1. #17721
    Quote Originally Posted by Mihalik View Post

    Why the fucking fuck would you outsource your fucking munitions supply chain to a country that will stop supplying you ammunition as soon as you get into a shooting war.

    I also find it hilarious how the Swiss think that Vladimir Putin or a nuclear war would give two shits about their neutrality.

    I bet it's nice being a neutral landlocked country in the middle of massive and passive to friendly military alliance Switzerland and Austria...you little fucking weasels.
    Perhaps a bit ironically, Switzerland's neutrality was formally cemented per Russia's will at the Congress of Vienna, following the whole Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era.

    Given our currently "passive" neighbors last two centuries of history, and how some European countries collapsed into brutal civil wars and humanitarian bombings less than 1000km away from us within my lifetime, we usually try to maintain friendly relations with everybody while being armed to the teeth and having universal nuclear shelter coverage.

    The last two points got renewed interest lately as expected...

    But on not allowing Swiss weapons to be exported to Conflict Zones, it is nothing new, the last controversy we had was about some Pilatus PC-12 sold as civilian planes to the US (it is a turboprop passenger plane), after it was discovered they had been converted to military use, gifted to Afghanistan and used in bombardment operations.
    "It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks, and become one with all the people."

    ~ Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang, "Ethics for Tomorrow"

  2. #17722
    Quote Originally Posted by Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang View Post
    Perhaps a bit ironically, Switzerland's neutrality was formally cemented per Russia's will at the Congress of Vienna, following the whole Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era.

    Given our currently "passive" neighbors last two centuries of history, and how some European countries collapsed into brutal civil wars and humanitarian bombings less than 1000km away from us within my lifetime, we usually try to maintain friendly relations with everybody while being armed to the teeth and having universal nuclear shelter coverage.

    The last two points got renewed interest lately as expected...

    But on not allowing Swiss weapons to be exported to Conflict Zones, it is nothing new, the last controversy we had was about some Pilatus PC-12 sold as civilian planes to the US (it is a turboprop passenger plane), after it was discovered they had been converted to military use, gifted to Afghanistan and used in bombardment operations.
    The swiss are probably working out how to make money on it. They loved floating the nazi regime, surely the oligarchs would be a lovely touch for them. The only thing they love more than profiting off war is being mean to jamacian bobsleigh teams.

  3. #17723
    Quote Originally Posted by Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang View Post
    Perhaps a bit ironically, Switzerland's neutrality was formally cemented per Russia's will at the Congress of Vienna, following the whole Revolutionary and Napoleonic Era.

    Given our currently "passive" neighbors last two centuries of history, and how some European countries collapsed into brutal civil wars and humanitarian bombings less than 1000km away from us within my lifetime, we usually try to maintain friendly relations with everybody while being armed to the teeth and having universal nuclear shelter coverage.

    The last two points got renewed interest lately as expected...

    But on not allowing Swiss weapons to be exported to Conflict Zones, it is nothing new, the last controversy we had was about some Pilatus PC-12 sold as civilian planes to the US (it is a turboprop passenger plane), after it was discovered they had been converted to military use, gifted to Afghanistan and used in bombardment operations.
    Big difference between Switzerland blocking the sale of a plane meant for the civilian market that's then converted to military use and SOURCING your ammunition from Switzerland which will block its sale when you actually need it.

    That fuck up per say is not on the Swiss, but on Germans being fucking retarded.

    And on the supposed Swiss military readimess...I'm sorry but I have a hard time taking a country seriously when their air force only operates on business hours. The fact that they are even able to consider such nonsense highlights the fact that the Swiss themselves don't take their own military preparedness seriously and mostly just rely on the fact that they can hide behind NATO.

  4. #17724
    Russia is whining again about the US sending weapons to Ukraine. Obviously it is proving very effective in destroying the Russian war machine.

  5. #17725
    Quote Originally Posted by UnifiedDivide View Post
    Putin accusing the West of "terror" by trying to destroy Russia from within is my new fave thing. What it must be like to control the narrative your country sees.
    Russia's QQ'ing is quite amusing.

    They've also again complained to the US, about their weapon deliveries to Ukraine. It's like Hitler crying about the Lend-Lease program causing more destruction and extending the war.

    I'm sure the US would stop their deliveries, a few years after Russia leaves Ukranian land in the Donbas and Crimea. It's all in the hands of Putin.

  6. #17726
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Russia is whining again about the US sending weapons to Ukraine. Obviously it is proving very effective in destroying the Russian war machine.
    Dear Russia.

  7. #17727
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Also, they also use military planes to help fight fires, too. So they'd have to bring a bunch of them (that are not blown up already) back from the front to fight those wildfires.

    They'll let it burn. Until recently, that's their policy for Siberia wildfires anyway. Unless the fires get close to population centers, which in Siberia are far-in-between, they'll just let them burn out by themselves. Russia does not have the firefighting equipment and personnel like the US, nor the mutual assistance agreement with other countries when it comes to fighting wildfires.

  8. #17728
    Quote Originally Posted by Vorkreist View Post
    Hardest choice Putin ever had. Put off the fires in his country or continue bombing civilians.
    The choice is obvious and easy to make. Putin never cared about Russians. Everyone is expendable.

  9. #17729
    Pandaren Monk
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    Russia using inhumane ammunition. It's like back in the Winter War!

    Russia. Russia never changes.

  10. #17730
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Russia is whining again about the US sending weapons to Ukraine. Obviously it is proving very effective in destroying the Russian war machine.
    I swear to god, this is my favorite part...

    "We stressed the unacceptability of this situation when the United States of America pours weapons into Ukraine, and we demanded an end to this practice," Anatoly Antonov is quoted by Reuters as saying in an interview with the Rossiya 24 TV channel.
    Well...We stress the unacceptability of this situation when the Russian Federation pours soldiers, fanatics, rapists, murderers, looters and child killers into Ukraine, and we demanded an end to this practice!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post

    Russia. Russia never changes.
    Remember back in February when our resident Russia stans were telling us how the Russians aren't barbarians?

  11. #17731
    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    The swiss are probably working out how to make money on it. They loved floating the nazi regime, surely the oligarchs would be a lovely touch for them. The only thing they love more than profiting off war is being mean to jamacian bobsleigh teams.
    Not much money to be made, Obama killed the Swiss Banking Secret, and ever since the banks have been walking on eggshells to avoid even the prospect of being randomly blacklisted by the US. Even we were surprised at how quickly the Government joined the fray regarding sanctions, and since then even local banks are terminating business with random Russians. Authorities even asked the IOC to dismiss their Russian members (they refused, arguing that those are employed on a personal merit basis and not as representative of a country).
    "It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks, and become one with all the people."

    ~ Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang, "Ethics for Tomorrow"

  12. #17732
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post

    Russian state media commedians are now saying that it's only 1 dead and 27 missing from the Moskva, CNN reports.
    These Russians are giving Baghdad Bob the run for his money.

    Wonder what happened to that guy
    Putin khuliyo

  13. #17733
    Quote Originally Posted by Mihalik View Post
    Big difference between Switzerland blocking the sale of a plane meant for the civilian market that's then converted to military use and SOURCING your ammunition from Switzerland which will block its sale when you actually need it.

    That fuck up per say is not on the Swiss, but on Germans being fucking retarded.

    And on the supposed Swiss military readimess...I'm sorry but I have a hard time taking a country seriously when their air force only operates on business hours. The fact that they are even able to consider such nonsense highlights the fact that the Swiss themselves don't take their own military preparedness seriously and mostly just rely on the fact that they can hide behind NATO.
    Sale of the planes was not blocked, it just made a scandal in the press once it was discovered what happened to it and the use it was put to. It fuels the usual discussion on dual use industries.

    AFAIK a lot of countries are nowadays controlling the fate of the military gear they sell even in the case of a resale, like the US, albeit for a variety of reasons.

    We are clearly not at Israel's level when it comes to preparedness, although the recent Covid partial mobilization has proved that we retain capacity to quickly mobilize our militia-based army.

    The business-hour air force is nowadays becoming an old meme, as since that story they've been ramping up capacity and have been maintaining 24/7 since late 2020.

    Being a direct democracy does have its drawback when a substantial proportion of your population and the mainstream is sold on pacifism and redirecting defense funds to pensions and the like. A big reason our Air Force capacity dipped was due to the 2014 Referendum that cancelled the deal to procure Swedish Gripen E to replace a big chunk of our aging fleet, but in 2020 we narrowly accepted the principle of renewing our air defense (as in 50.1% yes...). Following that we selected the F-35A, despite the Antimilitarists and Socialists announcing they'd launch a new Referendum against it in case anything American was selected. Now polls show that such a Referendum would be soundly defeated, and some parties are advocating for better collaboration with Nato (if not outright joining, but no chance on that).

    While there's now a quite large consensus to reallocate funds to Defense, it would a very long walk until we reached the Nato 2%, given the sheer size of our economy (lately we are larger than Turkey, with 1/10th of the population). Currently talks are about ramping up spending to reach 1% of GDP by 2030.
    Last edited by Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang; 2022-04-25 at 04:14 PM.
    "It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks, and become one with all the people."

    ~ Chairman Sheng-Ji Yang, "Ethics for Tomorrow"

  14. #17734
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saradain View Post

    Russia using inhumane ammunition. It's like back in the Winter War!

    Russia. Russia never changes.
    Inhumane yes, but not prohibited. That's what gets me here, like it's totally FINE to shoot it at soldiers, just not civilians...

  15. #17735
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    @Forogil this is what I mean.
    And I'm saying that it is more complicated.

    First there are claims that conventional fire bombing is more efficient in creating fires. Basically they first destroy the buildings - creating combustible material - and then lights it on fire - nukes reverse that; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firestorm#Firebombing
    And it doesn't seem that Russia is using many incendiary bombs in Ukraine (some white phosphorus), and they haven't used big air raids so far.

    As examples consider Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo, and Dresden fire bombings. Hiroshima had a fire storm. Nagasaki didn't - due to uneven terrain. Dresden had - despite conventional bombing. Tokyo allegedly didn't due to strong winds (others disagree). Clearly strong winds can cause the fire to spread more, whereas a fire storm actually limits the spread of the fire (the storm is inward from all sides); and the nuclear winter seems to rely on the fire storm part to get the material high up in the air - not the size of the fire area. (Oh, and run away very quickly or stay in bomb shelters to survive.)

    Obviously relying on strong winds and hilly terrain to avoid a nuclear winter isn't good; but it indicates that it is more complicated.

    Indicates that it isn't a slam-dunk case and concludes with
    He also reveals that, in his view, "nuclear winter was largely politically motivated from the beginning".
    Still hoping that we don't have to test it in reality.

  16. #17736
    Old God AntiFascistVoter's Avatar
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    Shitposting Agasint Fascists
    If twitter goes belly up, I would miss like 3 super snarky accounts; Devin's Cow, NYT Pitch Bot, and this guy:

    Darth Putin
    Comrades @
    Bundesbank to print new German Euro notes to commemorate support for Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    Design by

  17. #17737
    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker76 View Post
    If twitter goes belly up, I would miss like 3 super snarky accounts; Devin's Cow, NYT Pitch Bot, and this guy:

    Darth Putin
    Comrades @
    Bundesbank to print new German Euro notes to commemorate support for Russian invasion of Ukraine.

    Design by

    I see you're not familiar with Peter Molydeux - https://twitter.com/petermolydeux

    This is the single best gaming-related Twitter account around, and I'm genuinely sad that more developers haven't started making games based off these concepts.

  18. #17738
    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    Using the global climate model GISS ModelE (Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York), they calculated that nearly all the 5 Tg of smoke produced would rise to the stratosphere, where it would spread globally, reducing the global average temperature by 1.25°C for 3–4 years and by more than 0.5°C for a decade. This effect was longer lasting than that found in previous “nuclear winter” studies, because older models could not represent the rise of smoke into the stratosphere. Mills et al. [2008] then used a chemistry-climate model to calculate that the concurrent heating of the stratosphere by up to 100°C would produce global ozone loss on a scale unprecedented in human history, lasting for up to a decade.
    Hey, would you look at that - Russia are trying to save the world from Climate Change by lowering the global temperature with a nuclear winter!


  19. #17739
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vegas82 View Post
    It’s not about creating fire, it’s about where the smoke ends up from that fire.
    This is actually an interesting site to check the wind on, since the smoke would travel by wind.


    It's really quite something to follow a particle to see where it would end up.

  20. #17740
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post

    What did the Germans do now?
    They just cut's the military help for some shaddy reasons while talking in media how much they are doing for Ukraine. I read today some articles that some people consider Scholz more as Putin ally than Ukraine.

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