Russia is responsible, that is why we introduce more sanctions. We don't need to wait for a formal investigation when we find mass graves of hundreds of civilians in russian-occupied area with no ukrainian army presence at the time. You really really want to deny facts, that's why you get banned, and I don't!
Putin apologizes to Bennett for Lavrov's comments
He probably does not want to see Israeli's weapons in Ukraine. I am sure some Israelis would consider supplying weapons to the Ukranian an act of balancing the scale after decades of Russia supplying PLO, Fatah and Hamas with weapons.
This just in too. I guess the oppression of minorities in Russia wasn't enough, they are all massively closeted orcs going all-in with war crimes.
Next time we are without your infinite wisdom (Kremlin-approved!) it'll be tad longer, if not permanent. Not like one can feel much else but hatred for someone who wholeheartedly supports a genocide. Like you.
But you don't have an argument, ever, so you either ignore posts or post something without meaning like just now!
Exonerate what exactly?
I went through one of articles he linked. It had about 15 people allegedly killed total; only half of them with names.
I can easily accept that each of them was potentially killed by Russian or Chechen troops, perhaps even in circumstances described; what would be the point of denying it?
Not "15 casualties only" - "about 15 casualties described in article". It makes no claim on overall figure.
If one of your articles does better job showing killings at scale that warrants genocide claim, please point it out.
Right from that link:
"Reacting to reports of the more than 400 deaths in Bucha, U.S. President Joe Biden denounced Putin as a “war criminal.”"
I call it a genocide, official sources seem to use the word "massacre".
I call it a genocide because russian orcs are targeting civilians, including children, with rapes and murders, and their main goal seems to collectively be wiping out Ukraine in culture and existence alike. That's why I personally will call it a genocide.
Last edited by Saradain; 2022-05-05 at 05:49 PM.
What do you think is the point of investigation?
You were the one saying that French investigators arrived there; do they have any results available yet?
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Noone denies people died in Bucha.
What do you think is being investigated there?