Yeah and what of that has been confirmed.
Dark Rangers has been talked about since BFA and even more then Tinkerer.
Dalaran had a updated image that turned out to be fan art.
Quel'thalas is the most interresting but at the same time its in a old zone
where flying has been impossible for a long time so it getting a update is not that wierd.
But lets go over some other things.
No leveling - so 6 new zones which 2 are remade zones and no leveling, so why would you go through those zones.
Minstrel class and Chronomancer - will be fun leveling a healing only class to level 60.
Warden skin - why would Wardens use Arcane and Holy magic since they are more about arcane and diffrent traps.
Undermine. City-zone beneath Kezan. Criminals and Uncrowned story. Fully underground.
Uldaz. Second fully underground zone ever on Azeroth.
- So we are pretending Deepholm dont exist now.