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  1. #501
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Why would Warden serve as a class skin for Demon Hunter? It doesn't even play the same.

    Let's see:

    - Elves... check
    - Glaives... check
    - Agility... check
    - High Jump... check
    - Imprison ability... check
    - Bind/Sigil of Chains... check
    - Forward Dash... check
    - Vengeance theme...check
    - Tightly related to Illidan, whole entire concept of the story is "Hunter is nothing without the hunt" where Illidan basically tells Maeiv she's basically the same as him....... check

  2. #502
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post

    Let's see:

    - Elves... check
    - Glaives... check
    - Agility... check
    - High Jump... check
    - Imprison ability... check
    - Bind/Sigil of Chains... check
    - Forward Dash... check
    - Vengeance theme...check
    - Tightly related to Illidan, whole entire concept of the story is "Hunter is nothing without the hunt" where Illidan basically tells Maeiv she's basically the same as him....... check
    Will say the Eye Beams would be an interesting thing to try to translate

  3. #503
    Quote Originally Posted by Wonderment2 View Post
    Will say the Eye Beams would be an interesting thing to try to translate
    They have a shadow orb they might be able to use, like they throw it forward or something. But yeah I agree there are some things that would be more challenging. However theres far more overlap than not.

  4. #504
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    They have a shadow orb they might be able to use, like they throw it forward or something. But yeah I agree there are some things that would be more challenging. However theres far more overlap than not.
    Oh I agree with you, certainly mechanically.

  5. #505
    Quote Originally Posted by Zolaris192 View Post
    i believe there won't be a level cap increase, leveling is a waste of development effort when all their focus is on endgame

    i do not believe standalone micro classes though, maybe additional specs for some classes but not single spec classes
    Specs is honestly messier than micro classes. How do you justify giving 4 classes a new spec and telling the others to get fucked for an expansion? It was fine when it happened to Druids because they just split a bloated spec in half.

    The idea of it being a shared spec between armor classes also is terrible and doesn’t work well. Do they get to still use their base abilities? So would a DH have eye beam, glaive toss, fel rush, and Minstrel skills?

    It honestly works better if they’re just completely separate. Just 4 new specs separated into classes because of their unique themes.

    I can see them doing this, on top of no leveling, as a big shakeup but also cool additions to draw people back in.

    And, they can always build on the 1-spec classes going forward. Set the basic groundwork now and give them more over time.

  6. #506
    Pandaren Monk cocomen2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jshadowhunter View Post
    Great, now even Alextrasza was stripped of her visual appeal by the screeching lunatics at Blizzard. As if Sylvannas wasn't enough.
    Moment (when company throws sand in eyes to cover up their sexual offender) when they go so woke that they need to cover body parts of fictional characters, welp i play a games to see some fantasy fictional staff... and yet they gonna try to sell Dragon in nun outfit that cares about her skin is showing to much, LMAO.

    While in same time half-naked Jailer was running around, addition of incubus with hung donger.... yet lets change any female portrait to fruit basket.
    Please, there a perfect example of hypocritical thinking:
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If Tinkers had anything to do with Hunters, but they don’t. Unlike Bards which are linked to Rogues.

  7. #507
    People whining about Alexstrasza’s new look isn’t very pog;

    It’s not even that much of a cover up, she’s still got some midriff showing, plus if she’s actually going to be doing some fighting (she’s never been depicted with a weapon before now) it makes sense to give her a little more armor.

    It’s not like they put her in full chastity plate

  8. #508
    Reposting here: another thing that this text leak got correct that nobody mentioned: Ebon Blade not being involved.

    This was months before 9.2 released and the end of the campaign where it was revealed the Ebon Blade was going back to Northrend/ICC instead of staying on EK to help with the Scourge, which many people assumed they would do OR the Scourge would be dealt with in SL (it wasn't).

    Also, the three Life themed Order Halls (Shaman, Monk and Druid are all tentatively connected) being absent from launch could be explained by future zones being Life themed, and so that is when they would get involved. Especially if the Lifelands are explored to some extent later on considering how Elune has a connection to the Dragons and the expansion seems to be Life/growth themed to an extent.

  9. #509
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragons Are Bad Mkay View Post
    It's impossible it's not real at this point. This predates 9.2 coming out. Since then, 9.2.5 has come onto the PTR. The things it got right so far are;

    Dalaran update.
    Lordaeron focus.
    Dark Ranger stuff.
    im sorry, when was dalaran updated? also, "leak" didnt say anything about updating, it said its new capitol so so far that didnt happen, and nothing suggests it will...
    lordaeron focus? none happened yet, there is MAYBE something going to happen in tirisfal, we dont know much yet, definitely not when or what, but that can be literaly anything, so so far "focus on lordaeron" wasnt confirmed either...
    "dark ranger stuff" is SO GODDAMN GENERAL... leak said it will be class skin to hunter, was that confirmed or at least suggested somehow? no? so again, didnt happen yet, very little pointing something might...

    so what he got right was name and something going on in quel thalas, jeez what a difficult thing to guess that zone bordering HEAVY scourge presence will have something going on now that scourge is loose...
    yet somehow he missed dark iron getting new stuff, perhaps bcs that wasnt easy to guess?

    how the hell is 2 out of 24 or so points he made being correct confirm he have some info? seems more like he made A LOT of guesses and with luck he hit 2... and gave completely wrong date (i know dates change but this was like week before it should be announced, thats very unlikely to be changed on such short notice)
    Last edited by Lolites; 2022-04-05 at 07:09 PM.

  10. #510
    Quote Originally Posted by Lolites View Post
    im sorry, when was dalaran updated? also, "leak" didnt say anything about updating, it said its new capitol so so far that didnt happen
    lordaeron focus? none happened yet, there is MAYBE something going to happen in tirisfal, we dont know much yet, definitely not when or what, but that can be literaly anything, so so far "focus on lordaeron" didnt happen either...
    "dark ranger stuff" is SO GODDAMN GENERAL... leak said it will be class skin to hunter, was that confirmed or at least suggested somehow? no? so again, didnt happen yet...

    so what he got right was name and something going on in quel thalas, jeez what a difficult thing to guess that zone bordering HEAVY scourge presence will have something going on now that scourge is loose...
    yet somehow he missed dark iron getting new stuff, perhaps bcs that wasnt easy to guess?

    how the hell is 2 out of 24 or so points he made being correct confirm he have some info? seems more like he made A LOT of guesses and with luck he hit 2...
    There is a hunter-only Dark Ranger questline that has been in the files since BFA and was updated in the most recent PTR. If this leak is correct it could be an unlock questline for the mini-class and could be a preorder bonus.
    Last edited by Minoradditions; 2022-04-05 at 05:13 PM.

  11. #511
    Quote Originally Posted by Jshadowhunter View Post
    Great, now even Alextrasza was stripped of her visual appeal by the screeching lunatics at Blizzard. As if Sylvannas wasn't enough.
    If it will be sexy bodysuit, I am all over it.

  12. #512
    Quote Originally Posted by Minoradditions View Post
    There is a hunter-only Dark Ranger questline that has been in the files since BFA and was updated in the most recent PTR. If this leak is correct it could be an unlock questline for the mini-class.
    This is similar to that Darkshore Demon Hunter quest line that was updated prior to Legion if I'm not mistaken.

  13. #513
    Quote Originally Posted by Minoradditions View Post
    There is a hunter-only Dark Ranger questline that has been in the files since BFA and was updated in the most recent PTR. If this leak is correct it could be an unlock questline for the mini-class and could be a preorder bonus.
    i know, and as you said its been in files for some time, and updated few times, so that doesnt really mean its something that will be immediately available, or that its in fact class skin for hunter, or that it have anything more to do with dark rangers than just being about them... there are quests about many different "classes" yet those classes are not available to us in any way shape or form...

    all it does suggest there MIGHT be a questline concerning dark rangers added at some point in the future, it might be for class skin, it might be for class, it might be 4th spec, it might be for undead nelf/belf allied race, it might NEVER make it into live game... afaik, its not even playable at ptr, its just datamined from files right?

    ill agree its something, but its VERY little, and saying it proves the leak was right (which is what i reacted to) about "dark ranger stuff" is incredibly dishonest
    Last edited by Lolites; 2022-04-05 at 05:21 PM.

  14. #514
    Hearthstone's year theme has leaked by accident, it's Year of the Hydra.

    Chromatus is a Hydra.

    https: //

  15. #515
    Quote Originally Posted by Minoradditions View Post
    Hearthstone's year theme has leaked by accident, it's Year of the Hydra.

    Chromatus is a Hydra.

    https: //
    "Leaked", man they outright announced it.

  16. #516
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    I saw the official account had sent their first tweet out by mistake. But there you go

  17. #517
    High Overlord baatora's Avatar
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    112 minute 4:55

    Rogue -> Ministrel.

    They are trolling us
    The red threat

  18. #518
    Quote Originally Posted by Zankai27 View Post
    Specs is honestly messier than micro classes. How do you justify giving 4 classes a new spec and telling the others to get fucked for an expansion? It was fine when it happened to Druids because they just split a bloated spec in half.

    The idea of it being a shared spec between armor classes also is terrible and doesn’t work well. Do they get to still use their base abilities? So would a DH have eye beam, glaive toss, fel rush, and Minstrel skills?

    It honestly works better if they’re just completely separate. Just 4 new specs separated into classes because of their unique themes.

    I can see them doing this, on top of no leveling, as a big shakeup but also cool additions to draw people back in.

    And, they can always build on the 1-spec classes going forward. Set the basic groundwork now and give them more over time.
    Because they gave the ones where the 4th spec doesnt fit a new skin option. Each class gets something:

    DK - Dragon Knight spec
    DH - Warden skin
    Druid - Nightmare skin
    Hunter - Dark Ranger skin / Tinker spec (might be divided up by races or they got 2 just from raw popularity of the class)
    Mage - Chronomancer spec
    Monk - Minstrel spec
    Paladin - Dragon Knight spec
    Priest - Chronomancer spec
    Rogue - Minstrel spec
    Shaman - Dragonsworn/ Earthwarden, potentially a tank role option
    Warlock - Necromancer skin
    Warrior - Dragon Knight spec

  19. #519
    Quote Originally Posted by baatora View Post minute 4:55

    Rogue -> Ministrel.

    They are trolling us
    They said Maestra.

  20. #520
    Quote Originally Posted by baatora View Post minute 4:55

    Rogue -> Ministrel.

    They are trolling us
    Maestra is a Rogue deck in HS.

    This shit is getting out of hand. I shouldn't have pointed out year of the Hydra even if someone would probably get it seconds later anyway.

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