The hub city will be in the central Island of the Dragon Isles which is a titan facility.
The hub city will be in the central Island of the Dragon Isles which is a titan facility.
Now it's gonna be disappointing if the reveal isn't at least half of this.
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For me, it's not just the name. People are speaking about housing and classes/skins, but for me what is amazing is what they said about quel'thelas/ghostlands and Silvermoon becoming hostile (with scourge?). There is a quest about it on 9.2.5 and this is one hell of a guess if not true.
Last edited by Swnem; 2022-04-04 at 02:18 AM.
I doubt the feature leak is real. Housing is kinda the thing they always add in there to get people hyped, it's bait really. No levelling is super doubtful since it's one of the main reason to go through the new content. No levelling would almost feel more like a 9.4 patch than a 10.0. Then there is the class stuff which quite frankly seem to me like way too much trouble for them to do. Multiple new classes mean they don't even fix the "Not enough mail classes" problem and if they really did do class skins (which is also something that had been in previous fake leaks) I doubt they would leave out so many classes.
I'm in team "He got lucky and got the name right". A lot of the stuff in there are part of a lot of speculations. Remember, if you can go "Oh that would make sense because we heard about this other thing", they had the same info and can make an educated guess themselves.
So, thought:
What are the odds that the class skins have different race restrictions than their base class? Gnome Dark Ranger is a bit weird, and humans not getting Dragonsworn while Kul Tirans do also sounds weird.
Minstrel caneasily be any race, but tauren tinker? Uhhhhhhhh.
Ahats the general consensus cod the race xlass combos for these?
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Add in the unimplsmented Dark Ranger questline that was updated in this patch to specifically refer to the player as Huntsmaster, implying its a hunter specific quest and they havent abandoned it...
All I can say is, I hope the OP’s post is true. That would be a phenomenal return of WoW greatness.
But we will probably get more of the same from the people who brought you Korthia and Zereth Morris: more silly endless grinds and more lack of meaningful content. Sigh.
I mean when Demon Hunters were introduced they brought in Glaives as a new weapon slot/gear type whats stops them from introducing another new weapon type? And yes some of them could just be visual abilities/animations as well.
When you are casting a res on someone as a paladin, he pulls out a spell book... is a book an actual item that needs to be on your character to do that? No. Same thing here I'd assume.
I believe all of this. You have to remember that this is pre-alpha plans, so they could have changed a few things around, including the reveal date and expansions features. There is enough evidence to support that this could be real.
Pally Collector, 785+ Mounts, 1740+ Pets, 715+ Toys, 34000+ achieves.
I want to believe so bad, more classes has been my dream for a while and this would hit that out of the park. There's even some decent 'evidence' for it from PTR stuff but hmm.... It just feels a bit too good to be true for me to get 4 x 1 spec classes. I really hope it's true and I will be following all developments vigilantly with this leak in mind as my #1 leak potential.
Funny how that works, people give Blizzard shit for any tiny retcon, and now want Blizzard to retcon Galakrond.