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  1. #541
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragons Are Bad Mkay View Post
    Yeah, OP just coincidentally figured out the name, that Quel'thalas was going to be merged into one zone, Lordaeron would become important, Dalaran would get an update, and Dark Rangers.
    Yeah and what of that has been confirmed.

    Dark Rangers has been talked about since BFA and even more then Tinkerer.

    Dalaran had a updated image that turned out to be fan art.

    Quel'thalas is the most interresting but at the same time its in a old zone
    where flying has been impossible for a long time so it getting a update is not that wierd.

    But lets go over some other things.

    No leveling - so 6 new zones which 2 are remade zones and no leveling, so why would you go through those zones.

    Minstrel class and Chronomancer - will be fun leveling a healing only class to level 60.

    Warden skin - why would Wardens use Arcane and Holy magic since they are more about arcane and diffrent traps.

    Undermine. City-zone beneath Kezan. Criminals and Uncrowned story. Fully underground.

    Uldaz. Second fully underground zone ever on Azeroth.

    - So we are pretending Deepholm dont exist now.
    Last edited by Raven; 2022-04-06 at 05:19 AM.

  2. #542
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven View Post
    Yeah and what of that has been confirmed.

    Dark Rangers has been talked about since BFA and even more then Tinkerer.

    Dalaran had a updated image that turned out to be fan art.

    Quel'thalas is the most interresting but at the same time its in a old zone
    where flying has been impossible for a long time so it getting a update is not that wierd.

    But lets go over some other things.

    No leveling - so 6 new zones which 2 are remade zones and no leveling, so why would you go through those zones.

    Minstrel class and Chronomancer - will be fun leveling a healing only class to level 60.

    Warden skin - why would Wardens use Arcane and Holy magic since they are more about arcane and diffrent traps.

    Undermine. City-zone beneath Kezan. Criminals and Uncrowned story. Fully underground.

    Uldaz. Second fully underground zone ever on Azeroth.

    - So we are pretending Deepholm dont exist now.
    Ahahahahahahahahahahahhaah!! Ahw sorry if that wasn’t the point but gawd dayum that’s funny shit.

  3. #543
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven View Post
    Yeah and what of that has been confirmed.

    Dark Rangers has been talked about since BFA and even more then Tinkerer.

    Dalaran had a updated image that turned out to be fan art.

    Quel'thalas is the most interresting but at the same time its in a old zone
    where flying has been impossible for a long time so it getting a update is not that wierd.

    But lets go over some other things.

    No leveling - so 6 new zones which 2 are remade zones and no leveling, so why would you go through those zones.

    Minstrel class and Chronomancer - will be fun leveling a healing only class to level 60.

    Warden skin - why would Wardens use Arcane and Holy magic since they are more about arcane and diffrent traps.

    Undermine. City-zone beneath Kezan. Criminals and Uncrowned story. Fully underground.

    Uldaz. Second fully underground zone ever on Azeroth.

    - So we are pretending Deepholm dont exist now.
    I refuse to believe anyone who has actually played WoW thinks Deepholm is on Azeroth, let alone be confused as to why new zones would be visited at level cap.

    And it's funny seeing people all the sudden pretending people don't level as healers.

  4. #544
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragons Are Bad Mkay View Post
    I refuse to believe anyone who has actually played WoW thinks Deepholm is on Azeroth, let alone be confused as to why new zones would be visited at level cap.

    And it's funny seeing people all the sudden pretending people don't level as healers.
    Since the pillars in deepholm was keeping the Maelstrom up its inside Azeroth, its not a physical place but still placed inside Azeroth and underground.

    And i know people choosing to leveling as healers exist, Blizzard forcing players to level as healers dont exist.

    So tell me why would players visit the new zones ? For the story ? Or do you belive we will need to play through 6 zones for gear to be able to raid, even tho the leak say nothing about new dungeons or raids.

  5. #545
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven View Post
    Since the pillars in deepholm was keeping the Maelstrom up its inside Azeroth, its not a physical place but still placed inside Azeroth and underground.

    And i know people choosing to leveling as healers exist, Blizzard forcing players to level as healers dont exist.

    So tell me why would players visit the new zones ? For the story ? Or do you belive we will need to play through 6 zones for gear to be able to raid, even tho the leak say nothing about new dungeons or raids.
    Oh yeah bro Ion is going to come to your house and force you to play a healer, in the first expansion without dungeons apparently no less since you've decided it has no dungeons too. Blizzard has never added max level zones before, nope. Did you just crawl out from 4chan?

  6. #546
    Still doubt this purely because I want a Chronomancer and I've been wanting it since MOP so it's not gonna happen

  7. #547
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragons Are Bad Mkay View Post
    Yeah, OP just coincidentally figured out the name, that Quel'thalas was going to be merged into one zone, Lordaeron would become important, Dalaran would get an update, and Dark Rangers.
    literaly none of that happened or is confirmed to be hapening...
    he got the name right, and by trying over 20 other things he by accident hit one or two more, neither of his points was btw his original idea, but rather talked about by multiple formu goers/youtubers before...

  8. #548
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragons Are Bad Mkay View Post
    Oh yeah bro Ion is going to come to your house and force you to play a healer, in the first expansion without dungeons apparently no less since you've decided it has no dungeons too. Blizzard has never added max level zones before, nope. Did you just crawl out from 4chan?
    Not 6 max level zones, and yes if they add a new class with only a healer spec then they are forcing you to level as a healer if you want one.

    But you didnt answer me, why would players go through 6 max level zones ?.

  9. #549
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven View Post
    Not 6 max level zones, and yes if they add a new class with only a healer spec then they are forcing you to level as a healer if you want one.

    But you didnt answer me, why would players go through 6 max level zones ?.
    This feels like talking to a disingenuous AI, so going to stop responding to you. Play the game for a bit if you want to learn how no one is forcing you to play anything you don't want to play and why you'd visit a new zone(???)

  10. #550
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragons Are Bad Mkay View Post
    Oh yeah bro Ion is going to come to your house and force you to play a healer, in the first expansion without dungeons apparently no less since you've decided it has no dungeons too. Blizzard has never added max level zones before, nope. Did you just crawl out from 4chan?
    when did they add SIX max level zones?
    i think he tried to point out with alll that detailed knowledge of what will happen you would expect if OP had any actual info he would know at least a bit about dungeons and raids...
    but since its just amalgamation of previously discused unoriginal ideas he couldnt really do that, as he obviously cant think of anything original, just copy ideas of other people and pretend he have inside knowledge...

    he have a lucky guess with the name, which given everybody and their grandmother guessed something with dragon in the name had to happen with one of the fake leaks, thats all, he might by luck hit something else, but if you think its more than that and he have some actual info you are just childlishly naive

  11. #551
    Dragonflight still sounds more like a working title than official one, but while some of this sounds interesting, other stuff sounds like just the usual "disguise every common player wishlist item as an entire expansion" shtick. Running with the concept though, the idea of an expansion that's sort of a sequel to Legion is a cool direction. Sounds like something that should've been in place of BFA, but I really hope they dont recycle dalaran for THE THIRD TIME. It's not even that cool of a city imo. Also, I was hoping Blizz would've learned their lesson from cata about disconnected zones being worse than cohesive continent or world to explore. Portaling around the world is boring.

    That being said, Chromatus as a boss would be intriguing, but also a tad dodgy given it's a villain who only ever made appearance in books outside of the games, and was even scrapped as a boss for Dragon Soul. He does have a really cool design though as this draconic mutant hydra monster. As much as I want a simpler adventure though I wonder how they will keep this expansion from feeling as left of field as BfA or WoD.
    Last edited by Mellrod; 2022-04-06 at 06:33 AM.
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  12. #552
    Light comes from darkness shise's Avatar
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    I´m all in for dragon but oh boy if it´s not even remotely related at the end. We will all look like a bunch of wankers here

  13. #553
    Quote Originally Posted by Zankai27 View Post
    Correct (see sig) but we get what we get
    Dragonsworn is what we must get! I would experience omegameltdown if in Dragon exp we get Tinker instead of dragon class.

  14. #554
    Quote Originally Posted by shise View Post
    I´m all in for dragon but oh boy if it´s not even remotely related at the end. We will all look like a bunch of wankers here
    I've said it a few times now, but I'll say it again: I want to believe this, but I don't. I completely acknowledge that it's my own confirmation bias that wants me to accept certain things or make leaps in logic to connect this or that, all the while ignoring other things that contradict that bias.

    It's a fake. A lucky guess. And because it has so many people that want to believe it... that's the only thing that's lending it any legitimacy at all.

  15. #555
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven View Post
    No leveling - so 6 new zones which 2 are remade zones and no leveling, so why would you go through those zones.
    Ever heard of Guild Wars 2? They have 31 zones added since publish (2012) but 0 additional player level.

  16. #556
    Quote Originally Posted by Cathfaern View Post
    Ever heard of Guild Wars 2? They have 31 zones added since publish (2012) but 0 additional player level.
    Don't tell him XIV has healer-only classes (and leveling DPS "specs" don't level your healer class, you gotta level as a healer to get healer levels).

  17. #557
    Revamped Quel'Thalas is the most credible part of the leak and seals the deal for me. It is the culmination of a long storyline of conflict and division started all the way back in Classic.

    Hostile Silvermoon makes sense, as the city will become a ravaged battleground between forces loyal to the Alliance, led by Alleria Windrunner, and the (few and scattered) forces left of the Horde.

  18. #558
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Revamped Quel'Thalas is the most credible part of the leak and seals the deal for me. It is the culmination of a long storyline of conflict and division started all the way back in Classic.

    Hostile Silvermoon makes sense, as the city will become a ravaged battleground between forces loyal to the Alliance, led by Alleria Windrunner, and the (few and scattered) forces left of the Horde.
    See I’m over here assuming it’s going to be overrun with Scourge or something. I don’t see the Alliance and Horde fighting about it

  19. #559
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven View Post
    No leveling - so 6 new zones which 2 are remade zones and no leveling, so why would you go through those zones.
    I'm going to guess the only MMO you have ever played is World of Warcraft.

  20. #560
    Quote Originally Posted by Zankai27 View Post
    See I’m over here assuming it’s going to be overrun with Scourge or something. I don’t see the Alliance and Horde fighting about it
    The Scourge will not play any major role after Shadowlands, the expansion will obviously shift from Death to some other aesthetic/thematic.

    We already have many hints that the Ren'dorei of the Alliance seek to reclaim Quel'Thalas for the Alliance, it's time for that carefully-laid set-up to lead to something.

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