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  1. #161
    The Lightbringer
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    Lucky guess with the name really but that's it. Too much of that stuff is just pure wishlisting and always gets thrown in. Player housing and tinkers most notably.
    Paladin Bash has spoken.

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by Deventh View Post
    You guys new to game development? Delays happen all the time.
    and people pretending they know something happens even more often
    most liekly the guy just got the title right, and thats it, i think the one spec classes with only healer/tank spec is dead giveaway, thats VERY unlikely

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by cityguy193 View Post
    Sure, but guessing the name is big, however you want to spin it. It gives more plausibility to this leak over the other ones. Could be bullshit sure, but people said the same about the legion leak that turned out to be 110% true that you could swear it was just a dev messing with the wow community.
    they also said it about Shadowlands leak that had NOTHING but the name right...

  3. #163
    Theory time: Taking this at face value as a "leak."

    What if there's no new level cap because they're taking the FFXIV route and opening up the option for you to level every class on the same character? Go talk to somebody, do a small quest, and now you can start leveling as a 1st level mage. A little later, you want to be a tinker, or a warrior. You already have end game progression, now this lets you do it all over again, like new game +. Also, it means you get to build up your player house + transmog of all the things you want.

    The single specs are there for that reason. Whereas the older way of doing classes was to bunch them into packets, they'll be broken out now into their spec names (renamed, of course) so blood knight, frost knight, death knight; guardian, outlaw, assassin, ninja, blade master, knight, soldier, etc. Or even just keep the old classes unchanged but you unlock their "packet" in the same way you do the single spec. Want to tank? level up as a warrior.

    Crazy, but not an impossibility

  4. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    The whole "fake leak planted" shit is posited every 2 years.

    People did it with Mists. Joke trademark!
    I will say that this one in particular was very funny to see people yell about, because the poorly-translated trademarks people dug up from China named it "Panda Man of Mystery."
    confirmed by my uncle nitnendo and masahiro samurai

  5. #165
    Quote Originally Posted by Edlarel View Post
    Theory time: Taking this at face value as a "leak."

    What if there's no new level cap because they're taking the FFXIV route and opening up the option for you to level every class on the same character? Go talk to somebody, do a small quest, and now you can start leveling as a 1st level mage. A little later, you want to be a tinker, or a warrior. You already have end game progression, now this lets you do it all over again, like new game +. Also, it means you get to build up your player house + transmog of all the things you want.

    The single specs are there for that reason. Whereas the older way of doing classes was to bunch them into packets, they'll be broken out now into their spec names (renamed, of course) so blood knight, frost knight, death knight; guardian, outlaw, assassin, ninja, blade master, knight, soldier, etc. Or even just keep the old classes unchanged but you unlock their "packet" in the same way you do the single spec. Want to tank? level up as a warrior.

    Crazy, but not an impossibility
    It's honestly the only way that microclasses make any sense, if they start leveled or are playable by any character like this. But if this was the case and OP is real they for sure would've known and included that, that's a huge game changing feature and expansion seller ect that would be impossible to miss.

    Plus people would be upset about all the alts they spent time leveling. It's a much better system, WoW can't easily go to it after so long though.

    If microclasses is real it sounds like an awful leveling experience that's for sure.

  6. #166
    Quote Originally Posted by Bwgmon View Post
    I will say that this one in particular was very funny to see people yell about, because the poorly-translated trademarks people dug up from China named it "Panda Man of Mystery."
    I want a 70s style spy thriller starring a panda-man now. Not even a Pandaren. A culturally-divorced panda walking around in a suit with nobody acting like there's anything wrong.

  7. #167
    Quote Originally Posted by Nehem View Post
    what is a point of "squish stats" and not adding levels or delevel your characters to 50 and keeping max lvl at 60? people don't like if they lose something and since cata with every expansion we lose something don't you think its a time to stop it ? or at last for me to stop it (playing this game)...
    It would make it even more alt friendly and remove the need for additional talents or ability boni we had in the past.

    From a progression standpoint they could do a campaign you have to finish to unlock heroic and mythic dungeons and let leveling and normal dungeon rewards scale up to 278 or something so for most people quest/dungeon rewards are still upgrades. For alts though they could make a skip like in shadowlands so you can get carried through heroic or mythic dungeons immediately and be ready for raiding or other endgame activities much faster.

    The thing I liked in legion was how fast you could level you alts so I could play whatever class I wanted. It took them some patches to give us more ap so we can also switch specs more easily but in legion I played a lot more classes than in any other expansion before or after which also allowed me to try out other specs like a tank or a healer that I rarely or never played before.

  8. #168
    Quote Originally Posted by StillMcfuu View Post
    New specs make sense to me, what I mean by 1 spec classes is they don't really need to do that, they can just add a spec and it won't become a bloated mess of the character creator screen.
    Dragonknight can be a warrior spec.
    Tinker can be a hunter spec.
    Chrononancer can be mage.
    And well Ministrel doesn't make any sense but i suppose it could be a priest spec.
    And adding specs makes more sense then adding classes that will require full balancing. The specs would share skills out of the rest of class and those will be balanced class wide. Adding micro classes is the same as adding full classes, it would be more like adding 4 classes, because of their own unique skills and new talent trees.
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    I might be reading too much into it but found it weird with the 1 spec/class skin breakdowns. Check this post here:

    I think the 1 spec classes may be shared 4th specs and the ones where it doesnt make sense, they get the class skin option.

    There are still issues with that when dealing with lore, races availability, and overall customization control.

    Like if Tinker is Hunter spec, then were totally open to having Tauren and Hightmountain Tinkers? Dragon Knight is Warrior spec, so it's totally open to Gnomes? I'm not sure if Blizzard is gonna plan for any of these microclasses to be race specific, but keeping it limited would help with any potential customization. Like the Tinker is gonna have mechs, they could more easily plan on the size and look of the mechs if they tailor it to specific races rather than just make a generic mech that even Highmountain would be using just because it happens to be a Hunter spec.

  9. #169
    Name tick
    Art tick
    Leak x

    Plus the idea of a single spec tank or healer class seems like a nightmare to play in open world content

  10. #170
    Old God Kathranis's Avatar
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    A broken clock is right twice a day. Pretty sure this is just a coincidence, since the contents of the leak don't sound remotely believable.

  11. #171
    Quote Originally Posted by Edlarel View Post
    Theory time: Taking this at face value as a "leak."

    What if there's no new level cap because they're taking the FFXIV route and opening up the option for you to level every class on the same character? Go talk to somebody, do a small quest, and now you can start leveling as a 1st level mage. A little later, you want to be a tinker, or a warrior. You already have end game progression, now this lets you do it all over again, like new game +. Also, it means you get to build up your player house + transmog of all the things you want.

    The single specs are there for that reason. Whereas the older way of doing classes was to bunch them into packets, they'll be broken out now into their spec names (renamed, of course) so blood knight, frost knight, death knight; guardian, outlaw, assassin, ninja, blade master, knight, soldier, etc. Or even just keep the old classes unchanged but you unlock their "packet" in the same way you do the single spec. Want to tank? level up as a warrior.

    Crazy, but not an impossibility
    Seems quite impossible, really. You're gonna have everyone rolling for every piece of gear. And WoW is very gear-centric.

  12. #172
    tHiS iS tOtaLlY iT guYZ !1!!

    Just like the 20 odd leaks that guessed Shadowlands obvious naming too?
    sneed etc

  13. #173
    Quote Originally Posted by choom View Post

    I don't buy it.

    Even without searching for the image of Alexstrasza in the internet, I am 99.9% sure this is fake. Blizzard tends to match the color of the expansion logos to the main artwork of the expansion. And if that is supposed to be the art for the box, then having that deep, dark green as the logo makes no sense when the dominant colors of that art piece are red and yellow, without a single bit of green in there.

  14. #174
    If this leak turns out to be fake, ban the leaker.

  15. #175
    Class with only one spec seems so lame. Just for the name it's the most likely to be real now but hell, I hope those solo classes will just work like profession. Instead of creating one char of that class, you'll be able to pick one as a job. Because if you can't, yikes, playing those "micro classes" will suck a lot.

    I'm fine with the rest of the leak tho even if it seems like there's way too much stuff to be added in a single expac.

    EDIT : There's no way this thing is real. They've just added back class set, it's not to have to work on 4 sets just for 1 spec. It's already a nightmare for them to add a single spec. Plus imagine the tank only class in PvP.
    Last edited by Holdodlig; 2022-04-03 at 06:54 AM.

  16. #176
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Leak: Aboslutely fake.

    They won't do 1 spec classes in a game without an Armory System (for those who don't play it, that's FF14's class swapping system)
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  17. #177
    Quote Originally Posted by Edlarel View Post
    Theory time: Taking this at face value as a "leak."

    What if there's no new level cap because they're taking the FFXIV route and opening up the option for you to level every class on the same character? Go talk to somebody, do a small quest, and now you can start leveling as a 1st level mage. A little later, you want to be a tinker, or a warrior. You already have end game progression, now this lets you do it all over again, like new game +. Also, it means you get to build up your player house + transmog of all the things you want.

    The single specs are there for that reason. Whereas the older way of doing classes was to bunch them into packets, they'll be broken out now into their spec names (renamed, of course) so blood knight, frost knight, death knight; guardian, outlaw, assassin, ninja, blade master, knight, soldier, etc. Or even just keep the old classes unchanged but you unlock their "packet" in the same way you do the single spec. Want to tank? level up as a warrior.

    Crazy, but not an impossibility
    This is what I was thinking as well; I really hope it’s the case. Solves a lot of problems for me.

    The main issue I see is race restrictions for classes, I’m not sure how they’d get around that.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Seems quite impossible, really. You're gonna have everyone rolling for every piece of gear. And WoW is very gear-centric.
    But loot just appears in your bag 99% of the time anyway?
    Last edited by DechCJC; 2022-04-03 at 07:33 AM.

  18. #178
    Quote Originally Posted by Zypherz View Post
    This is what I was thinking as well; I really hope it’s the case. Solves a lot of problems for me.

    - - - Updated - - -

    But loot just appears in your bag 99% of the time anyway?
    This would be so so so great, in my opinion. more power to anyone who prefers alts but I would very very much like to stick to one master-key of a character and stop grinding the same reputation over and over and over just bc I want to wear Night Fae cosmetics on multiple classes x.x

    - - - Updated - - -

    Maybe everyone would want to roll on everything if a single character can play all of the classes, but like on ffxiv - need before greed.
    Everyone can roll greed on the healing chest but only the current/active healer can roll need.

  19. #179
    For me, if this leak is correct, I will just pass next xpack and probably leave WoW for good. Everything about this leak points to cost reduction and profit maximization. The mentality that has plagued WoW and made it what it is today, a bad game.

  20. #180
    I don't think micro classes is such a crazy idea... though I don't really think the choices in the leak are correct.
    Adding some unknown "classes" like Minstrel And Cronomancer (calm your tits, not saying it doesn't exist or doesn't work) while using bigger known archetypes as skins.

    If something I think Minstrel and Cronomancer would be class skins.

    Though, I think this leak mostly just got the name correct. Will probably be some more info in this leak that will turn out to be true, or true by interpretation, as well.
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