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  1. #561
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    It's kinda sad that we're so used to Blizzard's shitty expansions that anything remotely interesting that requires effort becomes immediately assumed as unlikely.
    Its sad, but the reality. That time of wow is gone.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Revamped Quel'Thalas is the most credible part of the leak and seals the deal for me. It is the culmination of a long storyline of conflict and division started all the way back in Classic.

    Hostile Silvermoon makes sense, as the city will become a ravaged battleground between forces loyal to the Alliance, led by Alleria Windrunner, and the (few and scattered) forces left of the Horde.
    This guy... /palm.

  2. #562
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven View Post
    Not 6 max level zones, and yes if they add a new class with only a healer spec then they are forcing you to level as a healer if you want one.

    But you didnt answer me, why would players go through 6 max level zones ?.
    I'm speculating that it's going to be shared 4th specs for classes where it makes sense. Like take the Leather one for example: Minstrel. For Rogues and Monks. Doesn't make sense for DH or Druid, but then this "leak" interestingly also includes a skin for the DH and Druid. So it's like it was designed to make sure everyone gets something. That added depth makes me think this is more legitimate, if not it was well thought out by the poster.

  3. #563
    I haven't seen it mentioned, but BFA and SL are the first time we got musical instrument animations (lutes and harps in SL, flutes and accordion in BFA) that weren't ETC or the guitar animations from ages ago. SL also features a Minstrel NPC (specifically called Minstrel, not Bard) who is playing a lute in Maldraxxus.

    No idea where violins are.
    Last edited by Hypester; 2022-04-06 at 02:38 PM.

  4. #564
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    Let's see:

    - Elves... check
    - Glaives... check
    - Agility... check
    - High Jump... check
    - Imprison ability... check
    - Bind/Sigil of Chains... check
    - Forward Dash... check
    - Vengeance theme...check
    - Tightly related to Illidan, whole entire concept of the story is "Hunter is nothing without the hunt" where Illidan basically tells Maeiv she's basically the same as him....... check
    Form gameplay - pretty much nonexistent.

    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    They have a shadow orb they might be able to use, like they throw it forward or something. But yeah I agree there are some things that would be more challenging. However theres far more overlap than not.
    I wouldn't say so.
    The lore is miles away, so applying a class skin with no relation to the core class would be weird.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    This is similar to that Darkshore Demon Hunter quest line that was updated prior to Legion if I'm not mistaken.
    Did Demon Hunters become a class skin?

    Quote Originally Posted by Raven View Post
    Warden skin - why would Wardens use Arcane and Holy magic since they are more about arcane and diffrent traps.
    Why would Wardens use Holy when they literally use Shadowy abilities? That's what baffles me...

  5. #565
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Why would Wardens use Holy when they literally use Shadowy abilities? That's what baffles me...
    Holy would apply to the Belves. I can see them splitting the Nelf Wardens having arcane and the Belf "Wardens" (Spellbreakers?) using holy.

  6. #566
    Imagine if this was just a troll by a bored web developer.

  7. #567
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    I'm going to guess the only MMO you have ever played is World of Warcraft.
    No i have played plenty of them, and thing is, in GW2 is works becouse its always been part of game, but in Wow leveling each expansion has always been a really big part, so doubt they will just remove it.

  8. #568
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven View Post
    No i have played plenty of them, and thing is, in GW2 is works becouse its always been part of game, but in Wow leveling each expansion has always been a really big part, so doubt they will just remove it.
    Shadowlands is the first expansion where the leveling campaign is completely optional after you do it the first time. I think that sets some precedent that they are going to change/remove leveling.

  9. #569
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypester View Post
    Shadowlands is the first expansion where the leveling campaign is completely optional after you do it the first time. I think that sets some precedent that they are going to change/remove leveling.
    You still have to level up though.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  10. #570
    Quote Originally Posted by Hypester View Post
    Holy would apply to the Belves. I can see them splitting the Nelf Wardens having arcane and the Belf "Wardens" (Spellbreakers?) using holy.
    Spellbreakers use Arcane, not Holy.
    And Spellbreakers aren't Wardens.

  11. #571
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven View Post
    No i have played plenty of them, and thing is, in GW2 is works becouse its always been part of game, but in Wow leveling each expansion has always been a really big part, so doubt they will just remove it.
    Yeah I don't know. Don't think they should just keep something just because that's how it's always been. Holding back some of the updates to modernity is probably damaging the popularity of the game at this point. Really nice to just hop into a new GW2 or ESO expansion and everything is scaled / levels don't matter.

    Doesn't mean I think they should abandon the concept of bar filling though. They'll need to add either an account wide seasonal track like Destiny 2 (they have a near identical system in Hearthstone) or go with some kind of account wide evergreen end game paragon progression system like ESO Champ points.

    If you look at what people always seem to complain about it's alt catch ups. With stories, renown, leveling etc. Just leaving it at 60 and having either the account wide seasonal XP or an account wide Alternate Advancement / Champion Point system makes sense at this point.

    People will still need to climb the vertical ilevel ladder as they do in these newer games. So you pop into the new expansion, then you can jump right into dungeons, pvp or questing... whatever floats your boat, and that'll start helping you get your ilevel up.

  12. #572
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    I'm speculating that it's going to be shared 4th specs for classes where it makes sense. Like take the Leather one for example: Minstrel. For Rogues and Monks. Doesn't make sense for DH or Druid, but then this "leak" interestingly also includes a skin for the DH and Druid. So it's like it was designed to make sure everyone gets something. That added depth makes me think this is more legitimate, if not it was well thought out by the poster.
    4 specs seems ridiculous large amount. If they are not standalone classes they will be added as "extra" abilities/classless similar to covenants with extra abilities to each class. If Tanks get one of the healer "classes" they will get some healing abilities etc. etc. you get to pick the one you want which can mix-match with all classes to make interesting choices. I don't see them making separate specs out of these to classes that already have 3... Just not happening.

  13. #573
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven View Post
    No i have played plenty of them, and thing is, in GW2 is works becouse its always been part of game, but in Wow leveling each expansion has always been a really big part, so doubt they will just remove it.
    Has it really been a "big part," though? How integral is it to the experience? It's been present, sure, but important? How is it important? What does it accomplish that a campaign and borrowed power system not accomplish?

  14. #574
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    Yeah I don't know. Don't think they should just keep something just because that's how it's always been. Holding back some of the updates to modernity is probably damaging the popularity of the game at this point. Really nice to just hop into a new GW2 or ESO expansion and everything is scaled / levels don't matter.

    Doesn't mean I think they should abandon the concept of bar filling though. They'll need to add either an account wide seasonal track like Destiny 2 (they have a near identical system in Hearthstone) or go with some kind of account wide evergreen end game paragon progression system like ESO Champ points.

    If you look at what people always seem to complain about it's alt catch ups. With stories, renown, leveling etc. Just leaving it at 60 and having either the account wide seasonal XP or an account wide Alternate Advancement / Champion Point system makes sense at this point.

    People will still need to climb the vertical ilevel ladder as they do in these newer games. So you pop into the new expansion, then you can jump right into dungeons, pvp or questing... whatever floats your boat, and that'll start helping you get your ilevel up.
    I don't think having all the enemies scale to you 1:1 is even fun. The sense of power gets fucked because of that. I don't believe WoW should be doing that at all.

    Legion did it and it was extremely popular.
    No it didn't, there wasn't a 100 Full 1:1 ratio scaling like other mmos. There was no sense of you gaining stronger.
    Last edited by Aeluron Lightsong; 2022-04-06 at 03:46 PM. Reason: spelling
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  15. #575
    Honestly without new rows of talents leveling seems pointless if the same purpose can be accomplished by squashing the older content and having campaign story completion in the new areas.

  16. #576
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I don't think having all the enmies scale to you 1:1 is even fun. The sense of power gets fucked because of that. I don't believe WoW should be doing that at all.
    Legion did it and it was extremely popular.

  17. #577
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Revamped Quel'Thalas is the most credible part of the leak and seals the deal for me. It is the culmination of a long storyline of conflict and division started all the way back in Classic.

    Hostile Silvermoon makes sense, as the city will become a ravaged battleground between forces loyal to the Alliance, led by Alleria Windrunner, and the (few and scattered) forces left of the Horde.
    NOTHING OF THIS LEAK IS REAL, how often does we need to repeat it: this Post ist all about the TITLE, nothing more. He made an made up post and thought what would fit to dragons: Dragonflight, THAT'S ALL!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    Legion did it and it was extremely popular.
    Because it was new, that's all.

  18. #578
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    Legion did it and it was extremely popular.
    It was briefly until we saw how it affected gameplay. One of the worst changes to the game IMO.

    First off, Blizz either intentionally developed it so you get weaker as you level , or it’s a side effect of incompetence. Probably intentional, due to having to always play through end game to get any semblance of “power” back (I.e. more money/play time).

    One of the offshoots that goes under the radar is it eliminates an aspect of RPG elements. My opinion is that , at the core, what makes this game fun and memorable is more parts that are RPG-like. Maybe the reason why most people associate a “fun time” with rewarding power progression, more community involvement, professions being meaningful etc.

    7.3 was one of the best times in WoW (intentionally left out 7.3.5, the lousy scaling patch). It was how Blizz actually did “modern WoW” right, IMO.
    Last edited by BobJohn; 2022-04-06 at 03:41 PM.

  19. #579
    Quote Originally Posted by Velerios View Post
    NOTHING OF THIS LEAK IS REAL, how often does we need to repeat it: this Post ist all about the TITLE, nothing more. He made an made up post and thought what would fit to dragons: Dragonflight, THAT'S ALL!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Because it was new, that's all.
    People getting so butthurt over this leak makes me cross my fingers and hope that it ends up being real.

  20. #580
    Quote Originally Posted by Deventh View Post
    People getting so butthurt over this leak makes me cross my fingers and hope that it ends up being real.
    Still will not happen!

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