be fair, doing the math, there's supposed to be about 10+ BTG there, those have between 6000-8000+ troops there (going by 600-800 troops per BTG), if the defenders inflict 5-10K casualties then they effectively destroy the invading army there. I kinda doubt that would happen given the supplies situation.
Last edited by Iphie; 2022-04-21 at 10:49 AM.
Not the kind of mud in Russia/Ukraine/Belarus, it's renown for stopping armies in it's tracks.
Well, supposedly they were originally going to invade before the ice thawed, but China asked them not to interrupt the Olympics.
R.I.P. Democracy
"The difference between stupidity
and genius is that genius has its limits."
--Alexandre Dumas-fils