1. #19681
    Titan Yunru's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    First they were digging ditches in the Red Forest, now they're fortifying berms with ammonium nitrate?

    The memes practically write themselves.
    So when it blows up the russan soliders will become organic fertelizer for ukraine crops.
    They just need to hit bags with something hotter than 300 °C, but a tank or arty direct hit would also trigger it due to shock-to-detonation transition
    Don't sweat the details!!!

  2. #19682
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yunru View Post
    So when it blows up the russan soliders will become organic fertelizer for ukraine crops.
    That's a lot of sunflowers, yo.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  3. #19683
    Quote Originally Posted by Fuiking View Post
    What do they need to demand from Turkey? Turkey has nothing they need or want.. dont think otherwise.
    Currently no, but in future, who knows. Geopolitics isn't constant. It changes all the time.

  4. #19684
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    First they were digging ditches in the Red Forest, now they're fortifying berms with ammonium nitrate?

    The memes practically write themselves.
    Could have been worse, they could have filled bags with a mix of the soil from Chornobyl and this ammonium nitrate....

  5. #19685
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    Could have been worse, they could have filled bags with a mix of the soil from Chornobyl and this ammonium nitrate....
    At a certain point, you just can't get more dead, y'know.
    R.I.P. Democracy

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  6. #19686
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PhaelixWW View Post
    At a certain point, you just can't get more dead, y'know.
    I was more thinking about spreading the love. It won't matter for the poor bloody conscripts, but if they contaminate a large area then that's not the best news.

  7. #19687
    Old God PhaelixWW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    I was more thinking about spreading the love. It won't matter for the poor bloody conscripts, but if they contaminate a large area then that's not the best news.
    I suppose, but... I would imagine that them just walking by those bags full of Red Forest soil would probably be enough. It's just hard for me to imagine them not being behind that berm at some point.
    R.I.P. Democracy

    "The difference between stupidity
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  8. #19688
    In another sign of Russia's manpower problems, they are wanting over 40s to be able to enlist, because apparently when you turn 40 you magically become expert at using complex military equipment.


  9. #19689
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    In another sign of Russia's manpower problems, they are wanting over 40s to be able to enlist, because apparently when you turn 40 you magically become expert at using complex military equipment.

    ""For the use of high-precision weapons, the operation of weapons and military equipment, highly professional specialists are needed. Experience shows that they become such by the age of 40–45," it said."

    Or, more accurately, their equipment is so old people younger than that have no experience with it.

  10. #19690
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    ""For the use of high-precision weapons, the operation of weapons and military equipment, highly professional specialists are needed. Experience shows that they become such by the age of 40–45," it said."

    Or, more accurately, their equipment is so old people younger than that have no experience with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    In another sign of Russia's manpower problems, they are wanting over 40s to be able to enlist, because apparently when you turn 40 you magically become expert at using complex military equipment.

    I think it's more that everyone was able to enlist up to 40 (or 30 for foreigners), and that they didn't have enough recruits volunteer so they upped the age limit to solve the manpower shortage. Not sure I buy the RF's sugar coating.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudol Von Stroheim View Post
    I do not need to play the role of "holier than thou". I'm above that..

  11. #19691
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTZeratul View Post
    ""For the use of high-precision weapons, the operation of weapons and military equipment, highly professional specialists are needed. Experience shows that they become such by the age of 40–45," it said."

    Or, more accurately, their equipment is so old people younger than that have no experience with it.
    On the other hand the over 40s probably haven't used it for 20 years since they were conscripts so I doubt they remember how to use it either.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ripster42 View Post
    I think it's more that everyone was able to enlist up to 40 (or 30 for foreigners), and that they didn't have enough recruits volunteer so they upped the age limit to solve the manpower shortage. Not sure I buy the RF's sugar coating.
    It's almost certain that their claims of expertise are simply covers for manpower shortages and the need to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

  12. #19692
    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus View Post
    Just some of the ones who have been trapped in AzovStal for a couple of months. Russia isn't winning.

    Meanwhile in Russia, the cope is still strong. A Russian senator (no, an actual one, not Rand Paul or one of the other Russian stooges), has claimed that the reason Russia is struggling so much in Ukraine is because Ukraine's army is one of the 'strongest and best trained' because its comprised of 'Russian soldiers and officers with exactly our mentality'.
    Thanks. I wonder how much longer this will go on for.

  13. #19693
    Quote Originally Posted by Iphie View Post
    I don't know what to think here.

    If this is real then maybe someone should just teach those russians about basic stuff.

    (NOTE: I don't know how reliable Euromaidan press is but this sounds like something the russian army would do)

    Reddit thinks it might actually be Sulfate and not Nitrate, but knowing the Russians I would not for a second be shocked if it was actually nitrate.

  14. #19694
    Quote Originally Posted by dextersmith View Post
    Thanks. I wonder how much longer this will go on for.
    For a long time according to pretty much everyone. Russia can't win but declaring a 'win' won't work either as Ukraine will just keep on fighting back, with full support from the West

    About the only thing that would end it would be Putin dying or being overthrown, and even that is no certainty.

  15. #19695
    not sure about these putin is really sick rumors. Either wishful thinking or full death of stalin stuff going on here.

  16. #19696
    The Lightbringer Iphie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnysensible View Post
    not sure about these putin is really sick rumors. Either wishful thinking or full death of stalin stuff going on here.
    The rumours are persistent and, given his age, it's not entirely improbable. If you add the videos available of him where he shakes, fidgets and looks quite out of shape then is not unreasonable to say, 'I wonder...' and yeah, I wouldn't put it beyond them to go full death of Stalin. I'm no physician, and I'm not privy to intelligence reports, so we'll just have to wait and see. If I had to guess though I'd say there's a reasonable chance he's got *something*.

  17. #19697
    Quote Originally Posted by Kuntantee View Post
    While demands from USA are simply irrelevant to the matter at hand, under these conditions, we should block Sweden indefinitely from joining NATO. If they do not

    1 - extradite PKK leadership in Europe
    2 - stop funding PKK/YPG
    3 - stop spearheading anti-Turkey efforts in Europe
    4 - remove arms embargo

    Then there is not point having them in an one-for-all/all-for-one alliance that we are part of. Others are free to defend Sweden outside of NATO framework. People keep mentioning USA has a similar take on YPG. That's true, but USA isn't trying to join NATO, Sweden is. The moment when they need something from Turkey, similar demands will be made.
    We should rather throw turkey out of NATO. It's not a democratic country, it's committing genocide among kurds, attacking neighbouring sovereign countries to kill kurds and funds IS. Gimme sweden and finland over that any time.

    Turkey is not in the position to demand anything. But if Erdogan wants to walk the way of the Putler, let him.
    Last edited by XDurionX; 2022-05-21 at 08:29 AM.

  18. #19698
    Quote Originally Posted by XDurionX View Post
    We should rather throw turkey out of NATO. It's not a democratic country, it's committing genocide among kurds, attacking neighbouring sovereign countries to kill kurds and funds IS. Gimme sweden and finland over that any time.

    Turkey is not in the position to demand anything. But if Erdogan wants to walk the way of the Putler, let him.
    Erdogan is a scumbag as I have said a thousand times. He will stand trial for treason and crimes against humanity. But stop with that kurdish stuff. We so much genocide them that my brother in law is a kurd, my uncle is a kurd, my brorher is a teacher in Sirnak, my dean back in unviersity was a kurd, my classmates, my girlfriend etc. That there are over 15 million (or was it 25?) of them everywhere we live together in turkey.

    Fuck erdogan and his party. They are the worst kind of scum and would sell everything to save the day. But please stop with the bolded part. It is a lie. PKK and all the people I am with are different.
    Last edited by Gref; 2022-05-21 at 09:56 AM.

  19. #19699
    Turkey's demands are unreasonable and are unlikely to be met. PKK is already classified as a terrorist organization in Sweden - the issue is who Turkey considers to be terrorists (i.e. their definition covers a lot more people).

    Anti-Turkey sentiment probably has more to do with Turkey's authoritarian streaks. That is unlikely to change as well, unless Turkey changes it's course.

    Arms embargo seems the most likely thing to be lifted to me, but I think it would depend entirely on the above.
    "In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance." Paradox of tolerance

  20. #19700
    Quote Originally Posted by XDurionX View Post
    We should rather throw turkey out of NATO. It's not a democratic country, it's committing genocide among kurds, attacking neighbouring sovereign countries to kill kurds and funds IS. Gimme sweden and finland over that any time.

    Turkey is not in the position to demand anything. But if Erdogan wants to walk the way of the Putler, let him.
    Bla bla bla bla, Turkey is significantly more important to NATO than Sweden and Finland combined. Cope.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Dezerte View Post
    Turkey's demands are unreasonable and are unlikely to be met. PKK is already classified as a terrorist organization in Sweden - the issue is who Turkey considers to be terrorists (i.e. their definition covers a lot more people).

    Anti-Turkey sentiment probably has more to do with Turkey's authoritarian streaks. That is unlikely to change as well, unless Turkey changes it's course.

    Arms embargo seems the most likely thing to be lifted to me, but I think it would depend entirely on the above.
    What's unreasonable about extraditing PKK's leadership in Sweden?

    You have been designing your foreign policy in a manner that disregards our security concerns in the last decade, ruining the relationship between Turkey and Sweden. You have not only pissed Erdogan, you have pissed a lot of Turks. If Turkey was a democratic country and if it was for people of Turkey making this decision, we would never allow Sweden to join NATO. You are lucky that you can bribe your way in and get the protection you desperately seek.
    Last edited by Kuntantee; 2022-05-21 at 11:37 AM.

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