To me the Alliance need more interesting races. Someone in a post said it correctly, they are all just different variations of humans basically.
-Worgens are cool, but Transmog looks wonky on them, and some of their animations kill me.
-Bigger humans (kul'Tiran) once again, I'm not a huge fan of transmog on them and to me (some like it) they are just too massive without being able to make them more muscular?
-Gnomes are smaller humans
-Dwarfs are just medium thick humans
-Draenie, well I do like the female model, but something about the male model that is just strange to me, kind of like male NE.
I personally love playing ally, but all my friends hate it. they want to play a game and escape and playing human races, to them, just doesn't cut it I guess.
Why no, people don't just like Sylvie for T&A:
Why no, people don't just like Sylvie for T&A:
If anything, the only bootlicker in the Alliance side is High King Gary Stu, and even that is arguable. The rest of the Alliance cast aren't bootlickers, but rather suffer from plot-induced amnesia - which is also #@$&ty, don't get me wrong, but still different from bootlicking.
Besides, if the rumours are true, Our Treasure will be taking a sort of sabbatical year in the SL during 10.0, so the Alliance will finally be free from that burden, if only temporarily. I only wish we Hordies could say the same about Baine the human footstool and Thrall Sue.
- - - Updated - - -
Really? I didn't know that Sylv had remained Warchief two expacs after Teldrassil. Man, those psychic powers of yours...
I just want more faction war that's like Silverpine, except that Alliance get to quest through it as well. Silverpine, and to a lesser extent the Southern Barrens, is the gold standard for faction war stories.
True, at the moment, the Horde bootlicking is concentrated in Dipshit II, but that mantle can and has been worn by others. Jaina infamously held the role for a while (along with the bizarre screwup of making her Alliance) and no doubt you recall the jokes that she was riding Thrall, leading to being the Horde's PR director. It doesn't matter who holds the role though, it WILL be there. The message to the Alliance for more than twenty years is "If you fight back, you're as bad as them" or perhaps and more damningly "Victims shouldn't seek justice."
Why no, people don't just like Sylvie for T&A:
I have always thought that the Arrakoas would have fit well in the Alliance, and could have become an additionnal stronghold for the Alliance in Kalimdor with them settling in the Stonetalon Mountains or Feralas.
I thought the developers said there wasn't going to be anymore faction war given how poorly the last one was received. And now with cross-faction play is coming.
Cross-faction is the only way to salvage the alliance playerbase, unless blizz did something drastic like gutting every horde racial so alliance racials were clearly superior. Even then, they'd have to hold that position for years to undo the damage that's been caused so far.
Last edited by OwenBurton; 2022-04-05 at 04:38 AM.
"The beauty of America was that it insisted that there are whole realms of human life located outside the province of politics, like friendships, art, music, family and love. And those are the most important parts of life. And anyone that says otherwise is forgetting what it means to be American and really a human being. Being a founder means resisting nihilism. [It]...doesn’t mean killing what you hate, it means saving what you love."