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  1. #381
    The hub city will be in the central Island of the Dragon Isles which is a titan facility.

  2. #382
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    The hub city will be in the central Island of the Dragon Isles which is a titan facility.
    I'd like that. As much as I don't mind Dalaran, its better to have a new place to spend the expansion in.

  3. #383
    The Insane Glorious Leader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Onikaroshi View Post
    No leveling would be one of the worst ideas ever.
    well ion did say something about getting rid of obstacles to fun. Unfortunately what he considers fun is max level end game group content. Everything else can fall by the wayside i guess.
    The hammer comes down:
    Quote Originally Posted by Osmeric View Post
    Normal should be reduced in difficulty. Heroic should be reduced in difficulty.
    And the tiny fraction for whom heroic raids are currently well tuned? Too bad,so sad! With the arterial bleed of subs the fastest it's ever been, the vanity development that gives you guys your own content is no longer supportable.

  4. #384
    Quote Originally Posted by Glorious Leader View Post
    Unfortunately what he considers fun is max level end game group content.
    Him and the other 40 people doing heroic end bosses in a month.

  5. #385
    Quote Originally Posted by Celement View Post
    Wow can't really handle the spec system it has now to be honest. There are dead specs though there is rarely dead classes anymore...

    The idea of sub specs couldn't work out well.
    Current and past system might not work. So maybe its time for a change? To a new system that does work. And maybe subclasses is part of that new system

  6. #386
    Quote Originally Posted by Dioporco View Post
    More than similarities is that they can pull a mythic path like in Pathfinder so for example


    Can do the Dragon Guard as extra Tank spec.

    The issue is that Tinker will be just Hunters almost?

    Cloth DPS get nothing but Healer? Unless the CHRONOMANCER is a typo and is DPS
    I doubt its a typo, as we see an example of a chronomancer healer in WoD. (I forget if tis Kairoz or Chromie, but one of them is fighting with us and healing us by rewinding time).
    Quote Originally Posted by Zaelthon
    do i wanting my cat come the expansion due to signifying a reroll fresh scratch the night elf mage?

  7. #387
    Now it's gonna be disappointing if the reveal isn't at least half of this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For me, it's not just the name. People are speaking about housing and classes/skins, but for me what is amazing is what they said about quel'thelas/ghostlands and Silvermoon becoming hostile (with scourge?). There is a quest about it on 9.2.5 and this is one hell of a guess if not true.
    Last edited by Swnem; 2022-04-04 at 02:18 AM.

  8. #388
    I doubt the feature leak is real. Housing is kinda the thing they always add in there to get people hyped, it's bait really. No levelling is super doubtful since it's one of the main reason to go through the new content. No levelling would almost feel more like a 9.4 patch than a 10.0. Then there is the class stuff which quite frankly seem to me like way too much trouble for them to do. Multiple new classes mean they don't even fix the "Not enough mail classes" problem and if they really did do class skins (which is also something that had been in previous fake leaks) I doubt they would leave out so many classes.

    I'm in team "He got lucky and got the name right". A lot of the stuff in there are part of a lot of speculations. Remember, if you can go "Oh that would make sense because we heard about this other thing", they had the same info and can make an educated guess themselves.

  9. #389
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Given that there's source code indicating multiple versions (Base, Heroic, Epic) which matches the versions of Shadowlands, its a safe bet its an expansion for the MMO and not mobile.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zankai27 View Post
    Unlikely, considering the strings we found are on the main WoW website (mobile game should have its own) and the strings are for prepurchase of a Standard, Heroic and Epic editions of WoW: Dragonflight, exactly the same sales model Shadowlands had
    Ah... forgot about that. I stand corrected then.

  10. #390
    Titan Sorrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinured View Post
    "At the time of writing, the current players on Steam for Final Fantasy XIV Online were 48,410 with a peak of 80,581 in the day. As per external websites such as mmo-population, the number of subscribers the game has is around 35.8 million and the daily players in all are around 3.4 million.27.12.2021"

    that "not even 4m" you mentioned was the users in a single fucking day you dishonest person.

    people will read your comment and laugh their asses off.
    ff was the game which stoped sales for a period because they were selling to much, dont worry kiddo, wow will never face that problem

    and i bet if you take out asian servers wow has below 1m subs.

    the irony
    ...You do know for FFXIV steam is considered the worst way to play so even most pc users don't use it.

    Then the ps4/ps5 players

  11. #391
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sorrior View Post
    ...You do know for FFXIV steam is considered the worst way to play so even most pc users don't use it.

    Then the ps4/ps5 players
    His information isn't accurate so you can safely ignore him.
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  12. #392
    Quote Originally Posted by Kalarm View Post
    I'm in team "He got lucky and got the name right". A lot of the stuff in there are part of a lot of speculations. Remember, if you can go "Oh that would make sense because we heard about this other thing", they had the same info and can make an educated guess themselves.
    Yeah, I'm starting to think this as well the more I think about the concept.

    It could have just been a lucky guess with the name and some of the revamp hints.

  13. #393
    Quote Originally Posted by glowpipe View Post
    Current and past system might not work. So maybe its time for a change? To a new system that does work. And maybe subclasses is part of that new system
    Less complexity would trump more atm.

  14. #394
    So, thought:

    What are the odds that the class skins have different race restrictions than their base class? Gnome Dark Ranger is a bit weird, and humans not getting Dragonsworn while Kul Tirans do also sounds weird.

    Minstrel caneasily be any race, but tauren tinker? Uhhhhhhhh.

    Ahats the general consensus cod the race xlass combos for these?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Swnem View Post
    Now it's gonna be disappointing if the reveal isn't at least half of this.

    - - - Updated - - -

    For me, it's not just the name. People are speaking about housing and classes/skins, but for me what is amazing is what they said about quel'thelas/ghostlands and Silvermoon becoming hostile (with scourge?). There is a quest about it on 9.2.5 and this is one hell of a guess if not true.
    Add in the unimplsmented Dark Ranger questline that was updated in this patch to specifically refer to the player as Huntsmaster, implying its a hunter specific quest and they havent abandoned it...

  15. #395
    Quote Originally Posted by Celement View Post
    Less complexity would trump more atm.
    Honestly I think the 1-spec classes are part of that idea.

    “Look, here’s some fun new shit to play without all the extra bullshit”. Just grab and go, 1 spec, wahoo.”

  16. #396
    All I can say is, I hope the OP’s post is true. That would be a phenomenal return of WoW greatness.

    But we will probably get more of the same from the people who brought you Korthia and Zereth Morris: more silly endless grinds and more lack of meaningful content. Sigh.

  17. #397
    Stood in the Fire Northelim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zankai27 View Post
    In fairness, if they focused super hard on endgame, they'd probably have a compelling system worked out from start to finish.

    My impression was that those would show up in abilities, not be weapons? Still, I'd be interested to see where that even fits in to all of this.


    I dunno, lately the interpretation of Warden has been acrobatic as hell, and DHs literally have Imprison as a skill; there's at least some overlap, if animations and spell effects were tweaked.

    I mean when Demon Hunters were introduced they brought in Glaives as a new weapon slot/gear type whats stops them from introducing another new weapon type? And yes some of them could just be visual abilities/animations as well.

    When you are casting a res on someone as a paladin, he pulls out a spell book... is a book an actual item that needs to be on your character to do that? No. Same thing here I'd assume.

  18. #398
    I believe all of this. You have to remember that this is pre-alpha plans, so they could have changed a few things around, including the reveal date and expansions features. There is enough evidence to support that this could be real.
    Pally Collector, 785+ Mounts, 1740+ Pets, 715+ Toys, 34000+ achieves.

  19. #399
    I want to believe so bad, more classes has been my dream for a while and this would hit that out of the park. There's even some decent 'evidence' for it from PTR stuff but hmm.... It just feels a bit too good to be true for me to get 4 x 1 spec classes. I really hope it's true and I will be following all developments vigilantly with this leak in mind as my #1 leak potential.

  20. #400
    Funny how that works, people give Blizzard shit for any tiny retcon, and now want Blizzard to retcon Galakrond.

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